Hallo peeps!  I'm GP, 5'1" tall and goth at heart if not always appearance.  Apart from the whole goth scene I love horses and donkeys, fantasy fiction, the sims, music and a whole lot of other stuff that I won't bore you with here.
So.. I'm 20, and most definatley screwed up in the head department.  I dropped out of sixth-form after taking a massive overdose of painkillers and spent two years in a dumping ground known as "The Learning Gateway", sometimes it was cool but other times I spent all day hiding under the desk trying not to get stabbed!  Then I kind of got my head together to study horse-care at a local agricultural college, which I passed despite never having ridden a horse before.  Anyway, then I got pregnant so I hung around doing not a lot and now I look after my gorgeous baby girl full time.  I still have problems with  depression, I've been in hospital for it a few times, but my husband is really great with everything.  I also have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) which basically means I have these huge phobias and have to do loads of stupid stuff to 'protect' myself and others.    So... I'm about as messed up they come but I'm coping, as I said my husband is really great, I don't know what I'd do without him.  All the stuff in the art section (except the animations on the front page)  is mine so if you have to nick it please credit me.  If you want to know more just click the relevant link below.
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