When The Night Calls
 by Romyra ([email protected])

A Gundam Wing crossover with Anita Blake Vampire Hunter.

Part Fifteen

**It can't be……., I saw her die, I watched her blood flow without ceasing into the ground, I thought she was dead.**

" Greetingsssss, Hussssband mine I ssssseee that you didn't expect me to be the caller."

Lust forgotten, Wufei could only stand there in amazement as his first and only wife moved towards him. It couldn't be, she wouldn't have done those murders, she had been a gentle soul, there had to be some mistake.

" What you don't believe I did the killingsssss? I did, and do you want to know why?, hmmm hussssband mine?"

Finding his voice, Wufei called out his own question.

" I saw you die, Why didn't you try to find me? I have lived with the guilt of your death for centuries and you have been alive all this time?"

" Sssssimple dear, I wanted revenge. You left me there on the ground while you cried your pretty eyessss out over Draakel. You never wanted me, you only wanted the child that I could give you."

" That's a lie, I loved you both with ever fiber of my being. I was devastated at the loss of both of you."

" Liar, I ssssaw you, you left and never returned. The only way I could finally bring you out wassss to invoke the calling ritual. But it'sss a modified ritual, it issssn't dessssigned to bring on the mating lussst. That'ss only what it appearss to be, the real ussse issss to trap you in a circle of paralyssisss ssso that you can be forced to watch your friendsss being killed by me. I will enjoy it, I will enjoy sssseeing your pain and your ssssuffering.

Wufei knew that she wasn't lying, he could feel the bonds of the spell she has conjured. The ritual had been changed, that was supposedly impossible and yet here he was at the mercy of an enraged dragon whom he had thought dead and gone for centuries. She looked insane, there were fiery lights in her eyes, eyes that had gone red in their intensity. He looked at her and he was afraid, this was a killer, there was nothing of the Nataku he had known, this creature wanted blood. He knew that the others were after him, they would all think that he was in the throes of lust, they wouldn't know that it was a trap until it was too late.

Desperation surged through him, no…... this could not happen, no-one else should die because of him, he wouldn't allow it. By the power of his will alone Wufei fought the spell that bound him and used all of his strength to roar out a warning on both levels. If Duo and Heero didn't hear him then Quatre and Trowa would feel him and they would be warned. Drained, he could do nothing more and he collapsed in the circle, Nataku's mocking laughter ringing in his ears.

" Do you really think that will sssave them? Sssave you? Husssband mine you are so foolisssh. You will all die and I will rule thisss pathetic race, no-one can ssstop me, I am eternal."

Her deranged laughter struck Wufei to the core, he prayed to all the Gods above that his friends could stop her. She could not be allowed to gain any sort of power, if it took his own life to prevent it he would gladly give it up, the deaths would stop no matter the cost.

The warning was heard by Heero and Duo, immediately Duo gave their location to Anita, every move was important now. They had only one chance to save Wufei without anyone other than the caller dying. Quatre and Trowa were on their way and they all prayed that they would be on time. Anita relayed the location through the marks and waited until she felt the confirmation that Richard, Jean-Claude and the others were on their way before she turned her attention back to the road, they were close now and nothing could be allowed to happen. Quatre stiffened next to Trowa and said in horrified disbelief," It's Nataku, she is the caller, Trowa we must hurry, this is not good at all."

Trowa nodded once and accelerated, this threw a new light on things. The appearance of Wufei's once thought dead wife shook his composure and he became afraid.

Heero burst through the clearing and was met by a sight that shocked him to his very core. Wufei lay in a circle of blood, his body a tattered mass of shredded skin, his assailant looked up and smiled with bloody teeth that horrified Heero. Duo looked at the sight once in horror before his face locked into a mask of pain and intense anger. Heero watched in shock as the creature dropped Wufei's body and turned so that he could finally see its face. All thoughts fled as he saw the face presented," No……it can't be…Wufei showed me her death. That cannot be……Nataku?"

Nataku looked up, everything was going as she had planned, finding Wufei after so long felt so good. Finally she would have her revenge, she had waited so long for this day. He had to suffer, she would make sure he saw his friends die before she killed him. It was a pity that she couldn't have found Draakel, that would have made her revenge complete. To convince Wufei that his long lost love had returned and then had died again because of him would have been so divine. That sort of anguish really gave her pleasure, oh well she would just have to make do with his friends. She brushed a hand across her lips, she had wanted to taste Wufei once more before she killed him and she had gotten carried away but no matter, he only looked dead, he still had a few moments before she did away with him. She turned her attention to the person in front of her.

Heero's anger grew as he watched the condition of Wufei's body, he had done nothing to deserve this and this creature would pay dearly for what she had done. He let his control slip and sought his other form, he would do away with this creature quickly. Nataku watched in disbelief as a True born appeared in front of her, there had been no warning. The person had appeared human and now he was changing right before her.

Heero bowed as his spine lengthened and split to reform and shape his new body. Clear fluid spilled out of his skin as it stretched and changed colour. Fur spread across his skin as he grew to a height of 7 feet, his bones lengthening and his body shifting to accommodate his new mass. His mouth opened in a silent scream and fangs sprouted from both his upper and lower jaws. His eyes opened and closed and opened again to reveal glowing orbs of power. His hands clenched as talons grew out of them and then the transformation was complete, where there had been a young human man there now stood a True born, a powerful adversary. Nataku smiled, at last a real challenge.

Duo moved to the side of Heero as he watched the transformation, no matter how many times he saw it, it still amazed him and frightened him to see the power that his beloved possessed. He sent out a call to Anita and was relived to learn that she was only a few minutes behind them. He turned his attention to the sight before him. Nataku smiled as she took in the sight, a True born after all this time. She held up a hand and as he watched in puzzlement she made her move. Unlike Wufei she only wore her human form to move about, she had her dragon form with her at all times. This time was no different, she leaped up into the air and let the transformation take over.

Wings sprouted from her back as her spine cracked and began to grow. Her torso shifted and flowed outwards as her body lengthened, her arms and legs became strong stumps of power as the weak human limbs grew and formed into thick arms with long talons at the fingertips. Her legs grew outwards and bent inwards to shift her weight, claws grew and clicked dangerously. Her tail sprouted from the end of her spine and lengthened to help her flight. Her wings grew up and out and ended with talons at the end of them, her body shifted and finally turned a scaly shimmering green. Her jaw grew out and opening her mouth, sharp teeth and upper and lower fangs could be seen forming. She was huge and Duo watched in fear as she dove towards Heero.

A warning shriek tore threw the air as Heero dove out of the way, and came up behind her, using the backlash of air he jumped up and landed on her back and began to tear into her scaled skin. She roared her defiance and shook her body from side to side to dislodge Heero. He held on as she began to twist around in the air. Keeping his claws in her hide, he began to bite her neck in the hope that he could sever an artery and incapacitate her. Blood streamed from her sides and back as Heero ruthlessly tore into her trying to kill her. With an unearthly shriek she rolled over in the air once more and raced towards the trees, a last minute tactic to save herself. The trees caught in Heero's fur and dragged him from her back, as he landed with a heavy thump Duo ran to his side. Duo was afraid, Heero bled from all manner of wounds where her talons had caught in his fur and he had to force himself not to ask Heero to stop fighting. He watched as Heero shook himself and turned to face him.

" She's verrry powerrrful but weak, we can kill herrrr." Heero's words were growled as he fought to keep a rein on his emotions. He was very sensitive to the emotions around him and Duo's fear and helpless anger did nothing but enrage him further. With a nod to Duo, Heero went after Nataku again.

Anita burst into the clearing followed by Jason, they took in the sights before them, a bloody and battered Wufei lay in a circle, A very large lycanthrope and a Dragon fought in midair and Duo stood to the side watching with fear etched on his face. Anita shook her head, she knew this scene all to well. She just hoped that things would be alright. Jason looked on in horror, his beloved was still alive but there was no way that he could reach him. Another dragon was a shock to him, but it wasn't as big as a shock to see that the dragon was Nataku and he looked over to Anita to see her reaction. She looked stunned but not overly surprised. He turned his attention to the fight before him, Heero looked as though he was gaining the upper hand until a well placed blow knocked him off of his feet. Nataku's head smashed into him and he went sailing into a tree that knocked him unconscious. Duo gasped and ran over to him while Nataku looked on triumphant.

" You can't hope to defeat me, I have bessted your champion and now you will all die."

Anita had no ideas, this was taking a turn for the worse and she really didn't want anyone of her new family to die. She ran to the circle that bound Wufei, it was a circle to keep him in and to keep anyone else from entering. She didn't know what to do, she couldn't break the circle. Jason watched as Anita came to realize that she could do nothing, and made his decision. Silently apologizing to Wufei for doing this, he ran towards Nataku. Changing as he ran he quickly used the advantage of surprise to attack her. He raced up her body and latched onto her neck, where a wound had already been made by Heero. Nataku roared in pain and tried to attack this new foe. Wufei's friends were all supposed to be humans, this was not how she had planned this. Everything was turning out wrong, she roared in pain and sought to gain an advantage over this new challenge.

Quatre, Trowa, Richard, Jean-Claude and all those she had requested as backup burst through the trees into the clearing and stopped, all were struck speechless at the sight before them. An extremely large Lycanthrope lay against a tree while a beautiful and worried young man took care of him. A young man lay in a circle all bloodied and battered while Anita stood just outside, a helpless look on her face. A Dragon and a Lycanthrope that appeared to be Jason fought in mid-air and both seemed to be losing. Richard was struck dumb by all this, but the sight of Anita looking helpless really threw him for a loop. He was accustomed to an enraged Anita, a scared Anita, a confused Anita but he had never seen a helpless Anita before tonight. He went to her side and stood there as she looked down into the circle.

" I can't break it, I've tried everything but it won't open."

" Its all right we'll figure something out, we always do."

Looking up into Richard's eyes, Anita smiled and nodded, she felt better but she was still worried.

Quatre and Trowa raced over to Duo, Trowa took Heero into his arms and held on as Heero tried to reverse the change. A few moments later and an exhausted Heero slumped forward into Duo's arms. Duo thanked Trowa gratefully as Quatre went to work on Heero's body. This really was turning out to be a bad night.

Wufei swam up out of the darkness and opened his eyes. He blinked to clear his vision, and the first thing he saw was Jason attacking Nataku, he would recognize his beloved's power signature anywhere. He watched in horror as Nataku drew blood from Jason and he did the same to her. He knew something bad was going to happen and within moments it did. Jason was thrown off balance and Nataku plunged talons into him and ripped him open. Wufei screamed in disbelief as Jason's body plunged to the ground and landed with a sickening crack. That sight gave him the power to break the spell that held him, as Anita and Richard watched in stunned shock, Wufei got up and raced towards Nataku.

Wings sprouted from his back and his arms formed into talons as he sought to bring about her destruction. As soon as he was in reach of her he attacked, the rest of the change followed as Wufei tried desperately to kill the creature that had taken his beloved from him. His talons found their way through her hide and with a wet crack, they plunged into her neck which Wufei ripped out. He listened in satisfaction as he heard he gasp of disbelief right before she died. He let go and jumped away from her body as it fell to the ground and then he silently landed.

All was quiet as the new Dragon moved toward the fallen body of Jason<3>. He was beautiful, his body was a rich iridescent blue that shimmered in the moonlight. Blood glistened on huge talons and a large tail swept across the clearing behind him. Wings of the deepest blue were now folded into his sides and his large head was bowed with grief. His eyes were of midnight black and shone with unshed tears. His horns were of the palest white and his bared teeth and fangs shone out of a red mouth that was opened in pain.

As he moved towards Jason, pain filled Wufei's heart and curling himself around his beloved's body he opened his mouth and roared his grief to the moon. All present shivered in response as the extent of the Dragon's pain reached them and pierced them to their very core. All was quiet, the dead silence broken only by the sounds of approaching police vehicles and yet no-one moved.

The silence was then broken by a shout from Duo, all eyes turned towards him as he raced to Anita's side. With a surprised expression on her face as he whispered to her, all watched as they both moved towards the body and the Dragon before them. All assembled watched in disbelief as the young man reached up to stroke the Dragon's brow in a reassuring motion as Anita settled down next to Jason's body. The two people then bent down and seemed to begin a ritual, a ritual that all hoped would make things alright.

Jean-Claude looked on in surprise as he saw the people that Anita had spent most of her time with. A very different and a very powerful Lycanthrope had just changed into the young man called Heero that he had met a day ago. A Dragon had just been killed while another Dragon lay in mourning over the body of Jason. Anita and Duo had just gone over to this new Dragon with no fear whatsoever and were attempting some sort of ritual. These events all seemed to hold great promise for him and looking on he began to formulate ways to get them all involved with him.

Duo hoped this would work, while everyone had reacted in stunned disbelief at Jason's death, he had remembered the incident with the little girl and shouting over to Anita he went to her side and suggested that they see what they could do for him and Wufei. Wufei for his part was still in shock over the second loss of his life mate and he could do nothing as Duo reached up to comfort him. Anita sat down and extended her senses over Jason's body, amazingly enough he was still there, fighting to hold on. It was as though he knew that they were going to try and help him. Duo sat on the other-side of Jason and took some of his blood and smeared it over his hands and lay them on the chest of Jason.

Anita had said that Jason was still there, weakening by the minute but holding on. With a prayer to all the powers that be, Duo focused his power on Jason and began to call him back. At first it seemed as though it was not working but them Jason gasped and opened his eyes. Looking up he smiled and said weakly," hey what took you guys so long?"

The twins laughed joyfully even as they began to cry in relief. Reaching down to Jason they hauled him up and into their arms. Looking up, Jason smiled into the shocked face of Wufei. " Hello beloved, we seem to be falling into each other's arms quite a lot. We really need to stop doing this."

The only answer he got was a very wet slurp as Wufei ran his tongue across Jason's now very alive body. Wufei roared his joy to the moon even as he began to shrink into his human shape, stunning all those around him again.

The two lovers latched onto one another as Heero, Trowa and Quatre made their way over to them. They all touched Jason and Wufei, simple touch communicating what words could not. As the police pulled up, the other lycanthropes and vampires faded into the night, and Anita took out her badge. It was the end of another nightmare, the night had called and they had answered, a new threat had been defeated and their home was safe once more. It was all they could ask for, for now.


All Lycanthropes change back to their human form at the moment of their death or when they have exhausted themselves to the point of unconsciousness. In the books, Lycanthropes are able to heal life-threatening wounds, even those as severe as a ripped off limb etc. Anita as Lupa and Richard as Ulfric would have been able to save Jason had they both reached him in time but Anita by herself could not do it without releasing the munin. That was another problem they didn't need so Duo had to do it. For the purpose of this fic, Jason's wounds were too serious to be healed and so he died but held on long enough to be recalled by Duo.


Everything had turned out all right in the end, although everyone from Vampires to Lycanthropes were insatiably curious as to what the hell was a Dragon doing in West Key. They were supposed to be extinct, that little tidbit had been blown all to hell and now everyone wanted a chance to talk to Wufei and find out what had really happened to the rest of his clan. It got so bad that Heero took matters into his own hands or rather his own talons.

He called all the curious and changed in front of them, he then proved that he was indeed stronger and more powerful that all the Ulfrics, ( read alpha werewolves) combined. He then politely asked all those assembled to leave Wufei alone, so that he could enjoy life with his life-mate. Oh yeah and Jason and Wufei had this big formal ceremony and proclaimed their everlasting love to the world, as they pledged themselves to one another again. Anyway Heero scared the crap out of all those who came to the assembly, and they all promised on pain of death to leave Wufei alone. That done he changed back and thanked them all for coming and asked them not to be strangers to his family. He then left, needless to say the preternatural community had gossip for weeks.

Duo and Heero have been helping me with the marks, I am now more powerful than Jean-Claude and Richard a fact that brings me no end of pleasure. Thanks to my brother and his lover I can now enjoy sex without falling down into an abyss. However I haven't tried anything as yet, I wouldn't want the boys to get trigger-happy. Quatre and Trowa are still around, they adopted a little boy and a little girl who both had been orphaned at birth. Quatre says he sees something happening that involves the two of them and he wants to be there when it happens. As it turns out they were True born twins and that amazed the hell out of Heero who thought that he was the last True born. Duo is overjoyed at being a God-father and the two of them spoil the twins rotten.

Wufei and Jason are inseparable and they follow each other no matter where the other is going. Jean-Claude was annoyed that none of the members of my new family would volunteer to be under his wing. The fact that my brother is a Ressurector really surprised him and I really thought that he would have gotten the hint especially when Trowa showed him his wings and told him to bugger off and leave Quatre the hell alone. The look of amazement on the faces of everyone nearly killed me. You could see that they were dying to ask questions but one look from Heero and they abandoned that idea.

Well onto the crime scene, Nataku changed into her human form when she died and I was able to convince Dolph that there was no other involvement on the part of my brother and his friends. They just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He watched me suspiciously for a long moment before giving up and leaving. Duo has special permission to work with me whenever I think that I need him. Which is most of the time, Richard still gets jealous whenever I go out with Duo, but I don't really care he needs to stop being a stick in the mud.

Dancing and clubbing with Duo has been a trip and Jean-Claude is amused to no end, especially when Duo insists on dancing with him. He of course always gives in, Duo can be very persuasive when he wants something. He also likes it when Heero gets jealous, apparently the sex is great when Heero feels that he has to mark Duo as his. I have been woken up at all hours of the night as they go at it and Duo graciously allows me to live vicariously through him.

Life has never been as strange as this and I must say that I enjoy everything that comes my way. Nathaniel has been taken under Trowa's wing so to speak. The gentleman in question had been Trowa from the start, he just didn't know how to tell me but with Trowa being a part of my family now I was fine with it. He is doing better, the best that he has ever done and I have Quatre to thank for that. He took one look at Nathaniel and smiled that soft smile of his and began to share him with Trowa. I think that they have all never been happier.

So there you have it another chapter in this world and in this life that is mine. Just so you know Heero and Duo have been playing havoc with my senses I do believe that I will start to make-up with Jean-Claude and/or Richard or maybe with the two of them, who knows? Having a brother like Duo has changed me and I like it, I do, I really do. As far as I am concerned the next few years will be the best ever and as Duo said we have all the time in the world.

The End…

Final notes:

They have all the time in the world because they are all bound to creatures who are immortal at least in the sense of being able to live forever. Even though they can be killed, long life is a definite factor. Besides, the fact that everyone is so powerful really helps in the avoidance of unwanted wars and this always furthers a life span.

Well there you have it, my epic and my first fic. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Thanks for all the feedback. 

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