Dear Brother by Pirate Burn    
          Rating: GP    Genre: Angst    Length: 1 chapter    Progress: Complete
         What would Aya-chan be thinking of when nobody is around? What thoughts cloud her mind, still very much alive, though her body is weak and diminished, held only by the support of the hospital tubes?
Farfie's Favorite Torture by Kaede        
        Rating: GP    Genre: Comedy    Length: 1 chapter    Progress: Complete
Yup, Farfie's favorite torture isn't whipping people, or poking them with sharp objects. It's...well, find out!
Heartbreaker by Pirate Burn    
          Rating: PG    Genre: Sap/Angst    Length: 1 chapter    Progress: Complete
         Based on a famous song, this fic narrates Youji's relationship with his partner, Asuka, how they slowly became more than just friends, and how they suddenly fell apart and separated with each other. Ten years later, Youji meets someone who strangely reminds him of Asuka. Could it be...?
Of Venus and Aya by Tin Mandigma        
        Rating: PG    Genre: Comedy    Length: 1 chapter    Progress: Complete
Never before did Ken have to be adamant about a mission. Until this one. And to think that it involves a simple art theft!
The Taxi Ride by Kasa no Miko and FalconIce   
          Rating: GP    Genre: Comedy    Length: 1 chapter    Progress: Complete
         Stranded a hundred miles away from their home base, the Schwartz decide to take a taxi. Little did they know that this innocent journey would lead to a disastrous end as the taxi spins out of control and the Weiß knights arrive to rescue them. ^_^
Truth by Youko Fujima        
        Rating: PG    Genre: Angst    Length: 1 chapter    Progress: Complete
This fic is an in-depth story of how Youji was convinced into joining the Weiß Kreuz. But first, he wants the truth...

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