Q: What is the plot, again?
A: Yeah. The intro is rather cryptic. Basically, Rufus has been found alive and has attempted to rally his former employees back to his side. Somehow, he's managed to recreate the 5 weapons and is hell-bent on taking over the world.[Again.]

Q: But he DIED! In the fire! There was a huge explosion! Why revive him?!
A: A new plot idea was needed to revive this RPG. Don't like it? Hike it! Besides. Bad people just don't stay down! [Actually, there is quite a fan speculation about this theory. That and about Tseng. :)]
Also, he will be GM-written, to which other characters can coincide with his chapters or vice versa. Most likely the second option, though his motives will be presented, then people can act accordingly.

Q: Didn't Hojo die too? What's with the Simon Hojo�?!
A: Don't you think a slightly-insane scientist like Hojo would have a clone of himself stashed somewhere? Heck, this guy might even be the original. The one that died could have been a clone. Think about it.

Q: So... Sephiroth? Aerith? Tseng? Any comment?
A: Sephy, hmm? He might be a [PC] eventually. Considering he'd be a disoriented clone and such. We shall see. And with Aerith... the only purpose she will serve is the warning in Cloud's dream in the story. About Tseng... we'll have to see. ^_^;

Q: You didn't put [insert name] in the character list. Why?
A: In a lot of cases, characters haven't made the list because they had died in the midst of the actual game. There was quite a bit of death and dismay, might I add.

Q: Where's the Location List?
A: There isn't one. But anyone who's appling for a character should AT LEAST know where their character is from and where they will be headed eventually. However, there is now a traveller's map for those who don't know the locations, or if you've just temporarily forgotten.

Q: Why only 1 GM?
A: Because. More than one creates a hassle and a power struggle. Yeah. In time there may be another.

Q: Can I apply for a second character yet?
A: I'll get back to you on that...

Q: What about edits on chapters?
A: It's up to the writer to submit an error free chapter. There will be a quick review before a chapters' final posting.

Q: Think there is a chance that this RPG will survive?
A: Third time's a charm. I'm hoping that at least a few people wouldn't mind writing for a while. It'd be quite nice...

Q: What about this 'site info'?
A: Okay, the original site was on freeservers.com way back in 2001, er, even early 200, methinks. It's been a while. Those GM's had it made. They were witty and talented, then I was inaugerated as a 'Demi-GM' after two left and the last pitched his hopes on me. To which I enlisted the aide of Hawksaber and a few other willing people to carry on the critical-status RPG until it died roughly 1.5 years ago. Now, with the inspiration from an old friend, I've decided to re-open the damn thing and start anew.

© to whomever made it...
Any other questions to ask? Mail the ShinRa Wars RPG. Be nice, now.


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