Wickedly White
 by Nettie-chan ([email protected])

Yoji gets blamed. That's all you get as a sneak peak. It's short, it's odd and it's a surprise ending. This is my first real attempt at a plot, at least I THINK I remembered the plot. It might have slipped my mind when I got to the "who's on top of who" parts. ^_^;; LEMON/LIME. Lemon and lime? You decide. ^_~v


Yoji came home from yet another date, smiling as he walked up the stairs to his room. Having had missed his shift that afternoon which had also included some clean up work too, the eldest Weib member didn't feel too bad at all. That's laughable. Like he really missed missing work. He'd just laid his keys down on his dresser when he heard the thump. Looking outside the front door to his small apartment he saw a sight that made him smile every more.

There was defiantly a full moon tonight (right now) as a denim covered ass slowly rose over the carpeted horizon that was the top of the stairs. It wiggled back and forth, when a back emerged ruining the image -not so badly- and making you realize. 'Shit, ..err I mean cool. It comes with that *rest* of the body too.'

"Come on Aya stop messing around."

"I'm not *messing* around Ken. You're the one who can't keep the damn thing strait, I swear, you're so clumsy sometimes."

"Am not."

Yoji saw a red head pop up right after a chocolate-brown one. The violet eyes that the head framed glared (even though that word's too subtle) at Ken. "Shut up." Was all Aya said as he put more back into the task at hand.

It finally came into view - what they were messing with. It was a mattress. All new and still rapped in plastic and it had a floral print on it like a lot of mattresses do. They *finally* got it up the stairs.

Aya noticed Yoji when then man shifted in the doorway.

"Yoji." He announced.

"Aya." Yoji called back.

A quirky expression silently voiced Yoji's opinion of his teammate' predicament.

Aya resisted the urge to roll his eyes and continued. "..You could help us out here." It wasn't a question. And the sound emanating from *between the lines* said it was not a suggestion either.

"Yeah ..." Yoji leaned a little more on the wall arms crossed.

"Get over here and help." An order, plain and simple.

Ken added, "You owe us after all."

Yoji was just pushing away from the wall when he furrowed his eye brows like he was in pain. Owing people was never good. No matter if they were your friends or not. "What'd you mean, 'I owe you'?" Yoji asked as he came striding up next to Ken. He was secretly grateful that it was the soccer player that was the closest to him and not the quite, permanently pissed, wielder of a really long sharp shinny thingy, leader of Weib.

"After all .. *what*?" Yoji pressed further. He knew he'd missed a lot that day for two dates but he had an odd feeling this wasn't about not being around at all. But that was really all he had to go on at the moment. "Gee. Sorry I missed my shift. No need to look at me like that."

It was true. They were giving him some pretty ugly stares. Ken had one hand on his hip while Aya simply stood with his arms and hands strait at his side. I know what you're thinking (or should be). 'Who's holding the damn mattress?' Right? Well, it was up the stairs and against the wall by now so... you know. No worries. ^^;;

Ken was the one to rolled his eyes at Yoji, in that 'you *should* know what you did' kinda way. "Yoji!" Ken all but screamed at him. "You all but left the biggest mess human history has every seen, in the shop storeroom, the hallway, *AND* me and ... I mean Aya's bedroom!"

"What the..."

Aya butted in. "We've already cleaned up all the mess."

"Yeah," Ken continued. Since he'd gotten a lot of the clean up work he wanted to yell at Yoji. "It was a total battle field! Glass and broken pots and ripped cloth." He tossed his hand in the air. "Get's me what the hell possessed you to do it but ..."

"NOW WHAT A MINUTE!" Yoji yelled, hands up in the air, palms facing forward in the defense of his obvious (to him) innocence. "*I* know that I didn't do those things. I didn't trash the place!"

"We found some of your wire." Ken stated in a cool, calm, almost Aya-like way.

Yoji's eyes bugged out .... just a little. "What the fuck?" He actually managed to voice this time. "Ken. Aya. Guys, come on. You know I wouldn't do something like that." He looked from one to the other in a nervous way, they were just looking at him. "Guys? What makes you think I would do something as stupid as running a muck all over the fucking place with my *God damned* weapon?!!"

Yeah, he was a little upset. But the others gave it no mind because they had made up their minds way before Yoji'd came home.

"Me, Omi and Aya have talked about it already. You're going to be the one who replaces Aya's mattress." Aya walked by the two and Ken followed him down the hall to Aya's room. "Bring that will ya?" The brunette called halfway down the hall.

Yoji's shoulders visibly slumped as he watched the two. He looked at the mattress and immediately began to curse it out. Lugging the thing down the hall he'd almost gotten stuck in the doorway to the redhead's lair ....err room. Achieving entry with no thanks to his teammates.

"I still say I've been framed," Yoji muttered under his breath.

His thoughts and balance were slightly interrupted by a firm slap on the back.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Yoji straitened and stood his full body length up to Ken. His face hard. Ken just leaned his shoulders back against the wall, arms crossed. Aya stepped in before either got up the courage to do anything they'd sooner or later regret. And he also tried not to giggle. Yeah, you heard me.

"Yoji," he said bluntly. "It's not strait."

The elder man looked at second eldest. Those hard empty eyes giving Yoji nothing to work with but the simple order. With a hiss Yoji turned and started to tug and push on the mattress, cursing under his breath as he did so.

The others stole a secret knowing glance at each other from behind Yoji.

Almost too soon for Yoji not to be suspicious, they started to leave the room. Ken giving him clear instructions to not forget to put the new sheets on either. Oh, and they wanted it done before they got back. They didn't say where they were going.


It hadn't been long after they'd left, the bed clothes had been no problem and Yoji lay on his back on the newly made bed. His arms were stretched out over his head and his eyes were closed, so he didn't see what was coming.

"Yo~ji..." A sweet voice sang from above his face.

He opened his eyes and stared at the blue ones that hovered above him. He actually managed not to jump and crack his head together with Omi's -who just happened to be the one floating above him.

"Omi? What are you....?" Yoji almost screamed in surprise when the young man jump up on the bed and straddled Yoji. "Eh! eh eh eh..." His eye twitched a few times.

A a honey colored head tilted as it grinned at him. "Yoji Yoji Yoji." Omi tisked. "That wasn't a very nice thing you did today."

Pulling his chin down to his chest the older boy gave his captor a look that just screamed for sympathy. "Now come on, Omi. You know I didn't do that." When those bright blue eyes just continued to stare at him in a sadomasochistic kinda way, Yoji tired again. "Omi?" His voice actually squeaked. Cute.

The boy only chuckled a little and leaned forward placing his face inches away from Yoji's. His eyes were strange even though they were their usual pure blue, they held a smoky ether haze to them as they gazed half-lidded at his teammate. Little glossy lips curled up in a wickedly cute little smile. "Ok, Yoji. If you want to believe you're innocent then go ahead. But deep down inside you know you deserve to be punished. Some reason -something you did- that needs to be *thhrust*" his hips made a little jerking movement that made Yoji flinch. "...from your soul."

Suddenly he sat up, his voice ringing happily. "And that's what friends are for!"

He would have protested but just then, out of the corner of his eyes, Yoji caught movement in the doorway. He turned his head to see Aya and Ken. The red head was in an opened purple dress shirt, no shoes and a pair of black jeans, that were not buttoned. He held a rose from underneath the hip of the flower head, like you would hold a wine glass. All delicate and seductive. Aya brushed his lips over the velvety red pedals, making Yoji lock eyes with him when something else caught his eyes.

Ken, standing on the other side of the doorway, was in a simple pair of black jeans just like Aya but these were slightly baggier on his athletic hips. And draping his upper body was a white dress shirt, the cuffs open, the tail not tucked in and three buttons at the top were not fastened. Ken's thick chocolate locks laid tousled all over his head, a few strands in his eyes. He looked like he'd just woken up from a really heavy sleep. Hiding those lusty dark eyes.

Yoji's gaze fidgeted a bit nervously from one teammate to the other. "Wha--What are you guys planning? Or do I wanna know?"

The other two began to descend.

Ken and Aya were holding Yoji down by the shoulders as Omi worked the eldest free of his jeans. The boy did this with a great smile on his face. Tongue hanging out across his lips in a playful way, dancing along his already moist lips. Those young hands where going for Yoji's underwear, an unusually maniacal look in his eyes, when Yoji yelped in protest.

"GUYS!!" The man tried to kick out at the hands that were already at the waste band of his undies. "What'd you think you're doing you little chibi hentai???!!!" He looked up at the others above his head who were trying to lick his jaw line and nose. "And YOU guys, .... you guys are just .... just hentai!!"

He pouted.

Ken mocked his expression as he looked up at Aya who had this weird ass predatory look in his violet eyes. "Aw," Ken's grin broke through the mock-pout. "He's upset. Shoulda thought about that before you trashed the place!" He popped Yoji in the head for a little emphasis.

Wincing Yoji glared at the soccer player. "Think about what?! That if I screw up enough that you guys'll jump bones?!"

"So you admit it!!"

Yoji sputtered. "I don't admit anything!"

A sudden, soft sucking sound filled the room and Yoji suddenly looked like a stuffed animal. All stiff and bug-eyed. Slowly his mouth opened to make the oddest sound as he stared in shock down at the young boy between his legs.

Omi was sucking him off, hard. His mouth worked with the strength of a lumber lack, contracting and ballooning open to tack the thick shaft farther down his throat. Yoji was in disbelief as he lay there, eyes searching the ceiling as if it held the answers that would help him figure out what the hell was happening to him.

Lust began to build in him like water filling him. He opened his own mouth in hopes that maybe that would release some of the pressure. It didn't. With Aya and Ken laughing and, licking parts of his body that he couldn't remember the name of right now.

Loud moaning, that was his own, drowned out some of the chatter from the others. And laying there, with the orgasm building in him, he had the time to wonder where on earth Omi had learned to give head like that.

And he had to admit that he felt a little jealous, because he knew damn well that it hadn't been him who had coached the boy. 'Maybe the red head? Or ... Ken?' He thought, then thought against it. 'Naw, I don't think so!'

The playboy, the womanizer came in the mouth of a 17 year old boy. Moaning, hollering like only men can, he was hardly aware of his hands as they tangled painfully in ginger colored hair.


The morning, it wasn't even light yet, but technically it was morning. The clock said so. It was only the black window glass that didn't agree. Yoji had been sitting on his knees in his bed just staring around.

It had felt like a dream, and his mind kept telling him, "onlyadreamonlyadream". But the evidence was all around him. The reputed stain marks in his sheets.

Yoji tilted his head and stared at the blotches with eyes that refused to believe still. Odd round liquid stain marks took the shape of what looked like two large eyes, open in surprise. And an elongated mouth that stretched slightly to one side.

So, it had all happened. This little demon soaked into his sheets didn't know how to lie. It knew only the bitter, salutary, salty and wet truth. 'You had a freaking orgy with your teammates!'

Yoji quickly shoved his face in his hands. The stain had not spoken to him. He didn't need the stain to speak to him. He didn't need to be hackled about this hot reality that he could still feel around his cock. Sucking and pulling. Other portions of that event began to play back into his mind.

Quickly he swung himself out of bed, grabbed some jeans and a loose tank and his pack of cigarettes. What he really needed was a smoke.


Standing outside in the cool night air outside the shop with one of his best friends clasped firmly between his lips, 'Stop thinking like that Yoji!' The man opened his eyes from where he'd been accidentally thinking about long things between lips again. And his green eyes widened immediately.

Out of the darkness the clung the an alley wall stepped Schuldich. The German had, emerged would be the wrong word, he was literally unfolded from the shadows like the darkness had arms. And apparently Schwarz benefited greatly from them.

"Ruff night Kudou?" So far his smirk was being kept down to a slight up turn at the corner of his wide mouth. Schuldich tapped his temple lightly. "Sounds like you had a rough night. It's a good thing I don't sleep much, I could hear you three or four blocks down."

"It was you."

That smile flared up.

"You were the one who .... you ... did something. You made them do that to me." Yoji had been talking furiously with his hands. Using them to indicate the shop where his over sex-zombie teammate were probably having the best night sleep of there lives. "How could you ..."

Long red locks scraped the night as Schuldich turned sharply walking away and then stopping. "Don't start with me Kudou!" He turned again, glaring at the other man. "We had a date, lover." That last word made Yoji wince a little just to hear it's sharp tone.

"Instead, what do you do? You stand me up for some," he made a motion with his hand while trying to find the right word without speaking gibberish. "Bitch!" He'd decided on the most commonly used word since the more creative one's where blocked from his mind by his anger.

"Schu..." Yoji tried softly.

The German stepped up closed to him, not touching, just in-your-face kind of close.

"Don't get me wrong, I like women too. But when you stand *me* up for one, I get a little pissed." The last was said rather nonchalantly. He shrugged. "Call me selfish. But that's just the way I am."

Yoji couldn't say much to that. Since, if he'd been in Schu's place he would have felt the same way.

He shook his head

The night was getting cool but the two men didn't seem to realize it as they stood there. Facing off, seemed to ignite something between them that nothing could seem to hold back. Even anger bore from jealously reared back and away from it.

Schuldich soften a bit but was still giving off one hell of a heated aura. Or maybe that was something else. But Yoji felt it as Schu brushed a hand over his forehead, moving dark sandy hair away from forest green eyes. "You know, Yoji, the only remedy for the aftermath of a bad situation, is a good one." He grinned something genuine and leaned in, tilting his head.

Yoji followed suit and their lips met in one long, some how clean and pure, kiss.

Not knowing or caring why they always ended up like this they embraced fully in that alleyway. And Schuldich took Yoji with him into the black. Drawing him down onto the floor of the alleyway. They made love, there in the cool arms of the night.


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