Comedy Art Gallery
I belive that laughter is an important part of life that so many of us forget about, including myself. I tend to have a dry, sarcastic sometimes cheesey & even dark sence of humor, but as long as these images gives you a smile , then they've done their jobs.
(Click on the images for a larger picture)
The Plush Collection
Be nice to your stuffed animals for they know where you sleep & what you do when no one esle is around. I had way too much fun doing the ink splaters for the back grounds
Indian ink, pen on paper & colored with Arc Soft Photostudio 2000, By Fax ,2003.
Hangers was suggested by my older sister who , as a furry, is a fruit bat. Ah, rivalry.

Pen on paper , coloerd with Arc Soft Photostudio 2000,
By Fax, 2001
Pony Ride

We've all given or had a pony ride in one point in our lives, but imagin if you had to give one all the time. The true comedy behind the piece is the horse , an herbivore threatening to become a carnivore just to get out of the mindles task.

Pen On paper, colored with Arc Soft Potostudio 2000, By Fax, 2003
Stressed Kitty

For those of you who may have a hard time with this; cats love fish, puffer fish are poisionouse if not prepared by a highly skilled & trained cheff. The dog hates cats, & the bear is the friend of the cat.

Pen on paper, Colored with Arc soft Photostudio 2000,
By Fax, 2003
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