Don't Look Back In Anger    by Lena Ban Obsidian    
        Rating: PG    Genre: Angst    Length: 1 chapter    Progress: Complete
Killed off in a duel with Treize, Wufei lingers around in the world, unable to accept his untimely death. And neither can the others, for they start to deal with their grief in dangerous, suicidal ways...If only there was a way to turn back time and undo everything...Could there be?
Don't Stand So Close To Me    by Lena Ban Obsidian    
        Rating: GP    Genre: Sap    Length: 1 chapter    Progress: Complete
Discovering a special kind of love for Quatre's younger sister, Wufei finds it difficult to concentrate while teaching his class. But their relationship seems so wrong, and yet, so right. Should he pursue this love, or reject the temptation?
The Best-Kept Secrets    by Ryoko Saotome    
        Rating: PG    Genre: Sap    Length: 1 chapter    Progress: Complete
Now this fic is strange. Yes, it may be technically non-yaoi, but the pairing is very strange...The Gundam boys suddenly discover that Duo Maxwell is keeping a secret from them, and Wufei, upon learning of it, slowly develops a new-found interest in his friend.

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