These are cliques I am a member of
I'm not american but I'll never forget watching the news in tears that day.  My boyfriend and I both have special bears, I doubt either of us would be here today without them.
Yes I cut, and I refuse to be ashamed. And I still do, dunno if it helps but it can't hurt.
This is for my youngest brother, no matter where we go or whatever happens to either of us he will always be my special little guy.
If you've read the scary stuff you'll know what this is about.
Yes I'm a Potter fan and this reckons I belong in Ravenclaw.
Love is love, it shouldn't matter who you are, love is a beautiful thing.
It's on the inside, if more people remembered that the world would be a better place.
There are still days, and nights, when I wish I was someone else.
My Clique
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