Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Oh, I don't know....just meandering. Well, even I myself am beginning to wonder WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON WITH THIS RECORD!!! I just wanted to make sure that I said that. Clearly, plans have changed as they do usually but that doesn't change how thrilled we are and anxious to release this music and to get out and play it live. The bummer about schedule change is that I am a Virgo and that doesn't usually sit well with me, good news is that there are two other crazies in this band, but a different kind of crazy, so it works out nicely. I digress. We are impatient, and very excited to get the music out there, but there is a teeny tiny itty bitty bit more to do, and I guess patience shall be tried. Or tired. Or both. We just wanted to say hello to everyone, and swear "the baby is coming, the baby IS coming!" I feel like I have been incubating for a year and a half! It all is very unusual, the way we music types do business, sometimes I wonder HOW we can even call it a business, it is so bizarre and unpredictable. Oh, wait, that DOES IN FACT define "business' these days! Anyhoo, life is busy, and good, and the band is killer and my house stopped leaking and as my astute younger brother said as he quoted two of his favorites, "Fear is an illusion, and the sun will come out tomorrow". I think. I could have completely screwed that one up, but it is from Michael Jordan and Annie, which I find mildly amusing. Maybe he meant "The sun is an illusion and fear will come out tomorrow, so eat drink and be merry". I like that one. I am off to eat drink and be merry and listen to "A Story To Tell".....hmmmmmmm, wanna hear it too?! I met a man on a plane, kind of mysterious in his own quirky way. I am a terrible flyer, and I was alone, and typically I attempt to befriend the poor sap sitting next to me so that the first time I tear the flesh off of one of their limbs at the sign of turbulence, they won't get too terribly offended. Anyway, we talked about all sorts of things that you only either a.) talk with your "person" about or b.) talk with a complete stranger that you will never lay eyes on again. Brilliant really, free therapy. He wrote down the name of a book I was to read, I told him of the things I'd been reading, and why, and he said I NEEDED to read this book. In the meantime I lost the slip of paper with the book title on it, but I have a terrible habit of randomly going into bookstores and buying books that "look" interesting. So I went into the store and picked up this book. When I got home, and was searching through my wallet for something, probably the unpaid parking ticket I kept forgetting to pay, I found a name, and email address, and "The Shack" written on a torn off piece of paper. I am telling you this because if you haven't already read it, you should and if you haven't already heard about it, you will. Odd, I can't remember that man's face, but I SO appreciate his suggestion, so I am passing it along. Just a thought, in times like these we need "thoughts". Beautiful, inspiring, unconventional, challenging, spiritual, charitable, hopeful thoughts. "Sadness is a wall between two gardens." -Kahlil Gibran Ahhhhhhh, yes, I almost forgot.