This is my amazing and beautiful family who I love so very much!
Left to Right:  My Father (isn't he handsome!) my younger sister, Sage, my oldest Sister, Sarah, ME!, and my Mother (isn't she beautiful!)  My family means the world to me! And even though they've begged me not to go to Texas I'm still going..... but I'll miss them soooooooo much!!!
And of course I can't forget my baby!!! This is Dudley!  Isn't he the sweetest looking thing? I have a cat, too.  I call it cat because I can't remember its name.
This is my sisters fiance, Ben.
He's a good guy... but he's a little to close with Dudley sometimes.
The Tweedie Sisters!!!
I'm so lucky to have sisters like them.... even though Sagey likes to beat me up every once in a while.  lol... I love them very much!
This is Sage and I with our cousin Brandon, at my parent's 25th wedding anniversary!
Congrats Mom and Dad!!!
Brandon and I are known as the "sexy middle children" of the family... okay so we made up that name ourselves... but it fits, right??  lol
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