Sailor Mercury (Mizuno Ami)

Hi! My name is... Still wondering what 'kawaii' means? I doubt it. �Ami was Japan's favourite Senshi in her hayday, as she was seen as the perfect wife and a hard worker.

You may have noticed that Ami sports blue hair, or at least that's how it appears. Her hair is actually black, characters in anime are given bolder, unnatural hair colours so you can tell them apart easily. Well, it goes with her outfit anyway....

Ami is a 'genius' with an IQ of nearly 300. �She certainly displays more mental capability than the other senshi�and is seen as a strategist during battles, her powers causing more delusion than injury. Ami focuses on the academic side of life during the series and used to be mocked for her commitment to education but this faded as she became more attached to the other senshi. The DiC dub, however, never fails to come up with such razor-sharp and witty names such as 'techno-dweeb' for the enemies to call her. How we laughed.

Ami is a lot more relaxed and thoughtful than the other senshi. She enjoys chess, reading and swimming. This might sound a little mundane but her personality is generally more believeable than any of the others. Ami's role usually consists of doing all the tasks that require more than make-up and a magic wand to complete; which makes her pretty much unique in terms of this series. Hasn't got much of a sense of humour though- she hates practical jokes and time wasting.

Ami Info

Japanese Name

Mizuno Ami


Beauty of Water

DiC Name

Amy Anderson

German Name

Ami Mizuno

First Appeared

Episode 8, SM


September 10 1978

Star Sign



5' 2"

Attack Influence


Blood Type



Reading, Chess, Swimming


Sandwiches, Puzzles


Practical jokes

Strong Points

Stategy, computers, puzzles

Weak Points

Romance, relaxation


Become a Doctor

Original Voice

Hisakawa Aya


Shabon Spray
Shabon Spray Freezing
Shine Aqua Illusion
Double Shabon Spray Freezing
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody

Extra Info

In the Manga, Princess Mercury was
coupled with Zoicite during the
Silver Millenium.

Final CommentsAmi gives the group some stability as well as intellectual credibility. She always seems to know what to do both in and out of her role as Sailor Mercury. She may have problems building friendships and relationships but I can only imagine this is often the case for the highly intelligent (I certainly wouldn't know :-).


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