Cloud Strife
Job: Mercenary
Age: 21
Weapon: 2H. Sword
Height: 5'7"
Birth: 08/19, Nibelheim
Blood type: AB
Prologue; Awakening
Chapter 1: Future/Past
Chapter 2 Archive, Main

Chapter 1: Journey to the Future, Escaping the Past

The Wind was as bitter and cold as the man who walked through it was; he plowed through the several feet of snow on the icy mountains of Nibelheim. The lone figure gripped the fading torn cloak close to him for warmth, but it did nothing for him as the wind ripped through it and cut into his bones. The man uttered words no mother would have her child hear as he continued his journey. Though it was spring elsewhere these mountains still clung to their snow and ice. Like a grip of death it held him. But he would not turn back nor wait for the wind to die down. He was too stubborn and pissed anyway. That and the wind had covered his tracks back to town. Just when things had gotten bad, they got much much worse. His muttering was interrupted by the growling of his stomach. A quick slap to it and it was silent, for now. He had almost missed the battles, the thrill, the tricks, the magic, the insults, the surprises, the limit breaks... Having One's limit break near full for so many years had been a pain. He had been itching for something to attack, but no one would hit him or set him off. He had become too damn famous, robbers ran, monsters messed themselves and then ran. Small children wanted autographs after having changed themselves. At one time they loved him, the people were excited to see they fled. Why? Perhaps it was because of the change, his eyes were not so bright, they had darkened, and a looming darkness itself had rested over him. His smile had once existed for a short time, but even that had been stripped of him. His happiness had died with her. His hope for a reason to exist. He had only come back for vengeance, but what is a man without a purpose? His train of thought was broken as two figures stepped out from behind some trees in front of him. They had ski masks on, and wield....railroad spikes? The first larger one moved towards him, now it became clear to Cloud just what they were...snowmen...possessed snowmen. Could things possibly get worse? Cloud didn't think so...but they would. The snowman then spoke through his rock-lined mouth, "Alright buddy, hand over your gil pouch and you might just survive long enough to not freeze your ass off out here." Cloud's eye began twitching as he let out a sigh of depression. Things had ultimately hit their lowest point. The other snowman then stepped forth and held his railroad spike out like a dagger....a dagger faced backwards and upside-down. The fatter snowman looked to his companion with his big rock eyes and made a rocky scowling face, "You idiot, what do you got, snow for brains? Turn around, stupid." The smaller snowman stopped, looked at his spike, and turned it around in his stick hand. Then turned it menacingly� well about as menacingly as a snowman can get, to Cloud who was punching himself in the gut over and over again. The Snowmen wondered what the hell he was doing, but suddenly Cloud began to glow yellow as he looked at them sinisterly with a cheesy evil grin that would put Sephiroth to shame. Before the two snowmen could uhh blink, Cloud leapt into the air, his cloak flying off into the canyon below as he cried out; "BRAVER!!!!!!!!" The snowmen's corpses covered the snow ground in itty-bitty pieces as Cloud stormed off out of the Nibelheim mountains and back out into the grassy fields. Off in the distance he could see a town and an old rusting rocket pad. His stomach purred happily as it knew soon it would eat, only to be silenced by a smack.
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