Cub Art Gallery
Cub art is basically what it says. It is art work themed around baby animals. They are so cute and adorable. May I suggest a nice print for a proud parent to be for the new nursary wall.
Baby Lemmur

I find lemmurs quiet amuzing and adorable, so when i wanted to make a piece that would have people going "aww" I felt the baby lemmur would put a new twist to it instead of using the same old cliche of a puppy or a kitten

Pen on paper colored with Arc soft photostudio 2000, By Fax. 2003
Supper Roo!

Meet Red, the red kangaroo. I fell in love with this charicter after i drew an adult version of Red, so when it came around to drawing cubs, I felt the need to give this shy playful male a childhood.

Pen on paper, colored with Arc Soft Photostudio 2000, By Fax. 2003

This is my little brother's favorite. while the bobcat cub is having fun in his own mind he unmindingly becomes the day's infamouse distroyer of all things fun. And yes that is a koala crying.

Pen on paper, colored with Arc Soft Photostudio 2000,
By Fax, 2003
Chinchilla with Duiker Cabbit

I love drawing unique animals. Owning a couple chinchillas myself, I thought they would make cute cubs. Now what is a duiker cabbit? well a duiker is a type of gazzel or antilope, but to keep it on the short & cute side I mixed it with a cabbit (half rabbit half cat creature)

Pen on paper, colored with arcsoft Photostudio 2000,
By Fax, 2003
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