CARD CAPTOR SAKURA (II) ~ Written on 8th Jan 2001




Category Magic Adventure Anime

Episodes 70



These are two examples of Clow Cards namely The Watery and The Mirror. Note the Chinese character written on the top of each card.


What are Clow Cards? (Ku-Luo Cards in Chinese)

These are cards that possess magical powers and there are 52 of them. They were created by a magician called Clow Reed (Li Syaoran's ancestor). The cards have different figures on them, some of them elements, e.g. The Watery & The Firey; objects, e.g. The Arrow & The Mirror. While others are Actions, e.g. The Fight, The Dash. Most of the drawings are humanoid and female for that matter. Sakura has to capture the cards and she can use the power of her captured cards to assist her in her quest.


Top Ten Clow Cards (so far)

10. The Silent: Ability to teleport anyone or anything away that

 makes a sound near it.

9. The Wood: Ability to grow trees from scratch.


8. The Power: Ability for user to gain immense strength.

7. The Time: Ability for user to freeze time and anyone except user. First card captured by Li and not Sakura. (Sob!)

6. The Shield: Ability to form a protective force field around user and anyone he chooses. Sakura used it to protect Li, Tomoyo, Kerberos and herself against The Time.

5. The Illusion: Creates whatever user wants the enemy to see.

4. The Mist: Creates a mist that can erode structures.

3. The Shadow: Uses shadows to bind anything or move around unheard. Sakura used this to capture The Silent.

2. The Fly: User gains ability of flight. Sakura uses it to convert her staff into a flying ‘broom’. This is the most used card so far.

1. The Sword: User has an invincible sword and becomes a great fencer. Sakura can convert her sealing wand into a sword with this card. (More powerful than Li's sword which acts just like Sakura's wand)


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