Saturday, December 20, 2008 Christmas stuff OK, it is the Holidays. Joy. Family. Love abounding. I am pissed off at the airlines right now so I am not feeling too much joy, they lost my carry on baggage, which includes my computer and all of my vitamins. I hate that. Oh, and face cream. Very important. So, anyway, in my boredom, I had to return home because after 5 hours at the airport they determined the flight was overweight and kicked my friends and I off. This has been the weirdest day ever, and I will write more about that later. Anyhoo, I am back home, with half luggage, half of my friends, and half of my sanity. I will attempt to leave for the holidays AGAIN tomorrow, maybe I will find all of my "other halves". I am borrowing my friend's computer and I came across a blog about the music business on Yahoo. I tried, ferociously, to respond and it didn't allow me to do so. Maybe they keyboard could feel the "heat" in my fingers. So, here is my rant: I understand times are hard, and if you don't think they are hard for ALL OF US think again. I sat and read through this bizarre thread about how all of us "music biz types" are getting what we deserve. Sad to me, people just don't understand. Bottom line, stealing IS STEALING. When I summon up the energy, I will tell you all more about it, even if you don't want to hear it. I really need to call the airline right now (United, hmmm, umph, ugh) and find my luggage. So, have a wonderful holiday everyone! And if you want to be inspired, read "The Greatest Miracle In The World", or watch "Scrooge" the musical, with Albert Finney. 1969/70. Brilliant pieces of "art". Can you imagine if their works could be stolen? Maybe they would never create again. And maybe we would miss out on some mesmerizing inspiration. Something to think about. Love to you all!