 by FalconIce ([email protected])

                The moon's light filtered in from the windows. A warm glow suffused the room as a tangled pile of sweaty bodies shifted. Tired from their love-making. Duo and Heero lay in each other's arms...incased in the warmth of each other's body...and the tresses of Duo's chestnut gold hair, which lay in all its unbound glory on them.

                "Heero?" Duo turned his head around to look into the cobalt blue eyes of his lover. " Do you ever wonder why we ended up together?"


                "You know I'm a war orphan and all...and you, Mr. Perfect Soldier..."


                "I was kinda wonder'n how two very different individuals could ever come to love each other..."


Duo looked at the snuggling form of Heero beside him; despite the contemplative mood, that has overcome him...he smiles. He gently rolls then bends over and kisses Heero on the cheek. Suddenly two icy yet tender cobalt orbs regard him.

                "Duo...of the thousands of galaxies and the people that inhabit the colonial stars...you...the most annoying, loud-mouthed baka...is the one I've fallen in love with...For some reason I can't explain the reason...just why I love you..."

                "Me too..." Duo smiles whimsically at Heero before lying back down on the sheets again. "Heero Yuy the infamous anti-social, Death glaring, and not to mention suicidal Gundam pilot has fallen in love with none other than an American baka who is supposed to be the complete opposite of him. Not to mention the fact that some weird echii rich Peacecraft girl is running around and fawning all over him. Duo Maxwell...Shinigami...infamous Death..."

                "And someone who understands pain more than anyone else..." Duo smiles more at the added interruption of Heero beside him, who was still busily placing feather light kisses on his neck.

                "~Has come to be the sole property most treasured by this Death glaring, anti-social and not to mention psychotic Gundam pilot..."



                "You who hide in the mask of the jester...The sole person who keeps the Gundam Pilots out of the deep pits of depression...you who calls himself the God of Death...is the person who ironically is the most beautiful and understanding creature God has given to this universe..."

                "Oi Heero...didn't know you could get that mushy and sappy!" Heero smiles or rather smirks.

                "Just like you...there is a different Heero Yuy in this mask of death and destruction..."

                "Really? Is this a kind and loving Heero Yuy? The one who spends the nights with me?"

                "Hn. Maybe..." Duo sits up and gives a pretend glare to the smirking form of Heero Yuy.

                "Whaddya mean by that?!?"

                "I couldn't kill Relena remember?...For such an annoying person, she has a few good traits that can easily be overlooked...I can appreciate how much stubbornness that woman has... if it wasn't for that...the universe would still be at war and we'd have lived with the fear of not seeing each other again after each battle we've faced." Heero replied solemnly as Duo sighed and placed his head in the crook of Heero's shoulder.

                "I guess...her determination really won out at the end...wasn't for her...we'd all probably be dead now..."

                "I wouldn't say that exactly...my Shinigami...you're very hard to kill after all..." Duo giggled at Heero's snide comment.

                "Same for Mister Indestructible here..." Duo commented as he gave a small kiss on Heero's neck and snuggled in some more.

                "Her obsession with you stopped though...the day I said I loved you right in front of her face..."

                "Can't believe that woman knew already..."

                "Guess its one of her good traits, huh Heero?"


Duo looked up from his messy tangle of chestnut-brown bangs to peer up at Heero's intense cobalt blue eyes. He smiled and bent over to kiss Heero's cheeks again. As he pulled Heero closer, he could hear faint moans come form within the room upstairs. Duo snickered in the crook of Heero's neck.

                "Wonder who could that be...eh, Hee-chan?"

                "Duo.... shut up..." Heero glared at the still giggling form of Duo on his shoulder. He couldn't help but smile. No one could ever stay that mad at Duo for long.

                "Sure...but only if you tell me.... one thing..."

                "What's that?" Heero asked in a soft-spoken tone. Duo giggled.

                "Do you love me?" Heero pulled Duo close and snuggled in his endless lengths of unbound hair.

                "Aishiteru...aishiteru...my darling koibito..."

                "Hai!" as the moon gazed over the Winner Estates...it was heard that on that night. A miracle had occurred; For when a hero comes home, safe, happy and secure the heavens grant a wish to make their lives happier...for all the things they have done for others. You may ask why the two of them.... it just seems proper. Two very different individuals. They meet in a war where they risk their life every time they go out to fight. The angel and the devil, happy and sad, yet both determined in what they believed in. Love comes and goes, so does loved ones. Cherish them as they were your own life and in the end, you will live in eternal bliss.


Author's notes: Hai! I just couldn't get to writing a lemon...I seem to have this " I will laugh all my guts out if I even try" syndrome. So gomen okay? Anyway...if you really are one of those " I wanna read the lemon 'cuz I can take it" people. Feel free to e-mail me...and when there's enough response from more than one person...I'll consent and try my best to actually write a lemon. ^_^ [email protected]

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