Wednesday, July 30, 2008 On top of old Smokey...I feel the earth move under my feet... I had one of the weirdest days ever yesterday! Like, "What The Bleep Do We Know" kind of weird. So, first of all, whilst in Los Angeles finishing the record, I opted to swing by my favorite hair stylist's salon for a touch up (shocking I know, that perhaps I am not ACTUALLY as blonde as I may appear) before I hit the studio. SO, somewhere between the thumping of the sound system playing all my fav George Michael tunes, and the buzz of the blow dryers, I heard a rumble so prominent that is sounded like it came from the bottom of a very hungry Jolly Green Giant's stomach. Come to think of it, it FELT like I was in the bottom of a giant stomach, with the rolling movement of the floor beneath me. Kinda like what would be happening if the giant was mid digestion. I digress. Who'd a thunk it?! Seriously, I had my first California earthquake! 5.4 to be exact, and here's the REALLY terrifying was kind of cool! I was also here during the riots...I guess I am like a three legged dog named Lucky. So there I was, with my Roberto, his assistant Chris, and a whole lot of bleach and hot hair tools, and we were having the time of our lives during the earthquake. I think I need to have my head checked, well actually I just did! Had an MRI a few days ago. TMI. It's interesting....within 5 minutes following the earthquake, it was business as usual, people scurrying about, going on with their daily responsibilities, like instead of just experiencing an earthquake, we'd just experienced a delicate Spring shower...whimsical almost, but a bit forgettable... for everyone except us out-of-towners who couldn't stop talking about it. Then back to the studio I went, for another action packed day of stress. I am growing accustomed to this process, although I am not fond of it. This record is an enormous responsibility, my only hope is that I don't let anyone down, hence the stress. Maybe we should call this record "I AM SO FREAKING GRATEFUL TO HAVE THIS FINISHED" and stick a fork in it. Good thing I love what I do, because it would absolutely suck if I didn't. So I got back to the studio, and immediately needed to stick my head in a brown paper bag and take my blood pressure, so I was sitting in the stairwell at this legendary studio we've been working in-gazing at all the gold and platinum records adorning the walls (hello! Rumors was recorded here, as well as Aja) and this guy comes sauntering up the stairs right past where I was hyperventilating, and he said "hello" and smiled, and then went into the room next to me. Now, if I could say that this man was George Clooney I would be ECSTATIC but alas it wasn't. Even cooler, it was Smokey Robinson! I mean, I was like, "where in the hell am I?!" It just hit me right upside of the head, I have a pretty spectacular job. I went through the laundry list of people we've gotten to meet, places we've seen, food we've tasted, stories we've been told, songs we've birthed....and if being named "Lucky" the three legged dog is my lot, well, I will take it! So, weirdest day ever. Smokey and an earthquake, all in the same afternoon. Not bad. So, from your other comments, it sounds like you all don't think you can appropriately submit album title ideas without hearing all of the music, huh? OK...I will attach it to the end of this blog...:D Share the SHeLOVE! (I haven't said that in fooooooooreeeeeeever) don't forget my disclaimer...