Monday, June 30, 2008 YOU PEOPLE... Current mood: accomplished Are funny. And Intelligent. And intuitive, kind and bold! Thanks for all the witty retorts, they provided much entertainment for me as I sit here on this couch in the studio...mixing a record my friends, is monotonous. I need some humor here, or as Jann Arden (Canada's Girlfriend) would say, "humour". Speaking of couches, I have had many hours to reflect on what makes a good, l ifelong-best-friend kind of couch as I have been sitting here on this studio couch for 3 weeks. Yes, yes, interesting beyond comprehension, but "humour" me here...SO, I got a new couch a little while ago. I love my couch, never thought I'd say that. Ever. A couch has always represented a slothful way of living...I picture a middle aged man, beer in one hand and greasy bag of Lays chips in the other. Sometimes when I think of a couch I picture the most feared carb on the planet, "the potato", loaded of course. Sometimes I picture the one item I whisked away from my house when I was going through "The Big D" some years ago-plumb colored and worn out on the right hand corner where I'd curl into the fetal position and that same corner I'd lay comatose nursing a migraine, crying still. You know how it is, we accumulate the memories like strands of yarn, wrapping endlessly around this "core" that has been wrapped and wrapped and wrapped around until you have actually forgotten WHAT the core consists of. You just end up with a big fuzzy orb of who-the-hell-knows...UNTIL you get a NEW couch. Clean, welcoming, memory-free and full of promise, and like magic you remember what your core is, and how to get back to it. I digress. So, today, I am SO loving my new couch. I could sleep 16 on it, I could even use my own body as a little spinning needle on a board game dial without ever touching the edges, all the while landing comfortably in a heap of ever-loving-contentment no matter where I end up. You know, now that I think about it (and yes this is crossing the line of healthy analyzation) I may just "move in" to my couch, just pack up everything and camp out for a good long while. I guess I am looking for (dum da da dum here comes the cliche) a soft place to land. Is that so wrong? All I really need now is a salad bar attached to the left end of the armrest and someone to love my couch as much as I do. I think I will get a dog. Or maybe I should just get back to work, this is the last official day of mixing, I leave L.A. tomorrow, head back to Nashville tomorrow-new music in hand. Eeeeeewwwwwwww (insert squeals of delight) I can't wait to see my new couch again!!!! Reunited, and it feels SO good...God Bless Peaches and Herb. Official disclaimer: I reserve the right to misspell, misrepresent, exaggerate, and make stuff up. OR even use the word "disclaimer" incorrectly