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Eyes, and they were all staring at her, was her first realization. Her eyelids slid open to reveal the cadre of well-wishers at her bedside. The boss was farthest back, along with Agent Duverge. Matt managed a cautious wave from beside a girl she slowly remembered as Lindsey. She looked for Alicia and finally found her on her bed, six inches high.

�Sorry, couldn't resist,� she giggled. She leapt down as she grew back.

�How long has it been since...?�

�Almost a month,� Alicia answered.

�The women are all safe?�

�I've been counseling them,� Lindsey spoke up.

�What about Kara and Rachel?�

�Rachel's still in physical therapy, but fine,� the boss replied. �They've both been given civilian commendations by the President. Alicia received one as well last week. He'll be visiting you soon, he wants to personally thank you for your hard work and for your great sacrifice.�

Kylee noticed the atmosphere in the room shift dramatically. �What aren't you telling me?�

Alicia clasped her hand and rubbed it softly to calm her. �The doctors say you suffered extensive injuries across your entire body. You were dead for several minutes before help even arrived, courtesy of Rachel's unconventional escape and some calls to the police from neighbors. You died a few times on the operating table, too. With all you went through, it could be months before you're ready to walk again, if ever.�

�So you wanted to cheer me up when I awoke?�

�Well, that and I had to try out my new system.�

�Another chip?�

She looked at the others. �No, a better control that's safer. They've made a synthetic gland that completely replaces the chip. It's organic so it's harder to tamper with, allegedly.�

�Aw crap,� she muttered to herself.

�My feelings on it too. As long as I don't go mad.�

�Naturally they make us the guinea pigs.�

�Well, if you're ready to stand up for grunts' rights,� Alicia grinned.

�More pay, better benefits -- do a whole work-up.�

�Okay, knock it off,� the boss chuckled. �I need to know when you want your new gland installed. As far as I'm concerned, you'll be back on your feet in no time. Nothing has ever kept you down.�

�Boss-man - Michael - I need you to go into my computer and find the document entitled �My Life in Kenya.� It's my letter of resignation.� She saw the looks that followed this revelation. �I've been working on it since before Alicia went missing. This has nothing to with my injuries. I know the policy says that an agent can opt for retirement at thirty. For some time now, I've wanted to call it quits and pursue other things in life. Finding Katie and stopping her was what kept me here. That's over now, so I'm ready to move on with my life.�


�Look, you don't need me anymore. Before her, there was little activity involved in size-changing. You guys won't need as many agents and Alicia has proven herself to be more than my equal. I've wanted her to have my position since about two days after we met. She's the best we've ever had and I know with her you'll keep on top of any situation.� She gazed up through misty eyes and saw Alicia wipe a tear from her own cheek.

�Thank you.�

�You needed to hear it. I didn't want you going alone after Katie, true, but that was a moment of self-doubt on how well I'd trained you and some professional jealousy. I wanted to either go it alone, or do it right beside you as a team. You took the initiative and had the confidence to do it yourself and proved that you've learned everything I can teach you. Godspeed.�

�I'll keep in touch,� promised Alicia. �I'll come visit you here every chance I get.�

�You all better keep in touch. You're all my family to me.�

The group wished her well in turn and filed out. Matt confirmed that he'd visit as often as Alicia, if not more and Kylee made him add that there would be a date between them in the future. She soon sat alone in her room and wondered what her next great adventure would be. This story of her life, a chapter in the overall book really, was nearly complete. Now she simply had to write the next one . . .
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