Friday, October 10, 2008 The McBAMA Burger... Well, thank you all for inspiring us, and responding. Isn't it amazing how much commonality we have, but at the same time how much dissonance? It truly is amazing. I am SO not going to share my political views here in this forum, and I don't think you guys would want me to. You are way too smart for that. I do however, want to thank you for responding. It was SOOOOO much fun reading them all, and I did read them all. Intelligent people, You are, and we appreciate Your insight. OK, so NOW we are coming down to the barest of bare bones, the scraping of vinyl covering off of the copper wire...November is just around the corner. Get your stuff together, get down on your knees and pray to your own God and ask for direction. Use the tools God gave you to make intelligent decisions, then walk your little ol' selves down to the voting booth and make a difference. I don't mean to be preachy, I am being serious. I still remember the first time I was old enough to vote, and I remember the pressure I felt from family and religion, not to mention vocation. I cried and cried, and I remember making the wrong choice. The wrong choice for me that is. Like I said, drop to your knees, and ask what the right choice is FOR YOU. I didn't do that, but today, right now, I will. We are in great need of direction from a Greater Power, from the Universe. You will sleep better at night knowing you DIDN'T make your decision based on CNN, or FOX or MSNBC, or or ABC or CBS or NBC or MTV or CMT or GAC and every other acronym (ok now I am getting crazy) and that is all you need to know. OK, maybe you need to know a few more things in life, but this is my little tiny bit of "sharing" for the day. I am sick and tired of the anger, and the fighting, the facades, the rhetoric, and the bullshit. I figure, God knows what I should do. Just thought I'd share. Love and Peace to You All... Kristyn