"Resistorum Est Futilitatis"
We are the Borg.
Lower your shields, and surrender your ship.
We will add your biological and technological
distinctiveness to our own.
Your culture will adapt to service ours.
Resistance is futile.
Freedom is irrelevant;
Self-determination is irrelevant;
You must comply.
Strength is irrelevant.
Death is irrelevant.
Your defensive capabilities
cannot withstand us.
Resistance is futile.
Your life, as it has been, is over.
From this time forward, you will service us.


Species 5618, Human, warp capable, origin Grid 325, physiology inefficient, below average cranial capacity, minimal redundant systems, limited regenerative abilities. Borg attempts to assimilate them were all direct assaults. They failed. 
Note - The Borg are considered the number one threat to humanity for the following reasons as stated by Section 31 (Book Section 31, Abyss by David Weddle & Jeffrey Lang,  Pocket Books 2001, page 29-30) 
1. They are relentless 
2. Starfleet still has no idea how many Borg there are, or how fast they are growing 
3. The fact that humans have beaten the Borg several times makes the humans all the more interesting to them, that much more worth assimilating 
4.Speculation that the Borg recognize something in humans that they might have been themselves once and they want to exterminate it. 
5. If humanity survives, it thrives, and it means that some decision the Borg made long ago was the wrong decision. 
 "You are Talaxian....Species 218" 
"Vulcan. Species 3259. Your enlarged neo-cortex produces superior analytical abilities" 
 "Species 5174.  Hirogen. You are a crude species. Only your size makes you formidable"... 
"Species 180, Ferengi" 
Species 116 have large, bald heads, and ears that are recessed. 
Centuries ago, the Borg attempted to assimilate this race, but species 116 continually outwitted and eluded them. 
The Borg were finally successful in 2374, when all but about 20,000 people were assimilated. 
Species 116 are gifted linguists, with some individuals knowing thousands of languages. 
The Caatati people were assimilated by the Borg in 2372. A few thousand people escaped in 27 ships. 
The Caatati lost their thorium replicator technology during their conflict with the Borg. 
This technology was replaced by Voyager when they provided aid in 2374. 
"Species 6339. Humanoid. Warp capable..." 
"Species 8472 is devious and highly intelligent. It will seek the most efficient means of destroying us" 
"Species 8472 was more resistant than we anticipated" 
"Hizari. Species 4228: Technologically advanced, extremely violent. They make excellent tactical drones"... 
The Sikari 
 The humanoid Sikari are native to the fourth planet of an otherwise uninhabited system in the Delta Quadrant. They were  a thriving and sophisticated civilisation until they were attacked by the Borg. 
"The Kazon. Species 329.... They were unworthy of assimilation" 


Species 6291  The Yridian  


Brunali                                             Species 10026                                             Brunali
When the Borg attacked 39 ships belonging to Species 10026, they converged on the Borg position and damaged the Borg shields so much that the Borg Queen informed Seven that the Borg shields were failing and that they would be destroyed. Seven proposed that the Borg "triaxilate our shield geometry to absorb their phaser pulses"; once the Borg Queen made the adaption Species 10026 was no longer a threat and their fate was sealed.
The Brunali are a humanoid species of the Delta Quadrant. They possess basic space-faring technology. They were a technologically advanced race, but their civilisation has been reduced by successive Borg attacks to scattered settlements of less than 10,000 inhabitants scraping a marginal agricultural living. The Brunali home-world is located near a Borg transwarp conduit, so the Brunali hide any technology they develop in the hope that passing Borg cubes will not be interested and simply pass by.



6961 Ktarean,
Species 125   the origin of all the Borg queens.

Species 149 was the species from whom the Borg assimilated the technology to re-animate dead drones up to 73 hours after death [Mortal Coil].

 Species 259   from whom the Borg obtained the technology to regenerate quickly

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