The Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
They have been with us since the dawn of time, And in April 2002 I went to join them!

The horsemen of the apocalypse are just about the best stunt riding team in the uk and when my mum found out they ran training courses she sent me off for the week.  It was brilliant fun and I learned a lot, but best of all I made some friends.  Ian Van Temperley, who plays Death, is the main instructor on the course, accompanied by Sos who sorts the teams SFX.  They are both really great guys and I totally fell in love with the four most wonderful horses in the world!
Right- me on Mavrick, a gorgeous Andalusian Stallion usually ridden by Ian. This is easier than it looks but still scary!
Left- Toddo, also an Andalusian but a gelding. We used him in most of our lessons and I'd say he did as much of the teaching as Ian! This horse is an Angel on four legs but unfortunatley  too big to smuggle home!
Below are some pictures from live shows
(see links section for more)
Ian picking things up from the floor at full gallop!
Simple yet stunning
Roman riding, exactly as difficult as it looks! Toddo and Reg are the perfect team.
A drag through fire, insane but impressive, and the horses don't feel a thing, honest.
Famine doing a handstand on Reg.  I wasn't brave enough to try this.
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