Come and meet our new friend MOLLY

Meet Molly......

Come and meet our new friend MOLLY

This is MOLLY.
MOLLY is a Yellow LAB.
She was born on January 30,2000.
We brought her home when she was 7 weeks old.
My Nanny and Grandad gave her to me for a First Birthday Present,
isn't that cool?
I love her - we play and run around all day long.
Right now we are the same size, so she like to jump on me but thats
okay because I like to sit on her. HeHeHe
She is growing bigger and bigger everyday.

"I;m so tired."
"WOW... I like my new home."

Molly's first day home
7 weeks

Molly & Mikayla
Instant Friends

"Hey Molly, you better learn who is boss around here."
"Did you hear the news.... Molly has arrived."

"No matter how little money
how few possessions you own,
having a dog makes you rich."
Louis Sabin

Jasper & Molly
Learning to Share



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