Character Art Gallery
These fallowing pieces are of characters or RP charicters that belong to other people that I have drawn either as gifts/freebies or commissions. If you have questions about having your own piece done, refure to the Fax Chat Page.
Fennic Pirate
This is my younger Sister's RP Char. in her Fennic form, her other form is Nala the lioness. This piece was also inspired by pirates of the carabean.
I have many sides, the naughty "ID" side is often represented in my art as Kit Kat. Don't let the Angel wings fool you, she probably stoll them while the poor angle was sleeping... or unconciouse.
Madd Hatter
This was a piece done for a friend who helped me on my short lived Zine (about 6 months). I honestly would not have gone as far nor lasted as long doing the 20 page Zine completely on my own & I have alot of respect for my crazy fur buddy Madd Hatter. Dude, you so kick @$$! Thank you a ton!
Milo & Sephen
Milo is my non-officaily-adopted-younger-sister. She lovingly offers a kiss to her guy Sephen. Milo is a dark blue cat & sephen is a jackel.
Tickle Wars
Was inspired by the actual event during a fur-meet that brought around a tickle war between the said furs portraid the the piece. A blue fox, a gold fox, a husky & I belive a wolf or husky/wolf mix.
This is a self portait. Ok so i didn't do any drawing, but I did a good amount of cutting & pasting and manipulating to place a photo I took of a white tiger over a photo of myself when I was a young child. Don't I look Cute! This is actually the best of a series I did.
Viper is a very, very, very friendly furry critter. But once again, don't let the concept of wings fool you, he is definatly no angel. LOL , He probably stoll his off the other angel who feel asleep at heaven's gate.
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