Cloud Strife
Job: Mercenary
Age: 21
Weapon: 2H. Sword
Height: 5'7"
Birth: 08/19, Nibelheim
Blood type: AB
Prologue; Awakening
Chapter 1: Future/Past
Chapter 2 Archive, Main

Prologue: The Awakening

His eyes ripped open from their trance like sleep, her's muffled screams still echoed in his head. Her voice lingering in him filling his mind and soul. His heart felt as though it would explode if it were not slowed. Was it a dream? A cruel nightmare? Or a warning? He didn't know for sure. But it was all he needed for an excuse. To pick up the search once more, to continue his quest. In an instant the bed covers were flung off and he was standing, straping his armor and clothes into place once more. The armor glisened in the pale light as the cracks of past battles still echoed in them forever. The Time had come, it was now he had to strike. To return to the Ancient's Capitial and continue the search. His stomuch ached at him as he did not wish to go, part of him was fighting it, to return there soon. But he had no choice. Aerith was in wasn't in trouble. Aerith was gone. Why wouldn't it go? when did the hurting stop? Her voice was so real though... should he at least investigate? Or discard it and sleep again? He shook his head and grabbed for his Buster sword. Ripping the two dark materia balls out of their wall mounts he slammed them into place in the mighty sword. Once again he took to arms, the sword still reflected the tainted blood of that infernal man..that demon who took her from him. Who stole her soul and caused her eyes to no longer shine like dawn. Who ever was behind this, if it was anything at all, would pay dearly. With a quick spin of his sword and a click as it locked to his back the dark figure walked out of his room and to the streets, off in to the dark night air towards the mountains....
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