Groovy Pics and Quotes! ~ Written on 15th Mar 2001




Cast Pictures


David Spade as Emperor Kuzco & Kuzco the llama 



John Goodman as Pacha, the humble peasant-cum-Kuzco's-sidekick



Eartha Kitt as Yzma, the evil advisor



Patrick Warburton as Kronk, Yzma's side-kick-cum-ultimate-himbo



Wendie Malick as ChiCha, Pacha's wife



Two other posters of the movie


Pictures of Cast in other productions



Photo of Eartha from one of her albums



Another picture of Patrick Warburton and in the movie, Dragonard


David Spade (Bottom Right) and Wendie Malick (Green Jacket) in Just Shoot Me


Another scene from Just Shoot Me. David with maroon tie and Wendie in grey


Quotable Quotes


Kuzco: It's all about ME!


Pacha: Hey, are you alright? What happened?

Old man: I threw off the Emperor's groove and he threw me out the window.

Pacha: What? I'm supposed to see him.

Old man: Don't ever throw off his groove... Beware the Groooooove!

Pacha: Are you going to be alright?

Old man: Groooooove...


Pacha: You know what, he (Kuzco) couldn't see me.

ChiCha: Couldn't see you? Why not?

Pacha: I don't know... He is the Emperor...

ChiCha: Well, that's just rude. If I were you, I would demand to see him and you know I would. 

Pacha: Sweetie, think of the baby.

ChiCha: Pacha, I'm fine. This baby is not coming for awhile but even if it was, I'll give that guy a piece of my mind. That kind of behaviour is just, just... Grrrr... (Sighs) I have to go wash something.


Bucky (offers acorn to Kuzco)

Kuzco: For me? You shouldn't have! (Throws acorn at Bucky) Hit the road, Bucky!


Yzma: I'm Pacha's third cousin's brother's wife's step-niece's great aunt.

ChiCha: Hmmm....

Yzma: Ah ha ha... Twice removed.


Tipo: (Pacha's son) You know what? I don't believe that you're my great aunt. You're more like my great great great great great great great...

(continues with other scenes)

Yzma: Grrrrr... Alright, are you through?

Tipo: ...great great great grandaunt.


Kronk: Hey, that's kinda like what he said to you when you got fired.

Yzma: I know. It's called a cruel irony. Like my dependence on you.


Kronk: (teaching the kids how to speak 'squirrel') My acorn is missing.

Kids: Squeak squeakems squeak squeakadi.

Kronk: Did you eat the acorn?

Kids: Squeaka squeak squeak squeakems.

Kronk: You owe me a new acorn.

Kids: Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeakas... (nudges Yzma)

Yzma: ... Squeakems. (holds up acorn)

Kronk: I'm so proud of you guys.


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