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Your Home for all things Hockey! Est:2007

About Us!

About the Owner

Born in 1965, Richard Lewis has been a fan of the sport of hockey from the moment he sat down with his father to watch his first Philadelphia Flyers game. The speed of the game, the skill of the players, and the bone-crunching hitting all called out to him from the moment he first watched. He decided then and there that he would dedicated his life to the sport that he loved.

Growing up in the suburbs of Philadelphia with his family, Richard played hockey any chance he got. From pee-wee ice and roller leagues to grabbing a few friends and a net and wondering out onto the street, the sport dominated his life. He was there on the streets of Philadelphia celebrating with the rest of the fandom when the Flyers won their first Stanley Cup in 1974. He has partcipated in many mens leagues throughout the city and suburbs, and is an active sponsor for the league close to his home. If you see big #61 bearing down on you, look out, because he isn't as graceful as he once was!

Unfortunaley, a serious knee injury in college prevented Richard from taking his playing career further. After realizing that he would never play professionally, Richard turned his focus to coaching, and it was here that he realized that players in his area did not have access to high quality equipment. He decided to open East Coast Hockey, a place where players from all skill levels can come and get high quality gear for reasonable prices.

About the Store

The store was opened in 2007, at 123 Main Street in Philadelphia, PA. The location was picked due to the fact that it is only a few blocks from the youth hockey rink and it is in between multiple pee-wee and mens leagues in the area. Richard believed that this centralized spot would allow us to provide the best service and gear to the most players.

In the store, you will find racks and racks of equipment, broken down into sections. There is a section for skates, both ice and roller. There is a section for sticks, a section for player equipment, and we even offer a section specifically for goalies! Any piece of gear that you may need, we have in stock garunteed. Our pricing remains competitive with other hockey shops around the area, but we believe that our prices are still some of the lowest in the area!

Come on down today, and let's see if we can help you find what you're looking for!