previous day's entry April 19, 2003 next day's entry
Hello my lovelies!!! I know its been like forty weeks since I've written anything here so i'll try to fill you in......  I've been training for my new job for the last two weeks.  Its been fun.. I've met a lot of cool people!!!  All of us backroweres who are not "front row material"... lol... ya we rock.  Um.... had an awesom awesome time at Karaokee this week. lol.  DJ and I sang Baby Got Back again... we've decided its our song because we do awesome at it.  Our stage names are Trixie and Roxanne.  Mikey sang an Elvis song and sounded awesome!!! Jamie thought he was lip syncing!!!  Aaron came for like an hour but had to work so he left. I got accepted to the schools i applied too!!! So me, Dee, Deej, and Jamie are all headed to Florida in 3 months!!!!! I can't even tell you how excited I am.  I can't wait to get away from this COLD COLD weather!!!!  Last weekend was the support the troops rally... I have pictures that I'll put up soon.  That was a lot of fun.  Then i had to go get fingerprinted for work... that was exciting.  Then I ran into a bunch of ppl that I haven't seen in forever so that was nice!!!  Alright.... well that's all I have to say for now... I'm gonna go take a shower now.  This job is making me a new person... I get up at the crack of dawn now... it sucks. lol Okay my lovelies... I hope you guys have a great weekend doing whatever it is you do on the weekends..... God Bless..... have an awesome Easter!!!  And remember the true reason for Easter is not about candy but about John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whoever shall believe on him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
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