Naturally, there are going to be a few guidelines to writing in this RPG. Not too strict, but also not too leanient either. Please regard all rules with respect and discretion.

Regarding Character Applications:

Rule #1
Put some decent effort into your character application. Two word answers for each of the questions will not be acceptable. If you need help, feel free to contact the GM.

Rule #2
For now, there is a limit to the number of characters you can apply for. It is currently one [1], but it may go up to two if enrollment is too low. Not like the list is big anyhow.

Regarding Chapter Writing:

Rule #3
You cannot kill off another person's character nor revive a deceased character. However, if the chapter calls for a flashback, that is more than all right. [Note: When it comes to Hojo & co. be sure to keep in mind that he might have X# clones...]

Rule #4
Your character cannot be God-like or near god-like. For example, you cannot write/send Mr. Valentine through the Battle Square wherein he doesn't suffer a single scratch. Sorry, but everyone is a mortal being, capable of getting hurt, no matter their base stats, equipped materia or weaponry. Fair is fair. [Note: The Ultima, Knights of the Round and the two upper Bahamut materia are outlawed. Not fair, since there's like only one of each. Stick to the basics & such. It's more about physical ability, now.]

Rule #5
Although there is a lot of freedom in writing chapters for said characters, there are some minor plot lines that are set by the GM. They don't have to be followed completely, but they have to at least be considered.

Rule #6
No characters from other games, movies, anime series's, etc. can be added to your chapters. [Kingdom Hearts... touchy subject. No direct relations to this!!] If you want to add an original character for a chapter or two, have it cleared with the GM first. Just a short and simple description will do.

Rule #7
There is a rather flexible time limit for submitting chapters. At least one every 21 days would be preferrable. If you're currently involved with other aspects of your life, you can get an extension. Just a quick note on the MSG Board will suffice. If you do not submit chapters regularly, you'll get a notice on relinquishing your character, possibly to someone who may be much more eager to write as them.

Regarding General Behavior:

Rule #8
Any failure to show respect for other writers and their works will result in the public humiliation and booting of any guilty induvidual(s). Please respect your fellow writer. ^_^

Rule #9
Under all circumstances, please refrain from spamming the message board. This cannot be stressed enough!


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