Maine Smokers Rights

Page Two

Here is something that speaks volumes about elected officials.
More of same:  Insolence!

State of Maine Forcing All Grade School Kids to Answer Horrific Survey
(2 Meg PDF format - if need be, right click on the link and 'save to disk' or 'save target as')
that identifies Grades 7 and 8 individuals by requiring their Zip Code
a Survey that they are Hiding from the Parents and the Public
under a Copyright Law.
Smoking aside, which is categorized in with alcohol, marijuana, heroin, crack, lsd, sex, guns, knives, violence, and crime,this Survey will mentally and emotionally Traumatize regular kids in to Psychiatric 'Care'.

And the Partners For a Tobacco Free Maine is using the surveys for God knows what all...........Invasion of Privacy!

click here

Maine Representatives emails



Hospitals moving to bar psychiatric patients from smoking/Don't go nuts in Maine

''Our first concern is about health and about patients, and it's high time we made the statement that smoking is not OK in a health care environment,'' Dr. Girard Robinson said.


More cruel and inhumane treatment by Maine's Health Care Facilities.

article here  


US states rake in cigarette revenues, hunt evaders

31 October 2002 -

But with the outlook for annual income from the tax unclear after the current 2003 fiscal year and an end to budget woes nowhere in sight, states are cracking down on Internet vendors, American Indian reservations and others who do not collect tobacco taxes.
click here


Who profits by far the most from cigarettes? Government

24 October 2002

To cigarettes, of course. The golden goose of government - including the Golden State's government.

click here



The Following was written by Lance Tapley of the Associated Press.  You can read this article in it's entirety at:


 No smoking in the Sanford casino  

John Michael, the former Auburn legislator, 2002 independent gubernatorial candidate, and referendum-campaign professional, could provide the casino with another way out of what may be a dilemma if he is able to see his overturn-the-smoking-ban initiative bill successful at the polls next year.

His Maine Freedom Coalition had tried and failed to collect the needed 50,519 signatures by a September 12 deadline to suspend the legislature�s smoking ban � actually, to suspend both smoking bans � until a "people�s veto" statewide referendum could decide their fate. He hadn�t raised enough money from taverns to get his signature-collection campaign in full gear soon enough (see "People�s veto put off," Sept. 26, by Sam Pfeifle).

The prime occasion for signature collection, though, is coming up. If Michael can field several hundred people at polling places on Election Day, he could obtain the necessary signatures for his new initiative petition in a matter of hours.

But there�s also the question of how he would obtain the big-time cash needed to run a credible pre-referendum campaign next year. The taverns have turned out not to be a rich funding source. The big tobacco companies are one possibility. Another is the would-be casino developer.

Although Michael personally is vehemently opposed to the tribes� casino, he expressed interest in accepting money from Marnell Corrao, which is financing the pro-casino campaign. "Maybe I should call them?" he asked rhetorically in his trademark flippant tone.

But would the casino forces finance him? "They will not fund John Michael�s campaign. They will not participate," replied Erin Lehane.

The tribes and their Las Vegas friends appear to have gotten themselves into an awkward political and financial position with a casino that under current law will have to be smoke-free. If their referendum campaign doesn�t go down in smoke � perhaps because gamblers, the majority of whom are smokers, discover they won�t be able to indulge their smoking habit at the Two Tribes Casino � how can a non-smokers� casino possibly succeed?

Perhaps Maine , going against conventional wisdom, will show the way: Dirigo.

But don�t bet on it. 



email John         call John at 782-8975

John writes and appeals for help:

I'm busy trying to get these signatures collected so we can send out a question to the public to repeal the ban. It doesn't matter how right people are in discussing the smoking issue, THE LEGISLATURE WILL NOT REPEAL IT.  The Senate voted
32 to 2 in favor of it for crying out loud!  Our only chance is to get this out to the public to vote on.  This means action, now.  The discussions about smoking at this time are out of order for me.  They WILL become valuable later, however, when we do put the question on the ballot, and a CAMPAIGN begins.  If we fail to get the signatures, then all of the smoking discussions are a waste of time in Maine forever, because they will make no difference without the power of a public vote.

I am trying to put things in a posture where the ones who like to talk can make a difference.  I'm not going to give you much more feedback until we get these signatures in November 4th.  It's our last (and very best) chance.  After we get the signatures we will effectively be automatically put into campaign mode and I will be quite interested in the talk of it, because that's what campaigns are.  I will be quite available at that time. 

We are now busy scheduling in volunteers to the polls for November 4th to circulate the new citizen's initiative petition that will put the question of repeal out for the voters to decide NEXT November 2004.  That's the best we can do.  If you have any people in Maine who are capable and want to help for just ONE day at the polls, please have them call us at the office and we will schedule them at a polling place near them Tuesday, November 4th.


A Manifesto for a Time of Change


How can we fight this war?


(Rep Clough and Rep. Judy Peavy believe it's ok to use this funding to sponsor Speedway 95 and the racecar!)

The Robert Wood Johnson is combined with the American Medical Association. To date, they have 44 states in their pockets.

The states that are in their pocket, receive huge grants from the RWJ Foundation for restricting, banning, controlling smokers and every time a state raises cigarette taxes, the higher the grants.

And what with the state budgets being so poor, they jump on the RWJ Foundation bandwagon to fill their coffers with big grants. Therefore, they cut off the head of the smoker.

How can we fight this? The states need the money, and the smokers are an easy target to get it.

Take for instance Maine: They have banned smoking at every hospital. You can�t even smoke in your private vehicle on their lot!!!! Several hospitals have received �grants� for brand new big MRI machines.

All the restaurants in Maine are smoke free. We only have three in northern Maine where we can go and smoke, and they have a liquor license.

Cigarette taxes went sky high. So, how in the world can we fight this? The states need money, and they found the honey pot to which to feed��..

I don�t know, ��when I first put this on my site, the RWJ Foundation had 40 states in their pockets 6 months ago. Now��.they have 44.

The Robert Wood Johnson foundation hates smokers with a passion, and they have the funds to really make it a nightmare for us��.

Along with the District of Columbia, Smokeless States grantees are active in the following states: Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine , Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Does this make sense now???

G overnor touts anti-smoking help line

AUGUSTA, Maine 7 September 2002

Heralding a new tool in the state's anti-smoking campaign, Gov. Angus King on Friday unveiled a telephone help line designed to help smokers who want to quit.

''Tobacco is an enormous health problem in Maine,'' King told reporters before testing the line at a State House news conference in his office.

Information is also available to nonsmokers calling the line about others. (Training the snitches are we!)

Among those joining King at the news conference was Dr. Dora Mills, the state's public health chief.

King said $2 million was earmarked for the smoking cessation aid program and an advertising campaign. ($50 million is coming into Maine, so where is the $48 million going?  Sure isn't going into HEALTH CARE)

Complete article here


Fifty Thousand Current and Former Smokers Needed For National Lung Screening - 18 Sept 2002

Turn your body over to the state.  Shoot me now?

horrifying article here


Every state in the U.S. is raising cigarette taxes through the roof, because they can't balance their budgets without our money!  Yet, the spew they want a "smoke free everything!!"

I wish every adult smoker in the U.S. would buy off the internet, or from Reservations or Roll Your Own!  Get out from under the state tax burden, and let the states pound sand until they figure out who they can tax next!  I am tired of it!



Maine's high cigarette tax far from being tapped out

Wednesday, May 8, 2002-Portland Press Herald


Maine's cigarette tax - among the highest in the nation - appears to be enjoying a banner year. Generating almost $95 million in this fiscal year, it surpassed last year's total by $17 million and has now passed corporate income tax as the third-highest money-maker for the state.

Not everyone thinks that's good. Some worry that state government has become too dependent on taxing bad habits, and that as smoking declines, so will revenues from cigarette taxes. The King administration argued earlier this year that Maine had reached the tipping point, where a further increase in the cigarette tax would lead to a decrease in tax revenues, as smokers kick a habit they can no longer afford.

NEWS FLASH:  We aren't kicking the habit, Governor!  We are going ELSEWHERE! You done shot the goose that laid the golden egg!!!!!!

Every year tobacco products kill 2,500 residents and add $1.15 billion in health care costs. If more smokers kick the habit because of the tax, both they and the state's taxpayers win.

More Spin - More Lies-Smokers pay more then their fair share in health care costs.  This is a blatant lie.

click here


Most nonsmokers have no idea how far the demonization of smokers has gone, nor how much damage is being done by this "war" on one in four of our fellow citizens. And it is all based on manipulated science funded by special-interest groups well paid with money extorted from the smokers themselves. It's a sad and scary statement on what CAN happen in a free country when unelected zealots with an axe to grind in collusion with greedy pork-barrel politicians set their sights on one unpopular segment of society. - by Spinner

Take Back Your Dignity!

This petition will be delivered to President George W. Bush, to Tommy Thompson at DHHS (who spends $3 million a day funding anti-smoker activities), to John Ashcroft (who is crafting another attack on Big Tobacco which will be paid by smokers alone), to the ACLU Lifestyle Discrimination Division, to all Congressmen and Senators, and to the governors of the fifty states.

Sign Petition Here


Tax hikes send smokers to Net

June 18, 2002

As the taxes on cigarettes climb to record heights, people are turning to the Internet to find cheaper smokes.

Article Here


Smokers, Fight Back!

Why Let Maine Soak You For Discriminatory Tobacco Taxes?

Low Prices, High Quality And No Taxes Are As Close And Easy As Your Telephone, Fax, Mailbox Or Computer!

click here


City panel backs smoke-free parks

Bangor Daily News - 11 July 2002

City Councilor David Nealley said before the meeting. �Quite frankly, there are a lot more important things than whether someone has a cigarette outside.�

click here


Cigarette taxes to generate more revenue than corporate income taxes

Augusta, Maine - 4/17/2002 click here


The $95 million in cigarette taxes do not include Maine's portion of the tobacco settlement with cigarette companies, which will produce about $50 million a year for the state.

Yet they still spew that smoker's in Maine are costing more in health care. 


Hogs at the Trough. Borrowed from Forces International site.




Caribou, Maine.  PLEASED to announce!

Everything went well for many years at the American Legion Bingo. Now they went Smoke Free?

I am going to find out why they started this policy; who is behind it and what is the reasoning.

5/19/02-No story here.  One lady who smokes and goes to bingo all the time said that this is just a "select group" that rents out the American Legion. 


Behind the Scenes of the Anti-Freedom Campaign



Co-op board bars new owners from smoking

Manhattan, New York - April 30, 2002




By Gian Turci from Forces International


�On second thought, the idea of a list of obituaries for non smokers is not that far-fetched � especially for the morons who are telling us that "If we did not smoke, we would not die." Perhaps we should wait for them to die, then go dance, smoke, and drink on their graves. What a party that would be; count me in for the next one!



Partners For A Tobacco Free Maine



Their ads on TV are on the form of harassment!  A double ad every 10 minutes???  If an adult smoker wants to quit, they sure know where to go.  But this group is harassing us through the TV media and I have turned them off.

I have been reading all the lies posted at their site.  We all agree we do not want teens smoking.....but the lies they are telling ADULTS are going to be debunked right here.  They will  be getting a letter from me.  I will not put up with the lies and the miss-information which are inaccurate, deceitful and dishonest.



Maine health system ailing

Smokeless States

Federal Court Rules Against EPA on Secondhand Smoke

EPA Administrator Whitman To Announce New Environmental Health 
Initiative To Protect Children From Secondhand Smoke 


Christie Whitman, appointed by President Bush, still living in the Clinton area!!! Email Christie and tell her just what you think!!


Email Dir. Whitman

Little U.S. Tobacco Settlement Money to Prevention

Positive attitude is best prevention against heart disease

Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions


At the study's start, the participants had an average age of 45. Fifty-one percent were male and 17 percent were African American. During the follow-up period, 70 participants (11.9 percent) had heart events. Education level, diabetes and smoking status were not found to be strong predictors of heart disease.


War On Smokers by Spinner


Medical Editors Draw A Line In The Sand

T hey're mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore.

Among Big Pharm's tricks: suppressing unfavorable data and results in drug trails, manipulating data, releasing partial results, not allowing researchers access to data from other centers in multi center trials, re-fashioning and re-publishing positive studies to multiply the effect, submitting papers written by company employees under the names of outside physician-researchers, maintaining and strictly retaining within the company the only complete records, statistics and analyses of studies.


"Pharmaceutical companies do what they do because they can," says Rennie, "and what enables you to do things in this world is money ."


Lifestyle Discrimination


JAMA falls foul of fabricated suicide story


If our wonderful Journal of American Medicine, the Journal of God for most Doctors, can foul up a story like this, how many "other mis-truths" do they have in there. We can't believe any of their "lies" anymore.


At The Service of the Pharmaceutical Industry



More From The Anti's




Email Maine Smokers Rights




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