 by Jessi Maxwell and Ryoko Saotome ([email protected])
Jessi - Well, the boys are bored, so they decide to play a nice little game of Scrabble....
R'oko - "Scrabble" ::collapses in a fit of laughter::
Jessi - *giggles* Shh... they'll understand later... it's a game Duo can't POSSIBLY screw up... or is it?

Duo - I wanna do the warnings!
Wufei - No fair! You did 'em last fic!
R'oko - I'LL do them! *ahem* This is PWP, maybe a bit TWT, and definite lemon.
Duo - That means more sex!!
Wufei: -_-'>o~ Baka....


Heero scowled. "No, Duo." 

"Aw, why not?! You've heard of strip poker, right?!" 

"Strip Scrabble? I don't think so."

Duo sighed in exasperation and dropped down into the chair next to Wufei. "You're no fun," he grumbled. Wufei barely hid a smile. Duo was so cute when he pouted...

Duo scowled at the letters on his tray. "GLRABRT" He sighed. Intellectual games were SO much more fun when there was something more interesting stuck in there... like stripping. He poked around with the letters, trying to make some sense of them.

A quick glance at his fellow pilots revealed that they were also struggling to come up with a word or two. Heero sported a blank expression; Trowa merely stared at the letters he'd been dealt; and Wufei appeared to be inventing new words on his tray. Quatre had been chosen to be the mediator. Duo grinned as he finally managed to make a word.

It was a little hentai grin, but it *was* a grin.

Duo smiled, and, with a grand flourish, placed down the word 'grab'. He smiled sweetly at Wufei and then the rest of the pilots, then picked 4 more letters. Quatre looked at the word on the board and blushed slightly, his mind in the gutter. "Uh... nice word, Du-chan..."

"Thank you! I'm good! Your turn, Wu-man!"

"Don't call me that, Maxwell," Wufei grumbled, looking at his own tray.

Wufei thought for a moment, then picked up five letters and added his word, 'gundam', to the board. He poked his tongue out at Duo, then picked up 5 more tiles.

Heero stared blankly at his tiles, then put the 'h' above the 'n'.

Quatre sweatdropped. "Heero, 'hn' isn't a word!"

Heero blinked at him, blank expression still in place. "It's not?"

Trowa smiled slightly and dropped a few of his own tiles on the board, making the word 'bored'.

Duo snickered. "Glad I'm not the only one who's bored here!"

"Maxwell no baka," Wufei snorted.

Duo looked at his letters, then at the board, and giggled. He placed the word "hentai" on the board and giggled again.

Quatre sweatdropped again. "Anou, Duo, maybe you shouldn't..."

He stopped short when Wufei quickly added his next word to the board: 'tongue'. Heero and Trowa both blinked as the Chinese youth sat back and glared at his new letters.

Heero looked at his letters, as if glaring would help make a word. He finally settled building off of Wufei's 'u' and came up with "duobaka".

Quatre blinked. "I don't think that's a word, either, Hee-chan..."

Trowa dropped an 's' on the board, changing 'tongue' to 'tongues' and shrugged at Quatre. Whatever works....

Duo smiled at the board and added an 'ex', forming the word 'sex'. He grinned happily, beginning to enjoy this game. He laughed out loud at the look on Quatre's face. Devious thoughts were beginning to form in his head.

Wufei appeared to be unfazed by Duo's behavior. He glanced over his letters; frowned; then a small smile came to his face. He quickly set down four letters to build off Heero's 'k' to form the word 'kinky'.

Quatre looked like he was going to pass out any second.

Duo laughed at that, finding it incredibly amusing. "Oh, NICE word, Wu-man!" he said cheerily. He stared at his letters, then at the board, and formed 'nude' from a previous 'n'. He grinned like the braided maniac he was and sat back. His grin took on a slightly devious air, and he slid his hands under the table, resting one on Wu's knee, staring straight ahead and acting like nothing at all was happening.

Heero glared up at Duo. "You took my turn."

Duo blinked innocently, squeezing Wufei's knee under the table. "I did?" he said vacantly.

Trowa looked at Duo too, narrowing his visible eye slightly. What had distracted the braided lunatic? "You skipped me too, Duo-chan," he said calmly. Duo shrugged. 

"Gomen... hehehe...." Duo flashed them a victory sign and went back to smiling innocently, beginning to finger-walk his way up Wufei's leg.

Wufei glanced across the table at the other two teens. "Go ahead, I'll wait till next round," he said calmly, shifting away slightly from Duo and shooting him a glare. Quatre wondered why the Chinese pilot was... *blushing*?!

Duo set down his empty bottle of sake and wiped his mouth. "Ah, nectar of the gods!" he said cheerily, ignoring Wufei's glare and tracing light circles on his leg, each one sweeping a bit higher than the last.

Heero didn't notice what was going on across the table as he glared at his letters again. Finally, he just added 'amn' to the 'd' Duo had tossed down previously.

Quatre sighed. "Why do I even bother...?"

Trowa blinked, glanced at the board, shrugged, and added 'ed' to 'damn'.

Duo needed to skip a turn, so he waved for Wufei to go with his... unoccupied... hand. "Go ahead, Wu-man, your turn," he said sweetly. His other hand was creeping ever higher up Wufei's thigh, torturously slowly. He knew he was taking a severe health risk; should Wufei not like this, his health... hell, his LIFE was at stake... but Duo was in that warm, fuzzy place of the somewhat drunk and had reached the point where he simply was tired of waiting to make a move.

Wufei tried to concentrate on the board, but it was damned near impossible with Duo's hand creeping up his leg.... He swallowed hard and unconsciously dropped one hand beneath the table on top of Duo's own in a rather weak attempt to stop him for a second. Finally, he shrugged and used the last 'd' to add 'gods' to the board. Which, quite frankly, was part of what was running through his head at the moment:

<Oh gods, this cannot be happening....>

Duo felt the light pressure of Wufei's hand trying to stop him, so he clamped onto the leg he was currently teasing, until Wufei let his hand slide away. Duo was in a much more inconspicuous position at the table. Duo smiled sweetly at everyone, looking almost angelic. 

Heero looked at the board and put down "cannon" around Wufei's 'o'. Quatre merely let his head fall into his hands on the table.

"That's it, I give up," the Arabian announced. Trowa simply turned Heero's 'cannon' to 'cannons'.

It was Duo's turn again, but he just stared blankly at his letters. He was having much more fun with Wufei. He continued to trace little circles on the boy's leg, smirking to himself. Finally, just to keep the game rolling (and so he could get back to torturing Wu), he added the word 'wildthing' to the board.

Wufei couldn't concentrate, and placed one hand on top of Duo's again. This time, he carefully laced his fingers with the other boy's. He had been in denial for a while now, but he knew that he was either falling for or had fallen for the braided baka. He was getting tired of pretending.

After a few seconds, he shrugged and built off Duo's 'l' to make the word 'legs'.

Duo didn't even notice the words Heero and Trowa had placed on the board, mostly because he had a much more interesting game blooming beneath the table. He gave Wu's hand a squeeze, then carefully extricated his fingers to continue his explorations. He remembered he had to put a word and made the word 'serl' off of Wufei's 's'.

Quatre groaned, "Du-chan!! Serl is not a word!!"

Duo blinked, then shrugged. "Gomen, I ran out of words," he said as he continued to trace his way up Wu's thigh. He had been thrilled when the Chinese boy had twined their fingers together; that meant he *hadn't* been reading the signals wrong! Now he was wondering how far the other boy'd be willing to go...

Wufei swallowed again and pretty much just tossed his letters on the board. Quatre banged his head on the table.

"Zyrnact isn't a word either!!"

Heero and Trowa exchanged glances, then put 'ma' and 'gun' on the board. Trowa wondered what was going on to possibly distract the two bishounen across from him?... Perhaps it was the sake?... but no, Wufei wasn't drinking.... hmm...

Duo realized it was his turn. He was amazed to see he had a word, and he happily put the word 'down' on the board, even as his other hand did just that and slid down to Wufei's inner thigh. "Hey, I got a good one, ne, Q-chan?" he chirped happily, carefully avoiding Wufei's gaze so that he wouldn't be caught.

Wufei bit his lip to keep from whimpering. Damn it, this was not, repeat *not* a good game to play with Duo right next to him....

A slow shy smile crossed his lips, and he built off the 'n' to make the word 'now'. Sitting back, he glanced at Duo out of the corner of his eye and 'innocently' wet his lips with his tongue.

Duo almost choked on his tongue when he caught that. He grinned. Wufei was faintly shocked when Duo lifted his hand off of his leg. What...? Duo stretched both hands high over his head as he yawned, then let them drop back to their former positions... or close. His hand that was teasing Wu had slid right into Wufei's pants. Duo carefully pasted a slight, innocent smile on his face, but couldn't help but glance over to see Wufei's reaction, especially when he gave him a gentle squeeze.

Wufei's eyes widened slightly, and he quickly adopted a relaxed pose with his chin resting in his hand. The fact that his hand partially covered his mouth wasn't noticed by the other three pilots, who were busily arguing over whether or not 'relenathebitch' was a word. He barely suppressed a soft moan; then abruptly sat up again.

"If you're going to argue, I'm leaving," he announced calmly, casting a sidelong glance at Duo. <Pick up on the hint, Duo, pick up on the hint...>

"But don't you want to finish the game, Fei-chan?" Duo punctuated his words with a quick squeeze. Apparently, he wanted to continue tormenting Wufei HERE... for now, anyways. Quatre managed to calm down the other two, then buried his head in his arms.

Wufei whimpered almost sympathetically. If Duo kept this up for much longer....

A tiny smile flitted across his lips, and he moved as if to reshuffle his tiles. Said letter tiles spilled to the floor, and, with a muttered curse, he ducked beneath the table to retrieve them (dislodging Duo's hand in the process).

Maybe it was time to turn the tables a bit...?

Duo smirked to himself, and was able to play the word 'suck'. He grinned widely, and giggled when Quatre lifted his head, saw his addition, whimpered, and dropped his head down again. Duo looked at Wufei slyly, smirking, and blew him a kiss so small it would be unnoticed by those not paying close attention. Heero and Trowa were trying to validate their new words to the mediator, who quickly gave up, and didn't catch Duo's motion. But Wufei did.

Quatre glanced up again, blinked, then frowned. "Where's Wufei?"

Duo grinned widely. "Oh, he went to get something to drink."

Beneath the table, Wufei smirked to himself as he unzipped Duo's pants quietly. <Oh, really?> he thought as he slipped his hand beneath the waistband. <Hmmm... this should be fun....>

Duo pasted his typical grin on his face, his mind reeling. <Oh my gods, is he SERIOUS?> Duo asked mentally, offering to play Wufei's tiles for him. Quatre didn't care anymore; the game had fallen apart long ago. Duo kept his face in its normal, typical expression, but was getting very aroused at the riskiness involved. As if unthinking, he slouched in his chair some and parted his legs to make it easier for Wufei to do as he would.

A slight smile crossed the Chinese boy's face at the motion. Shifting slightly beneath the table, he tugged Duo's pants and boxers down enough to free his hardened cock. Wufei traced the length with his tongue before placing a light teasing kiss on the tip, then forced his throat muscles to relax as he took Duo into his mouth.

Duo almost yelped, and ended up making a slight 'mrmph!' noise. Heero and Trowa looked at him with their blank faces in a slightly quizzical expression, and Quatre raised his head to look at Duo. "What, Duo?" he sighed. Duo beat back his blush, eyes wide and dark.

"N-nothing. Just accidentally bit my tongue..." he said, hoping the others bought it. Whether or not they believed him, they shrugged it off and ignored it.

Wufei smiled mentally at Duo's reaction and slowly bobbed his head back and forth, taking him all the way into his mouth in slow, deep, agonizing strokes. He purred slightly as he wrapped his tongue around the hard length as he moved.

Duo almost lost his control. His hands gripped the table so hard his knuckles were white. He dimly heard Heero and Trowa mentioning something about there being no more letters except what they had, and that it was his turn... Duo shrieked as Heero pegged him with a letter tile. "Nani?!??! What??!?" he yelped.

"It's your turn, you baka. What's wrong, are you drunk?" Heero asked, half glaring at him.

"N-no! Lemme think..." Duo stammered out, glancing over his tiles even as he fought to keep control. He took all of two seconds to just toss all of his letters on the board and announce, "WellI'mout!"

Quatre sighed in exasperation. "Islak is not a word!!"

Duo hastily grabbed the offending letters and rearranged them. "There, that's a word, isn't it?? Oh yesss.... I mean, it's a word, yeah, it's a word!"

Quatre groaned. "Slaki isn't a word either, Duo..."

Trowa shook his head slightly. Duo was *really* acting out of it... and where the hell was Wufei, anyways? 

Duo's eyes were huge and he had his mouth clamped shut tightly to keep from making any sounds. He looked pitifully at Quatre. Quatre threw his arms in the air. "That's it, game over, I don't care who won..."

Duo thought fast despite his desire-fogged mind, and clawed the band out of his hair. He hastily unraveled it, and then forced himself back inside his jeans, barely suppressing a moan of exquisite anguish. Using his hair to block the fact that he was insanely aroused, he slowly pushed away from the table. He managed to talk in a voice close to his normal one, if a bit huskier. "Me and 
Wu-chan have to finish some stuff we didn't get done earlier... don't wait up, it might take a while," he said, slowly standing.

Quatre sat banging his head on the table while Heero was trying to figure out how to get more points for himself. Trowa was watching the other two pilots in amusement and kept saying, "8, 12, 25" to throw Heero's count off. None of them noticed Duo's exit.

And they *also* didn't notice when Wufei crawled out from under the table, a small self-satisfied grin on his face. He stood, smoothed out his shirt, and ran out of the room in the direction Duo had headed.

Quatre quit banging his head for a second and looked up with a frown. "Was that Wufei?"

"18, 300, 47..."

"Omae o kurosu, Trowa!!"

Heero and Trowa ignored him, and Quatre shrugged and slumped back in his seat, massaging his temples.

Quatre frowned slightly. He could have sworn he had just seen Wufei dart out of the room from... under the table? Nah... wasn't possible... was it???...

Duo was waiting for Wufei in his bedroom. When Wufei came in and shut the door behind him, Duo practically pounced on him, dragging him into a fiercely passionate kiss.

Wufei moaned softly and parted his lips slightly, pressing his body to Duo's. The other boy was still obviously *very* aroused, and it was doing nothing to curb Wufei's own burning need.

Duo practically ruined his shirt in his haste to get it off, but not quite. Which was probably a good thing, considering they didn't have a change of clothing in the immediate vicinity. He yanked off Wu's shirt, still kissing him hungrily, tongue delving deep into the other bishounen's mouth.

Wufei nipped lightly at Duo's tongue, smirking at the soft gasp he elicited from the braided youth, and ran his hands lightly along his lover's back. A soft moan escaped from his throat as he felt himself pressed back against the wall.

Duo reached up and carefully extricated Wufei's hairband from his hair, letting his hair fall like lightless water to his shoulders. Duo moaned in something approaching desperation as he shrugged out of his jeans and kicked them out of his way. He slid his hands behind Wufei, sliding them inside the raven-haired pilot's pants, cupping Wu's rear and pulling him close as he continued to ravage his mouth.

Wufei let loose with a low whimpering cry, swallowed completely by Duo's insistent mouth. He was so hot, and getting impossibly hotter. He wrapped his arms around his lover's neck even as one long leg encircled his waist and he rocked against the other teen in growing lust and hunger.

Duo broke away, gasping for air. "Oh gods... I want.... I need you so bad... oh gods..." he choked, kissing Wufei hungrily. "You were driving me crazy... oh gods..."

"H-hai," Wufei whimpered between kisses. "I... mmmmm... wo ai ni... onegai...." Another low moan wrenched itself from his throat, and he pulled Duo back into a soul-searing, devouring kiss as he encircled his other leg around the bishounen's waist, leaving himself completely at his lover's mercy.

"Aishiteru," Duo managed to gasp out. He lifted Wufei and carried him over to the bed, laying him down on it and following, slowly grinding his hips against Wufei's as he kissed him, twisting his tongue around his lover's.

Wufei ran his hands down Duo's back, hooking his fingers beneath the waistband of the other teen's boxers. He tugged insistently at the offending garment and whimpered softly, pleadingly.

Duo was more than happy to oblige and he quickly rid himself of the boxers. He reached down and pulled down Wufei's loose silk pants and boxers at once, shoving them to a point where he was able to finish removing them with his feet. He rocked his naked form against Wufei's, feeling his swollen erection against Wufei's. It was driving him insane. "I want... I want you... oh god, let me make love to you... aishiteru..." Duo whispered.

"Oh yes... gods, please..." Wufei whimpered, head falling back against the pillows. "Make love to me... take me... now...."

Duo kissed Wufei's neck as he slowly slid one long finger into the tight sheath of his lover's body. Despite his desire-clouded mind, he didn't want to hurt his beautiful lover... no, no one should ever hurt him, not ever...

Wufei moaned softly, tilting his head to one side as he bucked against Duo's hand. Oh gods... he never imagined that he'd be here, now, with the one person he loved with all of his heart. Tears slid down his face as he whimpered and moaned.

Through the haze of desire, he felt soft lips brush his eyes, kissing away his tears.

"Ne, don't cry, Fei-chan," Duo whispered, slowly sliding a second finger in with his first. "You'll never cry again if I have it my way." Duo kissed him deeply, running his tongue slowly along the insides of Wufei's lips, then kissing him deeper with the full force of his burning need.

Wufei whimpered, unable to do more than writhe beneath his lover's gentle touch. No one had ever treated him with such gentleness and love.... Another tear rolled down his cheek as he clung to his lover, rocking against him.

"Wo... ai... ni... Du... chan...." he gasped out.

"I love you so much," Duo whispered as he slowly removed his fingers and replaced it with his throbbing cock, poised to enter. He murmured a soft 'gomen' before capturing Wufei's mouth with his own, then rolled his hips forward, slowly sliding into his lover's tight, hot body. Duo's eyelashes fluttered, and he gasped against Wufei's lips. "Oh gods... Oh Wu..."

Wufei cried out softly, rising to meet his lover's thrust. He clung to Duo as his length brushed that deliciously sweet spot deep within him, causing him to cry out once more. "Oh gods... Du-chan... ahh...."

Duo couldn't remember anything ever having been this hot before. He slowly rocked his hips, almost pulling all the way out, then sliding in entirely, reveling in the feelings it invoked, and the noises he managed to draw from his lover as he built up his rhythm.

"Ahhh...! Oh gods....! M-more, o-one-gaiiiiii!"

Quatre froze outside the door, jaw dropping open in shock. Surely he hadn't heard....

"Du-chan...! Ahhh.... wo ai... wo ai ni... mmmm... ahhh...!"

Quatre's face flushed and he slowly backed away from the door. Yes, that was Wufei's voice, all right. And, judging from the sounds he was making, he and Duo were rather... involved at the moment. Turning on his heel, the blonde couldn't help but smile to himself.

<About damned *time* they figured it out!>

Duo moaned as he continued thrusting deeply. His world consisted of nothing but this beautiful body underneath him, gripping him so tightly. With a moaning cry, he came hard, erupting inside of Wufei. His muscles spasmed hard, and he almost collapsed. He pressed a quivering kiss to Wufei's lips as he thrust hard again, slamming against that oh-so-special spot deep inside Wufei.

Wufei threw his head back as he came, Duo's name dropping breathlessly from his lips. His body shook from the force of his orgasm, and he fell limply against the bed, eyes fluttering closed as he gasped for breath.

Duo cuddled up against him and pressed a kiss to his lips. He leaned forward, smiling, a devious glint in his eyes before whispering, "Fei-chan... we really should play these board games more often."



R'oko - We did it again, J-imouto! ::collapses in a heap on the floor:: I'll never look at Scrabble the same way again....
J - Or tables... ::collapses and giggles with R'oko::
Wufei - Our moms are weird.
Duo - But there was sex!
::Wufei facefaults::

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