Self harm is the act of deliberatly causing damage to ones body, often called self mutilation.  The most common ways of causing self harm are by cutting, scratching or burning.  People who self harm are often in extreme emotional pain and cannot find any other way to express this, they may be very angry and afraid of lashing out at others so harm themselves instead.  Self harm is not usually an attention seeking act, in fact people often take great pains to hide their wounds, so if somebody shows or tells you that they self harm this is more likely a cry for help and a sign that they trust you.  Nor is self harm often related to suicide attempts, many people self harm in order to slowly release the pain which, if allowed to build up, may cause them to attempt suicide.  If you self harm it is important to realise that you are not alone and that there is no shame in what you do.  We all have emotions and we all have different ways of dealing with them. 
You are not alone, if you need to talk please e-mail me, I'll reply as soon as I can.
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