Thursday, July 24, 2008 A TO ME No reason for the subject line, other than it is one of the new song titles...I have songs on the brain. So...the world is collapsing around us! Do you all have your "two year supply of food storage"?! Seriously...Tricia Walsh-Smith is dominating Youtube, further thwarting the cause for creating gender equality, Batman got arrested, gas prices increase as our libidos decrease, hence the freakin' irritating infomercials about EXTENZE or whatever the heck it is..Whew...aaaaaand... I am tired about you all? What a weird few weeks, and I have come to believe that "weird" is infinitely more stimulating than predictable. Anyway, the good news is, that the girls and I are knee deep in finishing this record, and maybe we will finally be able to get back to normal. But wait, what IS that?! Oooh, actually a terrifying thought. So, does anyone have a good idea for an album title? I am stumped. Kelsi and Kassidy are stumped, our parents on the other hand, have completely ridiculous ideas, so if anyone has a suggestion that might cancel out our parents, it would be appreciated...otherwise, the new record may be titled "Popcorn Popping On The Apricot Tree" or "Crowded Mirror" or even "Kream"...don't ask. Our mom enjoys the creative "K" stuff. If she'd had her way, SHeDAISY would have been called Kaleidoscope. Or Kontrails (typically spelled with a "c" and sounds a lot like entrails which is pretty disgusting) It has been a day filled with exciting meetings; prospects, optimism, anticipation...and for me as I now at the end of the day sit on my couch (the one you guys know that I looooooooooooooooove more than anything, more than pizza or more than Grant Hill, more than Kathy Griffin...and that is a lot of love kids) I am attempting to decompress. Watching Glenn Beck is NOT the best option for cleansing the mind, is it?! I think I need to unthink. SO, that being said, I really don't think the world is collapsing around us...I was just bored and it sounded like a good opening blog line. But we are excited about the music. It is hard not to share, maybe we will have to sneak a peek on here sometime. SO, like I said before, anyone have any brilliant ideas about an album title? xo Krix btw, has anyone been able to do the research regarding the new breed of eagle that has such limited wing span the the aerodynamics of their physicality actually prevents them from being able to propel themselves through the air? We have been waiting patiently. Love us some Patchers!