Thursday, October 30, 2008 Pumpkins...30 Rock, and tandoori chicken... Yes yes, I know, there is absolutely no obvious correlation within the subject line, but does that really matter?! What matters is that it is Thursday night, the Halloween Eve, you are all sitting at your computers or in front of the tube, or listening to music (my choice) or eating...wait, that is my choice too! Ok, I will accept if you are watching "30 Rock" right now, because you will learn some VERY INTERESTING things from each and every episode...and as you know I would vote "Tina Fey For President" if in fact it was an option. I digress. I always do. :D What I really wanted to say was, today is Thursday, October 30th. Kassidy's birthday by the way. SO, that means we have Firday, Oct. 31st, Saturday, Nov. 1st, Sunday the 2nd. Oh yeah, then we have Monday, November 3rd, then.....dum da da dummmmmmm! TUESDAY NOVEMBER 4TH 2008!!!!! Last chance. Last ditch effort. Last breath. Let me leave you with a brilliant quote from the miniseries "John Adams", it is President Adams' final words...don't know if he said this in actuality or not, or if it was the screenwriter's dialogue, and quite honestly I don't care. Because, you know what?! He would have said this... let it nail your conscience to a wall, let it appeal to your "inner-flag-waver", but show up if you haven't already and make your mark on our future. Ooooooh, I have a good idea, video tape it! I will, unless video cameras aren't allowed. But I will try. I am flying in from out of the country just so I can Vote. (notice I capitalize the word "Vote") Ok so picture former President John Adams, on his deathbed on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration Of Independence, July 4th... Brilliant cinematography. This was the voiceover: "Now, posterity. You will never know how much it cost us to preserve your freedom. I hope that you will make a good use of it, and if you do not, I shall repent in heaven that I took half the pains to preserve it." We are a bunch of lucky people. Really REALLY fortunate. Get out there and show some respect... Damn, I wish I would have paid more attention in history class! I am just making up for lost time.... PEACE! Kristyn