

Came with Lord Synbios to the conference, always getting in to trouble. Tried to watch the meeting with Dantares and Synbios, only to be caught by Dantares. Gave the flowers she had to Synbios in order to make peace with him and Dantares.

Scenario 1 Stats

Joins: (S1-C1)
Elf Female
After talk scene with Grace, Joins Automatically, Player Controlled
Starting Level: L1
Starting Weapon: Wooden Rod
Starting Item: Medical Herb, Cut Flowers
Starting Skills:
Starting Magic:
Blaze L1
Final Magic: Blaze L4, Spark L4, Attack L2
Classes: Magician =
> Wizard

Scenario 2

In Scenario 2, Masqurin appears only in the talk scenes with Synbios.

Scenario 3

Brain washed by Yasha along with the rest of Synbios's team, Julian must fight Masqurin in order to return her to her sences. She joins along with the rest of Synbios's team in Chapter 7.

Scenario 3 Stats

Joins: (S3-C7)
Starting Level:
What you left her with in S1
Starting Weapon:
What you left her with in S1
Starting Item: What you left her with in S1
Starting Skills:
What you left her with in S1
Starting Magic:
What you left her with in S1
Classes: Magician =
> Wizard => High Wizard

General Advice

As with all magic user Masqurin is a pretty bad hitter, but saying that she can fight her way out of a cornor. Her spells are mainly attacking one's, so make sure you go for group hits with her spells or use the power spell to wipe out the emeny BOSS character. Her strengths and weakness change depending on what weapon type she has equip.

Scenario 1 Character Page
Scenario 2 Character Page
Scenario 3 Character Page