Wednesday, June 25, 2008 My first blog... You know, it is truly a sad day, when my first blog entry is about one of the most inane issues I have EVER ENCOUNTERED IN MY LIFE! So, once and for all, I would really like to clear up a little "misunderstanding" that has been circulating online. First of all, I apologize to those of you who already know what I am talking about, stick with me here, I thank you in advance for your patience. OK, we recorded a song called "23 Days" that was written about life on a tour bus, being homesick, missing those you love, and the song was used in a little commercial for Select Comfort. We have gotten SO many comments and messages, and so many debates have been instigated by a little "inside" lyric....huh hmmmmmm, drum roll..."why can't Eagles fly?" Once and for all, EVERYONE, an "Eagle" is a type of tour bus, for heaven's sake google it! Yes, we are painfully aware that there is a bird called an eagle that in fact can and does fly, but we were not referring to that particular kind of eagle. Definition: an eagle is a large bird of prey with a massive hooked beak and long broad wings, known for its keen sight and powerful soaring flight. Duh. Definition: an Eagle is a tour bus that transports people from point A to point B, usually barreling down a highway or byway or your way or my way...either way. Case closed. Next? I am NOW going to going enlighten my mind, and read the encyclopedia, just to make sure I never make the same mistake again...shout out to the Patchers! SHeLOVE everyone...