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�Poor bitch, she didn�t last long. Who�s next, who wants to clean up the mess?� She scooped up a gym teacher. �It�s time for mountain climbing. Do a good job and you�ll get the honor of spelunking as well. You might have to careful with that one, the cave is prone to flooding.� The insignificant doll quaked; she wanted to free of Jennie�s grasp. She granted her request and let her get to work removing Lindsay�s smeared remains. Then she turned on the rest of them. �The rest of you will all get your chance to service me in some way, don�t worry.� She grabbed up one woman, the Prom Queen and deftly manipulated her into her vagina. �Oh, your poor husband is upset. Does Mister Star Quarterback want to see his wife again?� He promptly joined her in the dank cavern just in time for Jennie to start bearing down on her toys. If they survived, she could always flush them.

The first part of escaping meant knowing where the hell you were. Kylee guessed a miniaturized Tupperware container, but that was the equivalent of knowing you were Earth. Where the hell the container was being stored was more important, up there with figuring out how far from Jennie they were. She sent her army all over the city and maybe even beyond. Alicia and Janelle had seen Jennie, but that had been over two hours before and they had moved around considerably since then. Her second plan was to get back to base.

Alicia had, after exerting tremendous effort, managed to pry open an air hole wide enough to get one person�s head through. Kylee had not been stripped of all field equipment and provided a pair of binoculars to compensate for the great distance from any signs or landmarks.

�I don�t believe it,� Alicia gasped. �The Department of Justice building, we�re heading past it right now.�

Their offices were underneath the FBI Building in a compound few knew existed. Kylee gave them the signal and Janelle pushed. Alicia had been standing on her shoulders and the force wedged her shoulders through the hole. Kylee added to the effort and the little girl shot free. Kylee scrambled up and reached back for Janelle to hoist her to freedom. All three hung on the edge of the container and peered down at the expanse of sidewalk rushing past them. The only way was to go for it and Kylee shoved Alicia first and tumbled after her. Air currents slowed their descent and they motioned for Janelle to follow.

Deb chose that moment to check up on her toys. She saw the distended air hole and spotted a minute redhead bracing for a leap. Her hand clamped around her body and drew it up to her face. She never saw as Alicia and Kylee hid, partly from fear for their lives and partly for the sake of the mission. �Little jailbird wants out? I try being nice, but you just spit on that. Escape from here.�

Janelle was tossed into the air and Deb�s head snapped forward to catch the rookie in her mouth. She swished her around for a while, coating her prey in layers of sticky saliva. Deb enjoyed the taste of her captive and sucked on this new candy. The teeny breasts, once proud Ds, flattened against her tongue and Deb enjoyed the faint pressure as the specks laughingly called nipples hardened under her work. Her probing tongue worked between the legs and it took no time to detect the change in flavor as the juices mixed with the saliva. Deb hated to end it this way, but they had to learn. She tipped her head back and swallowed. The faint thumping from the fists of a sexually exhausted woman enhanced the experience of the lump sliding down her throat. She felt the struggles, but not much longer as the acids started churning up and wore away more than her resolve.

She had just disobeyed orders and destroyed one girl, but it had been worth it. Jennie would understand the need to teach the other two a lesson, but she needed to experience that again. She popped open the lid to ensure Janelle�s friends had witnessed that death and gasped at the emptiness. Deb realized her mistake too late and had to turn back. The streets were fairly deserted since the entire city went on alert, but a few feet even now stomped around, forcing her to be stealthy in her movements. She whirled in a panic to search for the others and was still caught up in the rapture of the occurrence. These combined to brew up an instant of carelessness, ending with the boot of a marine crashing down upon her one-inch body and extinguishing her life. Her last thought was the humor that Janelle hadn�t technically died in her stomach and it had been the work of the military that killed a federal agent.

Kylee had stopped when Alicia needed to vomit and found herself joining the rookie shortly thereafter. She had worried about Alicia witnessing her training partner being eaten alive so callously. She had trained with Elsa and had been unable to deal with her death despite far more experience. Seeing the girl throwing up was one of the best responses Kylee could have hoped for, many would have rushed into the open in a futile attempt to stop what was essentially a juggernaut to them. Watching the monster be destroyed so easily by a greater force shook her carefully cultivated placidity and she lost it. The soldier had been a guard placed outside the Justice Department and had mistaken the tiny Italian for nothing more than an insect. Obviously, Kylee realized, he had never been fully informed of the crisis and this was not the time for need to know.

�Oh, shit oh shit oh shit!� Alicia shrieked, her blonde hair bouncing as she hopped nervously. �He�ll kill us too, everything�s so fucking huge.�

�No, we�re safe because of our much smaller size. He can�t even see us, we�re too tiny.� The words weren�t exactly reassuring on every level, but they did the immediate job of shutting her up. �Now we need to get across the street and into our offices. Someone there will be monitoring the entrances for shrunken individuals and spot us.� She was contemplating a plan when a pair of wingtips came down on either side and provided the answer. Kylee used the binoculars to identify a friend, Agent Duverge of the FBI, and smiled.

�Debbie is dead?� Jennie gasped into the phone. She should have been sad, but the tiny lovers she forced to have sex inside of her were too much of a distraction. �I really liked her, I had a thing for that exotic look of olive skin.� A tear rolled down her right eye. �Her three prisoners were crushed as well? � What? I don�t want to hear that Kylee and the other blonde escaped. Do you realize how close they were to the home?� Her anger made her bear down and she felt the two bodies breaking under the pressure. The satisfaction calmed her. �Find a way to take care of it.� She hung up and tossed her phone aside. �Aubri, get the hell over here.� Her mini servant, replacing Connie who�d had an unfortunate incident with a storm drain, came running at her bellowing.

�Yes, Mistress?�

�Pull out Chris and Kirsy. Then, go get me that girl who shoved me in the shower every gym class.� She laid down and grasped the principal, Mrs. Donalds. �You gave me detention for getting beat up and said the rich kids only acted that way because I was antisocial.� She held the reduced authority figure to her face and screamed. �IT IS PEOPLE WHO BEAT UP KIDS FOR NOT BEING RICH THAT ARE ANTISOCIAL ASSHOLES! YOU ARE THE STUPIDEST BITCH ON THE PLANET AND DESERVE TO DIE FOR BEING SO FUCKING BIASED. HOW MUCH DID THEIR PARENTS PAY YOU TO BE SUCH A CUNT?� Her voice dropped back down. �I guess now I�ve gone a little antisocial. I learned something interesting from Sociology, Labeling Theory. Basically, once you give a person a label and reinforce it long enough, that person begins to act to fit that label. Now I�ll shrink every person on this planet and let them worship me. You are going to be a sacrifice by me to appease me.� Her grip switched from loose to a tight crush that smashed the body within it. She panted, tossed the corpse aside, and then smiled at the sight of her next victim being led between her legs by Aubri.

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