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Your Home for all things Hockey! Est:2007

About the Site

The intent of this website is to provide our customers with a place where they can go, veiw the products that we have to offer, and see if they want to come on down and buy said products. It was also my intention to provide the customer a place where they could view the stores prices and sign up for a monthly newsletter. I also felt that the website provides the customers an excellent opportuntiy to get to know my uncle, the owner, a little bit better, which adds to the personal/familial feel that the store is trying to establish. I took steps in the creation process to accomplish these goals, such as creating an "About Us" page along with keeping the colors and style of the pages similar and easy to follow.

In creating this website, I wanted to keep the pages similar (same style and colors) throughout the entire website. I feel like sometimes, if a site is not consistant from page to page, customers can have a tendency to feel lost and confused, and I really wanted to avoid that. I went with the colors of light blue and white in order to replicate the colors of ice, which I feel flows well with the hockey concept. I also intended to make the site simple and not to flashy. While flashy sites can have a tendency to drawn in more visitors, I feel like a flashy sight would not work well with this particular website. I included so clip-art style hockey pictures throughout the site, to keep visitors and customers interested.

In future updates to this site, I would love to add more picutes, especially on the "Products" page, and a section of the site specifically dedicated for goalies. As my skills evolve, I would also like to incorporate a hockey rink picture as a background image throughout the site. I attempted to do it with the site this time, but I could not find the right colors for the font to show without looking confusing. I believe a section specifically dedicated for goalies would bring in a whole new section of customers. Also, in future updates, I would love to add an online ordering feature, where customers would be able to order products for either in-store pickup or delivery.