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~ Mikayla's Birth Story ~
On Thursday April 22,1999 at 2:56am I was born. I weighed in at 7lbs 9ozs and was 20 inches long.... I had lots of dark brown hair and big blue eyes.... I could tell by the look in my Mommy and Daddy's eyes that they were so happy the wait was finally over and that they now had me to cuddle and love ......

My Mommy and Daddy always ask what took so long for me to enter this world.... I suppose it was just warm and cozy but I sure am glad I'm here.... I have an amazing Mommy and Daddy who I just adore...
Now(with the help from my Mommy)let us tell you where my story begins(some 9 months ago)....

My Mommy and Daddy were married on September 20,1997 and it wasn't long after that, that they discussed starting a family.... They just couldn't wait to have a baby like me around the house. In the Summer of 1998 Daddy convinced Mommy that now would be a good time to start trying to have a baby(whatever that means). So in July they began to CASUALLY try, just let it happen when it happens, and BINGO it happened the very first month. Mommy had a feeling that she might be pregnant and on August 11, 1998 she took a home pregnancy test which confirmed her hunch....
VOILA that blue line appeared and I was just a tiny cell in Mommy's tummy....

Mommy didn't tell anyone until the next day when she gave Daddy an early Birthday present... His Birthday is August 15th.... When he opened the card it said
"YOU ARE GOING TO BE A DADDY..." and wrapped up was a pair of white satin babies boots. Mommy has kept them as a keepsake for me.

WOW... Daddy was speechless. Mommy says the look on his face is something she will never forget... such joy and excitement. Such disbelief that it had happened so quickly and that in 9 months we would be parents.

They couldn't wait to tell the rest of our families, who were all ecstatic. I would be the first of the "NEXT GENERATION" -the first grandchild on both sides. Aren't I lucky?, a chance to be spoiled.
The next 9 months went relatively smooth and quickly, so Mommy says. Mommy did experience quite a bit of morning sickness in the beginning(first 3 months)and had to give up coffee and wine. She soon began to live on lemon herbal tea...

DUE DATE was set for APRIL 13,1999.

As I quote my Mommy,"I couldn't have had a more perfect pregnancy-heartbeat was perfect,ultrasound was perfect, growth was perfect, position was perfect -face it-YOU WERE PERFECT!!! All we had to do was sit and wait... We waited and waited and nothing happened on it's own." Mommy says that the ultrasound was amazing-"Seeing this little human being for the first time made it ever so real. We could see your heart beat and see your little hands, feet, and nose. You even opened your mouth while we were watching. So precious."

Mommy's due date approached and went and there was no sign of my arrival. On Mommy's last Doctor's appointment(days after the potential due date)the Doctor set a date for induction... It looked like I would be introduced to the world on April 21,1999.(Or would I?) Because nothing was happening,there was no sign of my arrival, Mommy had to go to the Hospital the night before to have gel inserted onto her cervix. They were hoping to get something started but when Mommy returned to the hospital in the morning(7am)the gel had not made any difference. So they tried more gel and sent Mommy home for a couple of hours(12 noon). Poor Mommy, what was I doing to her. Mommy and Daddy and the rest of the family only wanted to meet me and I just was enjoying myself in the womb. Mommy says I was doing plenty of kicking and turning, supposedly I was a very active baby inside my Mommy, giving her endless nights of little sleep.

S0........ 2pm we all return to the hospital more than ready to get the show on the road... Even I'm ready at this point. I've had enough of the Doctor's poking and nudging me, so I can just imagine how Mommy feels.
Doctor's said that we were finally ready to get the show on the road, so they begin the induction(3pm). Instead of contractions that come and go, Mommy had a constant cramp that just wouldn't ease up so around 5pm Mommy had had enough and had an epidural to help keep her comfortable - boy did it help!!!!!

So now they just relaxed and waited(as much as you can relax in labour). Daddy was with Mommy the whole time-telling stories and trying to make Mommy laugh. They say it takes 1hour to dilate cm so we were right on target. Around 9pm the Doctor broke Mommy's water so I knew my arrival would be soon. I could hear my Mommy and Daddy talking about my arrival. They were so excited to see me, but did I ever have a surprise for them. They both thought that I was going to be a boy. Even listening to the fetal monitor in the labour roon the nurse said that if she had to make a guess she would say"A BOY". HeHeHeHe,

Wednesday was coming to an end and everyone was still waiting for Mommy to dilate to 10cm......But it won't be long.....
Approximately 2am Mommy was ready to go and I was ready to make my entrance so they took us to the delivery and prepared to PUSH. Mommy has always been very anxious about the actual delivery-But out of fear or shear determination Mommy pushed like CRAZY and after only 20 minutes of pushing I made my enterance into this world ("Was it ever cold and bright-what where they doing to me?").

The time was
2:56am on THURSDAY APRIL 22, 1999. Daddy was the first to say "It's a girl" and  Mommy said "No way,it can't be". They were both overwhelmed and pleasantly surprised to discover I was a GIRL. I weighed in at 7lbs 9ozs and was 20inches long. My name is MIKAYLA GIBSON SACH-ANDERSON.

I came out with the umbilical cord around my neck so the doctors quickly cut it and everything was okay. But they wanted to take me to the nursery to monitor me til the morning(I had mucus in my lungs). My Daddy was the very first to cuddle and hold me and he carried me down to the nursery while Mommy was seen my the doctor because the placenta broke up inside. Once we were both okay, Daddy brought my Mommy down to the nursery to see and touch me.

So this was my Mommy and Daddy-the two people that loved me so much already. As they looked in at me they spoke softly saying," Hi little one,we are your Mommy and Daddy and we love you very much. You are such a perfect little girl. This is the happiest day of our lifes."

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