First Almanac of EverQuest



Being a Guide To The Places And Folk Of Norrath

I. Beginnings and Planes


In a time long past and forgotten there was darkness. The Nameless existed in the Void and through the power of his will brought into being the Planes of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. These Planes of Power, or Primary Elemental Planes, were aligned in a great wheel and were sources of almost unlimited raw and natural power. The Planes of Discord, or Secondary Elemental Planes, sprang forth along the borders of the Planes of Power. Water and Earth combining to form Mud. Fire scorching Earth to form Lava. Air mixing with Water to make Fog. Fire burning Air to make Steam. But the Planes of Power and Discord were not the only creations of the Nameless. He plucked a stone from the heart of the Plane of Earth and cast it into the core of the Plane of Fire. He then plunged the stone into the quenching depths of the Plane of Water. Finally, the Nameless waved the stone through the Plane of Air and set it to rest in the center of all he had created. The Material Plane was born, and it teamed with all manner of wonderful creatures. The Nameless then scooped up a hand full of sand from the Plane of Earth and scattered it into the Void. The sand circled the Material and touched all of the Elemental Planes, and, by the power of his will, this sand became the Realm of Heroes, many dimensions ruled by powerful mystical beings who were charged with the task of overseeing and managing the rest of the creations of the Nameless. Over time, in accordance with the design of the Nameless, all of the Elemental planes birthed creatures great and small. While the Planes of Power developed varying systems of structured rule, The Planes of Discord remained realms of chaos. Slowly, as the creatures of the Material became civilized, a ring began to form in the Void, bordering the Elemental Planes and the Realm of Heroes. This ring consists of the Natural Planes and the Planes of Influence, and was birthed from the collective conscience of the Material joined with the will of the Nameless and drawing power from the raw forces of the Elemental Planes.

A. The Planes Of Power And Discord:

The Planes of Power and Discord are vast sources of raw elemental energy. Each of the Planes Of Power have a Deity or Deities who control it. The Planes of Discord have no such command structure. Little, if anything, is known about the Planes Of Power And Discord by the general population of Norrath.


1. Earth

The Plane of Earth is ruled by a council of twelve beings known as the Rathe. The Plane itself is one living entity of soil and plants. The Rathe Council is an extension of the Plane itself. Thus if one member of the Council is cut down another will shortly rise to take its place. The creatures that inhabit this Plane are also extensions of the Plane itself and consist mostly of powerful Earth Elementals and Intelligent Plantlife. The Planes of Growth and Underfoot draw their power from this Plane.

2. Water

The Plane of Water is governed by three beings known as the Triumvirate of Water. Povar, is a sexless ghost-like being of vapor and mist. Tarew Marr is a male humanoid being who wears chain mail, a fish net cape and wields a large pole arm with a nasty hook on the end of it. E'ci is a beautiful female humanoid with ice blue skin, shining silver chain mail and carries a blue steel trident. The Plane itself consists mostly of liquid water will several frozen islands floating through it. The Plane is inhabited by Water Elementals, Vapor Elementals, and Ice Elementals. The Planes of Health and Oceans draw power from this Plane.

(Note: Tarew Marr is the Father of Mithaniel Marr, ruler of the Plane of Valor, and his sister Erollisi Marr, who rules the Plane of Love.)

3. Air

The Plane of Air is ruled by a beautiful, young-looking, elf-like female humanoid with angel-like wings called Xegony, or The Queen Of Air. The Plane itself has no real substance and is just a pocket of swirling gases. The Plane is inhabited by Air Elementals. The Planes of Sky and Storms draw power from this Plane.



4. Fire

The Plane of Fire is lorded over by a being known as the Tyrant of Fire, Fennin Ro. Fennin appears as a large male humanoid with barbaric features including a beard of flame, red glowing eyes, and fangs. He wears a spiked helm and carries a flaming broadsword. The Plane of Fire consists of a forever blackened and burning mountainous landscape of flame. The Plane is inhabited by Fire Elementals and other flame loving creatures. The Planes of Sun and Disease draw power from this Plane.

(Note: Fennin's son Solusek rules the Plane of Sun)


5. Lava

The Plane of Lava consists of countless volcanoes and oceans of lava. The Lava Elementals are the main inhabitants of the Plane. The Planes of War and Justice draw power from this Plane.

6. Mud

The Plane of Mud consists of a gooey balls of mud separated by

murky oceans. The Mud Elementals are the main inhabitants of the Plane. The Planes of Fear and Hate draw power from this Plane.


7. Fog

The Plane of Fog consists of several large continents separated by deep black oceans. The Fog Elementals are the main inhabitants of the Plane. The Planes of Peace and Mischief draw power from this Plane.

8. Steam

The Plane of Steam consists of mostly of flat barren fields of stone

with countless geysers spewing steam into the gray sky. The Steam Elementals are the main inhabitants of the Plane. The Planes of Love and Valor draw power from this Plane.

B. The Planes of Influence:

The followers, priests and shamen of the various Deities of the Planes of Influence have a direct effect on the day to day life of the creatures of Norrath. Nearly every one of these Deities has a devout following on Norrath and several of these Deities and thus their followers do not get along and vie for power. Still, while their Influence is felt by every living thing on Norrath, rarely will they leave their home Planes to interact directly with the creatures of that planet.

1. Sky

The Plane of Sky is ruled by the great crystalline dragon, Veeshan. Veeshan is known as the Mother of All Wurms and this title includes all of Dragonkind such as the Drakes and Wyvern. When the Universe was young Veeshan travelled throughout the cosmos depositing Her children on worlds she deemed worthy. She would then strike the planet with Her massive claws so that the other Deities would know that she laid claim to that world. The continent of Velious on Norrath bears Her mark, known as the Scars of Veeshan. The Plane Of Sky consists of mountains floating through a pale red/orange sky. The Plane is inhabited by all forms of Dragonkind as well as several powererful Djinn.

2. Storms

The Plane of Storms is ruled by Karana, the Rainkeeper. Karana appears to be an old male humanoid who dresses in flowing robes and keeps a long white beard. The Plane of Storms consists of every terrain type imaginable from deep blue oceans to white topped peaks. Above this the atmosphere is in constant beautiful turmoil, a swirling mass of grays punctuated by flashes of lightning and crashes of thunder. Whirling tornadoes and scorching sandstorms. All forms of storm and weather are represented. The Plane inhabited by beings of all kinds that are able to adapt quickly to the changing weather including several humanoid races.

3. Love

The Plane of Love is ruled by Erollisi Marr, The Queen Of Love. Erollisi tall muscular woman with dark hair who wears white leather armor and carries a glowing morningstar. The Plane of Love is a paradise of tropical beaches and lush gardens. The Plane is inhabited by beings of all kinds but all are good and loving in nature. Unicorns are plentiful.

4. Valor

The Plane of Valor is ruled by Mithaniel Marr, the Truthbringer. Mithaniel is the ultimate paladin and wears a suit of shining silver full plate armor and wields a glowing longsword. The Plane of Valor consists of rolling green hills and pastures with large and elaborate castles dotting the landscape. The Plane is inhabited by nobel creatures such as the pegasus and unicorn.

5. Sun

The Plane of Sun is ruled by Solusek Ro, the Burning Prince. Solusek wears a suit of golden ringmail and a crown of flame and wields a spear of fire. The Plane consists of a landscape that is constantly ablaze with dark black spires rising into the burning red sky. The Plane is inhabited by fire creatures of all types including some lesser fire elementals and efreet.

6. Disease

The Plane of Disease is ruled by Bertoxxulous, the Plaguebringer. Bertoxxulous appears as a humanoid hunchback wearing rotting robes. Under his hood can be seen a very handsome face attached to the rotting body of a corpse. The Plane is dark and drippy with geysers of ooze and rivers of puss. The land itself feels and looks like decaying flesh. This Plane is inhabited by all sort of evil creatures and undead.

7. War

The Plane of War is ruled by Rallos Zek, the Warlord. Rallos dresses is the hides of a barbarian. His skin is jet black with glowing lava like veins running through it. The Plane itself is a scene of constant strife and battle. The landscape is dark and smoke is always in the air. Corpses of the fallen litter the ground. There are many humanoid races that dwell on this plane and fight a never ending battle to the amusement of their Warlord.

8. Justice

The Plane of Justice is ruled by a council of six being known as The Tribunal. The members of The Tribunal wear dark hooded cloaks and masks and carry large warhammers. The Plane itself is bleak and barren and very very gray. Large stone structures (prisons) dominate the otherwise flat landscape. This plane is inhabited only by beings whom have been imprisoned here by the Tribunal for crimes against the universe and by the golems the Tribunal has constructed to serve as guards.

9. Underfoot

The Plane of Underfoot is ruled by a curious being known as Brell Serilis, the Duke of Below. Brell is Dwarf-like in appearance, wears the garb of a spelunker, and wields a magic pickax. The Plane itself consists of an elaborate system of caves and caverns. This Plane is inhabited by all sorts of creatures both good and bad that normally dwell under the ground. Brell Serilis created the Dwarves and placed them beneath the surface of Norrath as part of a pact between himself, Tunare and Prexuz in response to the arrogant claim staked on Norrath by Veeshan.

10. Growth

The Plane of Growth is ruled by Tunare, The Mother of All. Tunare appears as a very attractive older humanoid female wearing flowing robes and a crown of vines and leaves. The Plane itself consists of lush green rainforests and tall mountains covered in evergreens. Clear clean rivers, lakes and oceans are also plentiful. The Plane is inhabited by all manner of creatures, but the dominant race is the Entolings, a race of tall graceful insect-like beings. Tunare is very protective of what she considers to be one of Her finest achievements, the good elfish races of Norrath. As part of an agreement with Brell Serilis and Prexuz as a response to the arrogance of Veeshan in claiming Norrath for her own, Tunare created the High Elves and the Wood Elves of Norrath.

11. Hate

The Plane of Hate is ruled by Innoruuk, The Prince of Hate. Innoruuk is tall and twisted and troll-like in appearance and wields an elaborate spiked staff. The Plane itself is as twisted in appearance as its master. Dark urban streets with buildings of twisted black stone rise to meet the blood red sky. There is no open spaces here. Dark alleys and abandoned buildings. There is no place safe on this Plane. It is inhabited by the meanest an nastiest creatures including some very powerful undead. Innoruuk is the Father of the Dark Elves.

12. Fear

The Plane of Fear is ruled Cazic-Thule, The Faceless. Cazic-Thule appears as a oozing, bubbling pile of slime and flesh. He communicates telepathically. The Plane itself is a massive, overgrown, jungle graveyard with dark gothic mansions and castles and their deep, dark dungeons and caverns. The Plane is inhabited by fearsome creatures of all sorts from giant spiders to the dreaded Grave Elemental.

13. Oceans

The Plane of Oceans is ruled by Prexuz, the Oceanlord. Prexuz appears as a muscular humanoid with fins and gills wearing splint armor and wielding a magical trident. The Plane itself consists of one giant ocean with several beautiful underwater cities as well as some horrific underwater dungeons. The Plane is inhabited by all sorts of underwater creatures including a race of mermen. Prexuz created the now all but dead race called the Kedge as part of a pact with Tunare and Brell Serilis in response to Veeshan staking claim to Norrath.

14. Health

The Plane of Health is ruled by Rodcet Nife, the Prime Healer. Rodcet appears a tall slender sexless humanoid with a bald head, large black eyes and thin lips. He wears white robes with silver accents. The Plane itself is a large complex of white stone and iron. The Plane is inhabited by odd iron and flesh golems.

15. Peace

The Plane of Peace is ruled by Quellious, The Tranquil. Quellious appears as small female humaniod child. The Plane itself consists of a large tranquil ocean with a single grassy island. On the island is a single straw hut in which Quellious can nearly always be found. The only other animal life on this Plane are hundreds of vararities of tropical fish.

16. Mischief

The Plane of Mischief is ruled by Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, the King of Thieves. Fizzlethorpe appears alternately as a grubby little halfling male and a tall, suave, male human bard. The Plane itself consists of a large city where there is always a canival in town and an elaborate, twisting dungeon and cave complex that lies beneath it. The Plane is inhabited by a race of gypsy seers as well as several nefarious creatures.

C. The Realm of Heroes:

The Realm of Heroes is a void in space that lies between the Planes of Influence and The Material. Floating in this void are several Demi-Planes, each of which is ruled over by a Hero, beings who keep a watchful and protective eye on all of the sentient races of Norrath. The Heroes and their Demi-Planes are infinitely varied.

D. The Material:

The Material is a Plane of physical existence populated by countless creatures living on countless worlds in countless galaxies. The world of EverQuest is known as Norrath and is the fourth planet in a ten planet system orbiting the star Solis. It is a thriving world teaming with plant and animal life.


II. Norrath

A. Geography

1. Antonica

Antonica is the largest and most populated continent on Norrath. The continent was known as Tunaria until it was recently renamed by the human ruler of the Free City of Keynos, Antonius Bayle. It is on Antonica where Tunare first placed Her High Elves. Antonica is also the birthplace of the Halflings, Trolls, Ogres, and Humans. The evil stain of Innoruuk, the Dark Elves, also call Antonica home.

Rivers and Waterways


The Serpent:

The Serpent is so called because of the winding path it takes from The Nest in the north to the Gulf of Gunthak in the south. This fresh water river cuts a wide, deep swath through the middle of Antonica. It is seldom used for travel because of the inherant danger of the creatures inhabiting the surrounding mountains.

Greenblood River:

This river has an unusually high population of algae and lichen giving the water a strange green hue. Local Ogres believe Murdunks blood flows in this river, causing the green coloration, and regard the river and its water as sacred.


Murdunk's Fall:

Murdunk's Fall is a large noisy waterfall flowing from Lake Rathetear. It is rumored that this is the spot where the Rathe had their revenge on Murdunk. One loosened pebble was all that it took to cause the mighty Ogre Hero to plunge 300 feet to his death on the rocky riverbed below.

Lifire River:

The Lifire stems from the Serpent and crosses the Desert of Ro to form the Oasis of Marr as well as feed the Innothule Swamp.


The Hatchling:

The Hatchling stems from The Nest and flows through the Unkempt Wood and the Jaggedpine.

Lakes and Gulfs

The Nest:

The source of the the Serpent, The Nest, as the local Barbarians of Halas call it, is a very deep, very cold lake, it is abundent with aquatic life and the Barbarians as well as the Orcs, Goblins, and Gnolls all fish its shores. Legends say that a giant sea serpent lives in its depths and devours those who dare venture too far from shore.


Winter's Deep:

Winter's Deep is the largest lake on Antonica.

Lake Neriuss:

Named by the Dark Elves of Neriak, Lake Neriuss is know to humans as the Lake of Death. It is said that in its dark depths dwell the hundreds of undead Kedge. The murky black waters of Lake Neriuss feed an underground river that flows through Neriak.


Lake Rathetear:

Ogre legends say that this lake was formed from the tears of the Rathe council as they were beaten by Murdunk and his army. The lake is dark, deep, cold, and clean.


Oasis Of Marr:

It is said that one of the Triumvirate of Water, Tarew Marr, took pity on some humans who had gotten lost in the Desert Of Ro and created this lake. Much to the displeasure of The Tyrant of Fire, whenever the lake succumbs to the heat of the surrounding desert, Tarew causes the waters of the Lifire River to surge replentishing it.


Gulf Of Gunthak:

This large gulf to the south of Grobb was named after an ancient Troll hero who according to Troll legend , set fire to the ancient forest that is now the Desert of Ro, and chased the weakling Elves off of Antonica.

Gulf Of Dust:

This gulf to the east of Freeport makes for some very dangerous shipping. Large clouds of dust whipping up from the south have been known to cause many transport captains to blindly steer their ships aground.


The Plains of Karana:

These plains, controlled largely by the free city of Keynos, were named after Karana, the Rainkeeper.

The Commonlands:

These plains of western Antonica are a no-mans-land of bandits and evil humanoids.


The Northlands:

An arctic wasteland of snow and ice. In spite of this, several tribes of Barbarians and humaniods call the Northlands home. It is rumored that Ice Giants once walked these plains and that the ruins of their castles might be found by those willing to brave the elements.

The Frigid Plain:

This large field of ice and rock lies at the very northern point of Antonica and is home to many snow beasts and a renegade band of Frost Giants. It is rumored that a powerful Erudite necromancer calls the Frigid Plain home.


Hills and Mountains

The Dead Hills:

The legends about this land all mark it as a place of death and decay. It is the place where the creatures of the Feerrott come to die. Thier bones litter the landscape and thier spirits haunt the hills.


Rujarkian Hills:

This is a term given to the hilly region between the Desert of Ro and the Innothule, by the Goblins that inhabit it and the name of the hills is about the only thing all the warring Goblin tribes can agree on. Rujark is a legendary Goblin hero and her name is revered by all Goblins.


The Serpent's Spine:

This Mountain range is named for the river it surrounds stretching the entire length of Antonica. Home to many wild monsters and has a climate that ranges from arid in south near The Desert of Ro to frigid in the north near Halas.

The Serpent's Toe:

This is the name given to the moutainous region surrounding the Ogre city of Oggok. It is assumed that the Ogre who named it had never seen a serpent.....


Everfrost Peaks:

This mountain range in northern Antonica is home to the Barbarain town of Halas as well as a great number of Orc, Goblin, Gnoll, and Bugbear tribes. The harsh envionment has toughened these native creatures to make travel in the Peaks a very dangerous prospect to southerners.


Lavastorm Mountains:

The Lavastorms are a very active volcanic mountain range north east of the Nektulos Forest.

Solusek's Eye:

A large open lava crater in the Lavastorm Mountains that is said to be the home of an ancient red dragon.

Forests and Jungles


The Feerrott:

This dark and dangerous jungle is home to many wild and deadly creatures including the Alliz Tae Ew and Alliz Evol Ew tribes of lizard men. It is said that a portal to the Plane of Fear is located somewhere in the Feerrott and that Cazic-Thule himself sometimes prowls within is boundaries.

The Jungle of Decay:

South of the Plains of Karana lies the Jungle of Decay. It is a fearsome place but also the home of the noble Aviak.

The Jaggedpine Forest:

This evergreen forest, west of the Hatchling, near Keynos is under the care of the Jaggedpine Treefolk and the Protectors of the Jaggedpine. It is also home to many small Orc and Goblin tribes.

The Unkempt Wood:

This wild and untamed evergreen forest, east of the Hatchling is home to many monsters and holds a hidden shrine of Tunare the goddess of Growth. It is under the protection of a militant group of druids known as the Unkempt Druids.


The Glade of Tunare:

This spot is sacred to the Unkempt Druids who inhabit and protect the Unkempt wood. They worship Tunare and agressively try to "convert" all who worship any other deity.

Kithicor Woods:

Named after the legendary Human ranger Kithicor who once protected these woods and who single handedly fought back an army of Dark Elves from the Nektulos.


Nektulos Forest:

This dark and dangerous evergreen forest is home to MANY vile and evil creatures. It also hides the secret entrance to Neriak, the Dark Elf city.

The Misty Thicket:

This small forest is a relatively safe place for hunting and is a great source of food for the Halflings of Rivervale. There are still smaller bands of less aggressive humaniods who live in the woods as well as large bears and mountain lions and such.




The Innothule Swamp:

Supposedly created from an evil pact made by the rules of the planes of Fear and Hate, the Innothule Swamp is teeming with all sorts of vile creatures including the tribes of Trolls that make any travel through the swamp a one way trip.



The Desert of Ro:

A vast and deadly desert. The human nomads are the only non-monsters who call the desert home. Legends say that in ancient times this desert was the vast Elddar Forest, but then the Serpent arched its back and the forest died.



Broken Skull Rock:

This small island is home to the Broken Skull clan of Trolls, a particularly nasty guild who worship Innoruuk and murders for the fun and profit.

2. Odus

Odus was founded by Erud and the rest of the Erudites who left Antonica searching for a place to establish their new enlightened society.

Rivers and Waterways


River Of Strife:

This is the largest river on Odus and runs from the Vasty Deep, down through the Stonebrunts. The River of Strife feeds small streams that run from the Stonebrunts into the Toxxulia Forest.

Stream Of Misfortune:

Fed by the Strife the Stream of Misfortune flows across a small but deadly corner of the Barren Coast.

Lakes and Gulfs

The Vasty Deep:

The Erudites keep the water in this lake clean and pure. It is rumored to be magical in nature and its waters are much sought after by all on Norrath but the Erudites deal harshly with those who dare to take more than a skin full.


The Gulf Of Uzun:

South of Odus lies the Gulf Of Uzun. Uzun was one of the first Erudites to explore the southern tip of Odus. He was flung to a rocky death by an angry band of Kobolds.



The Grand Plataeu:

Some claim that this is not a nature landform but one that was created by the High Men to symbolize their superiority to normal men.

Hills and Mountains

The Stonebrunt Mountains:

The Stonebrunts are home to many vile and chaotic creatures as well as the rumored existence of a great Grizz society.

Forests and Jungles

Toxxulia Forest:

This tropical rainforest is a breeding ground for the worse kind of poisonous creatures, including the dreaded Plague Dragon.


The Barren Coast:

This desert coastline is home to few creatures but it is said that a wise, powerful and often tempermental hermit makes his home amongst its dunes.


The Hole:

Created in a long ago, but not forgotten, battle between the Erudites and their evil bretheren the Heretics, worshippers of Bertoxxulous, the Plaguebringer, and powerful necromancers. The Hole is virtually bottomless. there is a steep and narrow trail leading into it to the city of Paineel but many more have fallen into the pit than have reached the dark spires of the underground city of the Heretics.

Kerra Isle:

This tropical island west of Odus is said to be home to a race of intelligent cat people.

3. Faydwer

Faydwer is the origin point of the Dwarves, Wood Elves and Gnomes. The High Elf civilization from Antonica also relocated to Faydwer after the death of the Elddar Forest. Faydwer also is home to two of the oldest creatures on the planet, Mayong Mistmoore, the Elf-Vampire and Phinigel Autropos, the last living Kedge. The name, Faydwer was given to this continent by the High Elves of Antonica when they landed on its shores.


Rivers and Waterways

The Link:

This river links Wayhunder Lake to the Elizerain Lake. Winding through the Greater Faydark, following the path of The Link is often one of the safest routes through the forest.

Dagnors’s Spill:

Dabnor’s Spill is a rough white water river that runs from Dagnor’s Cauldron into The Timorous Deep.

Wurm’s Tongue River:

This name is given the river that stems from the Elizerain Lake and splits into two parts as it snakes its way through the Greater Faydark.

The Leaky Quill:

This dark river flows from The Ink Sea down into the Greater Faydark and the Elizerain Lake.

Lakes and Gulfs

Dagnor’s Cauldron:

This lake is warmed by the natural geyser that is beneath it. Most Dwarves are fearful of the lake because there is rumored to be a great monster who pulls all who venture too close to its shores to their watery deaths. It is also said that this is what finally befell Dagnor Butcherblok and that the Hammer of Butcherblok now rests in its depths. The truth of the matter is that the last of the Kedge, Phinigel Autropos, lives in Dagnor’s depths.

Wayunder Lake:

This is a fresh cool lake that provides water to all the creatures of the Loping Plains. On its shores rests Castle Mistmoore.

Elizerain Lake:

Named after the ancient Elf queen Narria Elizerain, this lake is clear and clean. Several varieties of fresh water fish can be found in its depths.

The Ink Sea:

This saltwater inland sea is home to many dangerous exotic sea creatures including giant electric eels.

The Gulf Of Prexuz:

Named after the Oceanlord, Prexuz, the Gulf of Prexuz is the favorite hunting grounds of Orcish pirates.




The Loping Plains:

The wolves that run in great wild packs and control theses plains are said to be servants of a powerful Elfish Vampire who’s dark tower casts its eerie reflection upon the waters of the Wayunder Lake. Many Orc and Hobgoblin tribes also call these plains home.

Hills and Mountains


The Hills Of Shade:

These rocky hills north of the Lesser Faydark are said to be the haunting grounds of legions of restless spirits.

Dragonscale Hills:

The rich crystalline deposits in these hills are rumored to be the scales of the first Prismatic Dragon, Carifurm.

The Steamfont Mountains:

Named so for the natural geysers and springs that dot its rocky peaks. The Steamsfonts are home to many humanoids and dragonkind.


Butcherblok Mountains:

Named after the great Dwarven hero, Dagnor Butcherblok who according to legends pounded them out of the very heart of Norrath. The Butcherbloks are teaming with humanoid life including several powerful Hobgoblin clans.

Rakthok’s Ridge:

Only very brave Dwarves venture into this mountain range and it is overrun with orcs, goblins, and other humaniod tribes. Rakthok is the name of a Goblin hero who long ago led a successful campaign against the Dwarves.

Forests and Jungles


The Greater Faydark:

This huge forest is populated mostly by Elves, both Wood and High, and the Orc bands they are in constant struggle with. There is also a large population of dangerous creatures in this lush green wilderness.

The Lesser Faydark:

This small forest is populated mostly by evil humanoids and a few bands of Elfish rangers who are fighting the good fight.

4. Kunark


Kunark is a wild land ruled by a wide assortment of dangerous creatures including Giants, Dragons, and the Undead. The High Elves of Faydwer have been trying for hundreds of years to establish a port on Kunark’s hostile shores. Kunark is sometimes subject to magical storms which are the result of residual mana flows existing over the continent. These storms mostly result from the karmic results of the Iksar's black necromantic arts, and the Clash of Dragons. The following storms occasionally ravage the continent:

Storm of Emerald Shards: Dagger-sized glowing green mana shards fall from dark black-green clouds and has the occasional flash of noiseless green mana lightning. All magic spells are at 1/2 cost during the storm and twice the cost for a like time after the storm.

Storm of Dragonfire: A rare storm which occurs only once in a long while. Red glowing clouds release bolts of fire which rain down burning everything in sight. Quite dangerous, but often short-lived. All magic spells are at 1/2 cost during the storm and twice the cost for a like time after the storm.

Storm of Souls: A large tornado-like swirling entity rips across the land howling with the souls of the damned. One can see the spirit forms of long-dead warriors and haplessly slaughtered peasants. Anyone within the storm is unable to cast any magic. This storm is often a harbinger of doom, preceeding an undead attack of some sort.

Rivers and Waterways

The Bile:

The Bile is a small river that flows from the Lake of Ill Omen and helps to feed the Swamp of No Hope.

The Murkdweller River:

The Murkdweller feeds the Swamp of No Hope and drains into the Cobalt Sea.

The River Of Venom:

Thus named because only creatures native to the Emerald Jungle make drink water from the River Of Venom without adverse consequences.

Lakes and Gulfs

Lake Of Ill Omen:

It is said that those who touch the waters of this lake are forever are doomed to rise as undead three days after their deaths.

Dragon Drool Lake:

This lake, surrounded by the Emerald Jungle, is as picturesque as it is deadly. It is said to be teaming with poisonous fish and amphibians.


Field Of Bone:

The Field of Bone is where the creatures of Kunark come to die. Thousands of skeletons and corpses of all kind litter the landscape. This place was once a flush and fertile field in the early days of the Iksar, but now is all but desert. The bones of just about every race on the continent litter the ground and are more numerous than vegetation. The bones are the remains from all the great wars fought on this open plain of battle between the Iksar and their foes. The field is haunted, especially at night by foul undead.

The Overthere:

These plains are rumored to be the home of a lost and ancient race but few have survived the journey to verify these stories.

Hills and Mountains


The Dreadlands:

The Dreadlands are the hilly region in western Kunark that are prowled by wild packs of werewolves and other equally dangerous creatures. It is said that the leader of these Lycanthropes, Konrisk Tomor, is a former ally of Venril Sathir but now he is bent on seeing the Lich destroyed. The land is wild and broken, inhabited by a handful of hill giants and a lot of undead patrols.

Hills of Disdain:

These foothills to Trakanon’s Teeth are home to various Giant tribes and communities.

Nalikor’s Mounds:

Nalikor, an ancient Frost Giant hero, is rumored to have buried his vast treasure somewhere in these hills west of the Field of Bone.

Trakanon’s Teeth:

These mountains are teeming with giants and dragons and are named after the Poison Dragon who lives in the Emerald Jungle below them.

Frontier Mountains:

These tall, jagged peaks form an almost impregnable barrier across the width of Kunark. Home to many Frost Giants clans.

Forests and Jungles

The Emerald Jungle:

A wild and dangerous place, it is the home of many predators, the tribal Ik lizard men, and the fearsome Sokokar. Beware.

Warslik’s Woods:

Woods named for Warslik the Destroyer, the Mountain Giant hero, who rained down upon Kurn's Tower and destroyed it in elder times.

The Burning Wood:

Named because the forest was incinerated in the End Days and darkened the entire continent for days. Filled with goblins, giants, and dangerous predators.


The Swamp Of No Hope:

This swamp was named by a group of Humans who tried in vain to establish a colony within its murky borders. The Swamp Of No Hope is home to many creatures including Frogloks and Swamp Giants.





The Broken Teeth:

These small desert isles are home to many Giants and Goblins.

5. Velious

Velious bears the Scars of Veeshan and is the origin of all Dragonkind on Norrath. Velious is a barren and desolate tundra of ice and snow.




The Western Wastes:

The Western Wastes of Velious are flat and icy and nearly devoid of life.



The Eastern Wastes:

The Eastern Wastes of Velious are flat and icy and nearly devoid of life.


Hills and Mountains


The Great Divide:

Theses mountains split Velious from north to south dividing the Frost Giants from their enemies the Ice Dragons. Thus the Great Divide is a place on constant battle and war.


The Scars of Veeshan:

These wounds in the belly of Norrath are home to countless varieties of Dragonkind. Very few who brave their depths ever return to tell the tale.

The Icy Fingers:

The Icy Fingers are barren little glaciers populated by Giants and bears and the dreaded giant sea lion.

B. Cities and Dungeons

1. Antonica


The trading hub of the world. It is a city in constant turmoil as the Knights of Truth attempt vie for power against the corrupt Freeport Militia while the thieves guild lines its coffers with the gold of those who dare to walk through south Freeport alone. All races have visited Freeport at one time or another and from here one can board a ship that will take them to the farthest lands. Freeport is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, but can be a ton of fun if you are smart and careful.


The Free City Of Keynos controls most of the plains west of The Serpent’s Spine. The city is ruled by the firm but just hand of Antonius Bayle IV. Keynos represents the pinnacle of Human achievement and is a safe haven from the fierce wilderness of Norrath. Bayle is a well liked and respected leader. But, the seeds of corruption are being sown by the Circle of the Unseen Hand and their allies within the city guard.


The village of Rivervale is home to hundreds of Halflings. Nearly all Halflings are loyal to Nillia Thorntoe, the high priestess of Mischief and she acts as their spokesperson in all external affairs. Crime is not a problem within the village limits as the Halfling thieves rarely rob their own kind, but be kind and polite to all Halflings, for nobody holds a grudge as firmly as a Halfling. Rivervale is nestled in the Misty Thicket and occasionally get attacked by Orcish or Goblin raiders.


The frozen city of Halas is home of the Barbarians. The Barbarians maintain tight family groups and the city is ruled by a council of village elders. Nearly all barbarians worship and pay homage to The Tribunal. Barbarian thieves are scowled upon but tolerated providing they never rob from other Barbarians.


Located in a mountainous region, named by the Ogres "Serpents Toe" as it is an offshoot of the Serpent's Spine. Nestled in a cavernous rocky spread, it is at first glance a small and plain group of rough caves, but once inside the caves, a maze of back tunnels and caverns opens up. Ogres favorite food is Pixies, which they call Elf-Bugs. In general, Oggok is a place most non-Ogres pray they never have to go. Ogres are brutal but with a strong sense of tradition and a twisted sense of honor. The High Shaman of the Greenbloods is the most respected Ogre with the barkeep, Clurg, bringing up a close second.



Grobb is a swampy village made almost entirely from mud and rock. The Troll race trusts no one including itself. The Shadowknights of Nightkeep would be the closest thing Grobb has to a policing force, but, in general, mob rules and the weak die. Fighting is a Trolls major form of communication. If you want something, kill who has it. Official disputes are settled in mortal combat at Da Bashin Place and the title of Chieftain is earned by killing the current ruler.


The multilevel tunnels that make up the basic connecting structure of Neriak were originally carved by the meandering underground rivers that sprung out of Lake Neriuss when its levels were higher, and were later widened and carved into a beautiful, dark, secret city by the magic of the Dark Elves. Everything is carved from the same dark stone, but minerals give it different colors. The Dark Elves are ruled by King Naythox Thex and his Queen, Cristanos. (Note: The King of the High Elves and the King of the Dark Elves share a common lineage, the are great, great, great, cousins.)


The ancient city of Guk was the original home of the Troll race. Over time the city was consumed by the surrounding swamp. Now a large population of Froglok’s call this complex of caves and structures home. The Froglocks of Guk are a relatively peaceful race of beings who are constantly harrassed by the Trolls of Grobb. Also, unknown to the Froglocks, one of their own has become the victim of an ancient Troll curse and now lives deep beneath their home as the Froglok Ghoul Lord Hoptor Thaggelum. He commands a growing army of Froglok Ghouls.

Takish Hiz:

Lost for ages and consumed by years of sandstorms, the ruins of Takish Hiz, a once wondrous Elfish city stand as a reminder of a time long past before the Elfish race abandoned Antonica for the forests of Faydwer. Great magic and treasure is rumored to be found here. But many monsters have taken up shelter from the desert in its crumbling and buried walls. The sand swept surface runes only tell part of the story of Takish-Hiz. Once the proud Elfish city stood as a citadel of light on the relatively bleek planet of Terrath. But then the Serpent arched its back and the climate radically changed. The forest around Takish-Hiz was dying. The Elves abandoned Antonica for the green forests of Faydwer, or so it seemed. A group of elder Elves, led by the charismatic Beek Guinders refused to relocate and stayed with the city until it was consumed by the desert, and even then they sought shelter below the city in the elaborate subnorrathian complex they had constructed. Beek was a mage who was obsessed (in an unhealthy way) with bringing the forest back. He was also seeking to prolong the life of his race. He created a pyramid in a natural cavern beneath Takish Hiz where he intended to be mummified to gain immortality. The Trolls from Grobb sent several raiding parties to the ruins of Takish Hiz. One captured Troll, Galuuk Korr, was used to test Beek's mummification process with deadly and unpredicted results. He rended every last Elf limb from limb and has in the many years since gained considerable power.

The Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule

The Alliz Tae Ew tribe of Lizard Men was formed by patriarch Tul Haslick who channeled the Lord of Fear, Cazic-Thule, who inspired him to become the first Lizard Man cannibal. Haslick and his followers fled their colony and settled in the Lost Temple. No one knows how the Pyramids were built out of the heavy, black granite blocks that are not native to the continent. Some say Cazic-Thule himself transplanted the blocks there as a gift to the Alliz Tae Ew. The jungle is constantly trying to overgrow and overtake the temple. A high impenetrable, but cracking and mossy terra-cotta wall surrounds the temple. It is further fortified by poisonous plants, traps and the dense jungle itself which makes it indistinguishable from the outside except for a few visible sections of bas relief, plain clay wall or even the discarded bones of the consumed. From the safety of the temple the Alliz Tae Ew send their raiding parties on hunts for other Lizard Men to devour.

Broken Skull Rock

Broken Skull Rock is home to The Broken Skull Clan of Trolls. The actual rock is but a small part of their Island compound. The Broken Skulls are blood thirsty butchers who kill for fun and sport. Only the toughest and meanest Trolls have a prayer of gaining admittance to the Clan. They are unlike most Trolls though as they have a strict sense of honor and duty to each other. One member of the Clan will die to protect another. The Broken Skulls and their leader Dulak maintain a cliff top fortress and a small village.


Highpass Hold

The community of Highpass began as a steady stream of travelers who all took shelter from the climate of the high Serpent in a large cave along the safest route through the mountains. After years of constant use, an observant and opportunistic human from Freeport named Carson McCabe and his associates constructed two walls along the pass and began charging merchants and travelers a fee for crossing through "their" pass and spending the night in "their" cave. Over time, the walls got bigger and more sturdy and the "cave" became a keep. Permanent structures sprung up including several inns and merchant shops. Carson McCabe’s only son Sean now rules over the Hold and charges tariffs on all goods transported through the Hold. Highpass Hold’s Militia is a rag tag group soldiers who are loyal to McCabe and enforce the heavy fees and taxes he levels on everyone who decides to stay in the Hold. McCabe has close ties to the thieves guild in Freeport and Keynos. Theft is not taken lightly within the walls of the Hold. What happens outside the walls is another story all together. Several inns in the Hold offer games of chance. People who live here pay the taxes and play by the rules because they know that there is an unending river of gold that flows through the Hold in the form of merchants and travelers from Freeport and Keynos and crime within the walls is very very rare.


Nektropos Castle:

Legend holds that Nektropos Castle was once the home of the wealthy Lord Everling and his many fair daugters their maids and his brave and dedicated soldiers. Everling adored his daughters above all else (some say too much) and constanly fretted for their safety and ignored the troubles of state. At the birth of each one he arranged the creation of a Eunuch to protect her. As they reached adulthood an uprising occured, led by the hugely fat lead eunuch, Plimptos, who sought revenge on Everling for his lost manhood. Plimptos obtained magical powers from a magic sword planted on him by angry townsmen who had lost everything due to Everling's proccupied rule. Plimptos slashed everyone to bits- except Everling, whom he punished by leaving unharmed amid the carnage of his loved ones. Some say the sword was lost amid the rubble in the stuggle. Everling began to crack as he tried to collect the pieces of his beautiful daughters. Eventually Everling stored his troops and daugter's parts in the cold underground dungeon catacombs of Nektropos. His madness and grief gave way to Wizardry as he stiched up the pieces again and again and after many ages, successfully reanimated them all. Unfortunately after all that time he couldn’t quite remember what went where and whose parts went with who…

Citadel Of Clan Runny Eye

Where the Misty Thicket meets the Serpent, the Goblin Clan, Runny Eye, has made its home. Deep inside their cavernous complex lies a shrine to three of Terrath's less noble deities, Bertoxxulous, Rallos Zek, and Innoruuk. Here is where they throw any trespassers they capture into a pit to be devoured by monsters. The Goblins of Runny Eye are fiercely devoted to their dark lords.

The Menagerie

Hidden in the tundra, somewhere on the Frigid Plain, lies the network of tunnels and rooms of Miragul’s Menagerie. Miragul, once a prominent member of the Council of Erud, Miragul betrayed his fellow Erudites and stole many of their most valuable tomes and artifacts. He was one of many Erudites who sought to explore the ways of Necromancy. Eventually, having learned the secret of immortality from his fellow Heretics, Miragul cross over into undeath. Now a powerful Lich who wanders aimlessly through the complex paying little heed to the mystic artifacts and creatures that also dwell within its walls.

The Glade Of Tunare

The Glade of Tunare is a sacred place in the Unkempt Wood. In the center of the glade is a large tree that constantly "weeps", its tears forming a small pond around its base. Below the glade and the surrounding woods is an elaborate complex of tunnels created by the Unkempt Druids. Pit traps are scattered throughout the Unkempt Wood that drop trespassers into the underground dungeon they have made.

Solusek’s Eye

A large, open lava crater in the LavaStorm mountains, Soluseck's eye is the lair of many very dangerous and rare creatures. The worst of these creatures being the obsessively greedy, ancient Red Dragon- Nagafen. Nagafen, like most Dragons of his kind has a great fondness for the taste human maidens.


Permafrost Keep

Most of the Snow Giant's that built this castle have long since departed Antonica for the icy shores of Velious. In the time since all manners of arctic creatures have sought shelter in its cold stone walls, including Vox, the great Silver Dragon. Vox controls the Keep and the surrounding countryside and nothing lives in this area unless she allows it to. Ice Lizards roam freely. There is also a clan of Cyth, evil ice dwelling goblins with 3 razor-like appendages on each hand, who live to serve her.

Aviak Village

The Aviak are a race of bird-men who dwell within The Jungle of Decay. Their village is surrounded by a tall bamboo fence. The Aviak are natural enemies of Ogres who often try to ambush Aviak hunting parties. The Aviak are a primitive but nobel culture.


S’libti’s Lair

Deep beneath The Nest is the lair of the ancient water wurm S’libti. Dozens of wrecked ships litter the lake bed and the bodies of the dead and their treasure are scattered throughout the underwater caverns of the lair.

2. Odus


High white marble walls and towers surround suround the city which is perched on the high cliff above the magical waters of the Vasty Deep. Its people have a thirst for knowledge, love of art and music and detest violence. The Erudites have been fighting a cold war with the Heretics to the south for hundreds of years. Markus Jaevins is the current leader of the High Council, the governing board of Erudin.


Burrowed deep into the sides of The Hole, the dark city of Paineel is seldom seen by outsiders. Most die on the journey down and the black spires of stone that mark the entrance to the city are seldom a welcome sight. The Heretics built their city within one of the most naturally magic areas on all of Norrath. Strangers are never welcome, unless they have something desirable to offer. Regardless of the nature of the visit, a sacrifice of blood is required for entry.

The Hole:

This giant crater was created during the civil war of Erudin. The twisting, cavernous passageway down into it maw serves as a formidable defense mechanism for the Heretic city of Paineel. Countless horrible creatures make these caverns their homes and only the brave or the foolish attempt to make the journey. The entrance to Paineel is well hidden.

Beyond the Hatch:

The Hatch is a barrier of magic and iron, constructed by the Heretics to protect their city from the horrors beyond it. It seems shortly after Veeshan planted her seed on Norrath, Brell Serilis mounted an expedition to explore this interesting planet. He created a portal from his realm, the Plane of Underfoot, to Norrath, deep below the continent of Odus. From this point, Brell secretly seeded the underworld of Norrath with all manner of subnorrathian creatures both benign and deadly. He then sealed the portal within a chamber of Living Stone to prevent the more powerful of his creations from escaping their native Plane and reeking havoc on Norrath. This was his plan anyways. The Erudite civil war changed his plans. In the climax of that war, an explosion of cosmic magnitude rocked southern Odus. A giant chunk of Norrath was desintigrated from the blast and the Living Stone that encased Serilis’s portal was severely wounded. Years later, as the Heretics excavated deeper into The Hole, below their city of Paineel, they stumbled upon the outer wall of the chamber of Living Stone. In the Stone’s weakened state it was easy to burrow a passage through to the inter chamber of the portal. The party who breached the Living Stone did not live long enough to regret their encroachment. Greater creatures from Underfoot escaped into Norrath and devastated the Heretic’s city. In the ensuing panic, a small group of level headed and powerful Heretic’s formulated a plan to revive the Living Stone and seal the chamber once more. They quickly created The Hatch, a device of magic and iron that acts as a life support system for the chamber of Living Stone Brell had created. The Living Stone is still not well, and from time to time creatures from inside are able to briefly breach the outer wall. But The Hatch is able to quickly heal the chamber’s wounds. It is said that there are great and magicial treasures from the Plane of Underfoot, including the Portal to that Plane, beyond The Hatch. But only the most powerful adventures would have a prayer against the creatures within.

Village of Kerra

Home to The Kerra, a race of intelligent cat people. They are tribal in nature and will only attack if provoked or threatened.

3. Faydwer


In a huge cavern in one of the Butcherblock Mountains mountain city of the Dwarves, ruled by King Kazon Stormhammer. Its entrance- the yawning mouth of the cavern, and the mines and tunnels stretch on for miles into the Mountains.


The forest city of the Wood Elves is an elaborate network of tree houses and platforms connected by rope bridges. The Wood Elves maitain close ties to their High Elf brothers. Their city is frequently attacked by Orcish raiders. The Mayor of Kelethin is an elected official.


This royal lakeside hamlet was built by the High Elves after they fled Antonica. It is a shimmering emerald citadel crackling with the mystical energy that helped create it. Tall crystal spires stretch up through the canopy of trees. Tearis Thex, the King of the High Elves is fair and kind. (Note: The King of the High Elves and the King of the Dark Elves share a common lineage, the are great, great, great, cousins.)


Ak’Anon, home of the Gnomes, is a maze of tunnels beneath the Dragonscale Hills on Faydwer. They are carved from the earth and rock. The entrances are muddy holes with ladders, strewn with tree roots and anthills followed by colored strata, deeper down opens up into the beautiful city carved of granite that runs just above the water table. Thirsty tree roots reach down to water level everywhere. Dark and grand with carvings and jewels it is filled with the strange machinery known of the Gnomes and is powered by the cold water.

Kedge Keep

Built long ago by an ancient race of fish-like beings called the Kedge, Kedge Keep is now the home to the last of his kind, Phinigel Autropos, an evil and powerful conjurer who brought about the death of his race and countless other beings. He now draws any who wander too close to the shores of the Cauldron into his watery dungeon of death. Contained in his dungeon are many aquatic creatures including sharks, giant octopi, and bad clams. Phinigel also has been contacting the plane of Water and conjuring many water elementals and weirds.


Castle Mistmoore

This castle has been here since before the Elves fled Antonica and the Dwarves had seen the light of the Norrathian Sun. It is rumored that the builder and inhabitant of the castle is an ancient Dark Elf named Mayong Mistmoore. Mayong is infact a Vampire who is well over 10,000 years old. The Elves of the Faydark know to stay clear of the castle and is surrounding land for Mayong controls the wolves of the plains. None that have ventured to the castle have lived to tell its secrets.

Fortress Mechanotus


Home to the mad Gnome, Meldrath, Fortress Mechanotus is a giant koo koo clock of gears, sprockets, geysers and steam driven machines. Meldrath uses his mechanized creations to reek his vengeance on his own people, who many years before rejected and exiled him. The Fortress is a dangerous place as Meldrath’s insanity knows no limits.]

Crushbone Village

The Crushbone Orcs are a very strong force within the Greater Faydark and have been waging war against both Elfish races for decades. Their village is large and well fortified. They also operate a mine from which they obtain the raw materials to make their weapons of war including the dreaded Orc Warwagon. Orcish patrols have standing orders to kill on sight.


The Estate of Unrest

This large abandoned mansion on a high bluff in the Hills of Shade is of obviously Human construction. The mansion rests in the center of a large plot of land that is surrounded by a high, but crumbling, stone wall. Rumors are that the mansion is haunted by the powerful ghost of a Dwarven murderer named Garanel Rucksif. It seems that a cleric of Quellios had taken his family to the shores of Faydwer from their home of Keynos. This cleric built the mansion for himself and his family with the intent of bringing the knowledge of Quellios to the beings of Faydwer. Garanel had gone mad and murdered his wife and children stumbled upon the estate while fleeing Kaladim. Garanel viciously tortured and killed the cleric and his family within the mansion, in a small chapel to Quellious that the cleric had built for his family. Quillious was so angered by this that she actually lost her temper and lashed out, striking down Garanel and cursing him to forever walk the halls of the estate. In time, Garanel’s undead powers have grown, and all who disturb the estate meet his wrath.

4. Kunark

Firiona Vie

Elfish outpost established on on the shores of the Murkdweller River. Now growing with the arrival of adventures, frontiersmen, and mercenaries. Often attacked by the Froglok, and occasionally by the Giants. The Overseer is Galeth Veredeth, and elven warrior of great prowess. Recently, an old well has been discovered outside the city which indicates there may be ancient runes in the area from the days of the Iksarian Empire.

Trakanon’s Lair

The great and ancient Poison Dragon makes his lair in the old palace of the council in the heart of the capital of the Iksarian Empire, Sebilis. Sebilis is patrolled by Trakanon's undead and magical guards, and even by Trakanon himself from time to time. Kings unplundered vaults are said to lie below the city proper in places Trakanon cannot reach. Greatest of all, perhaps, is the horde of treasure said to form the bed upon which Trakanon rests, for it has been centuries in the collecting.

Howling Stones:

Ruins of the ancient Iksarian city of Charsasis which is both haunted and inhabited by foul creatures and foul traps. However, it is rumored that riches may lie in the unplundered tombs of noble lords deep below the ruins themselves.

City of Mist:

Perpetual mist surrounds this city making visibility short and dangerous. This is the ruined trade city of Torsis. It was also the city of merchants, smiths and the home of the army of Ik. Now the dead are said to walk its streets seeking souls to devour and bodies to crush. However, many a merchant fell dead with gems in hand in the last days of the Empire in this ruined city.

Kurn's Tower:

Tower used to torture, enslave and enforce the will of the Iksar upon the West. This foul tower lies in ruins, but the catacombs and dungeons beneath hold secrets too dark to tell.


Goblin mine in the Frontier Mountains. Controlled by tribe Mountain Death.


Goblin mine. Home of tribe Mountain Death in the Frontier Mountains.


Goblin outpost in Warslik's Wood. Home of the Bloody Guts tribe.



Goblin outpost in the Burning Wood and home to the Cleaving Tooth tribe.


The capital city of the Froglok in the Swamp of No Hope. They are led by the Shaman King Lupzlup.


At the center of the Field of Bone rests the ruins of the old city of Kaesora, which is now ruled by a powerful Sarnak vampire lord name Xalgoz. Xalgoz is an emissary of Veril Sathir.


Venril Sathir has set up an outpost named Varis at the crossroads of the Bile, and is spying intently on the new Firiona Vie. His second in command, Nuggleruk, an undead Goblin warrior, is in charge of Varis. Nuggleruk is a former king of the Mountain Death tribe, and is as cunning as he is dead.



Karnor is the fortress in the Dreadlands from which Veril Sathir’s skeletal hand exerts its power over Kunark.

Veeshan’s Peak:

The inner magma chamber of this long extinct volcano serves as the meeting place for the Ring of Scale. This Council keeps an aloof, watchful, eye on the goings on of Kunark using a network of spies who are lesser Dragons assuming the form of the race they are infiltrating.

5. Velious

Yelinak’s Lair

Yelinak is an ancient Snow Dragon who never left Velious when so many of his kind did. His icebound lair is deep within one of the crevices known as the Scars Of Veeshan. He is curious by nature and very wise. He is, however, very territorial and will defend his home ferociously.

C. Race, Class, Religion, and Faction


The peoples and creatures of Norrath all hold to their own sets of beliefs, laws, and systems of power. The relationships between these various groups are dynamic and have evolved over the centuries.

1. Race Factions


Humans can be found on virtually every continent of Norrath. Humans are the most diverse race and thus they are splintered into many factions. The Humans will band together in times of crisis to protect mutual interests but will quickly resume old feuds once the situation is resolved. Humans have a natural hatred for Trolls, Ogres and other evil Humaniods but generally get along with the other good or neutral Demi-human races. Dark Elves are generally distrusted and feared.


Barbarians are tribal in nature and hold a fierce loyalty to others of their race. Barbarians look down on Erudites and Dark Elves because they view them as weaklings. The Barbarians have a natural hatred of the Ogres, Trolls and other evil humanoids. The Barbarians are particularly fond of the Dwarf race who they view as their stout hearted cousins.


The Erudites are xenophobes and elitists. They believe they are the most intelligent and, therefore, best race on the planet. They do not concern themselves with anything that does not have a direct effect on them or their home. They view all other races as inferior with equal contempt. A Troll is no less or no more despised as is a Human. The only race they view as equals are their worst enemies, the Heretics.


High Elves

The High Elves are elitists but benevolent. They view Wood Elves as loyal and valued servants. The Humans, Gnomes, and Halflings are accepted. The Dwarves, Barbarians, and Erudites are tolerated. Ogres, Trolls, and other evil humaniods are enemies. Dark Elves are hated and despised.

Wood Elves

The Wood Elves are views are more accepting than their High Elf cousins and they generally regard Rangers and Druids from any race as their friends.

Half Elves

Half Elves are much like the Humans in their views. They however are less accepted than Humans by the Elves. They are also less accepted than Elves by the Humans.

Dark Elves

The evil Dark Elves view the other races as tools for manipulation or slaves. They generally do no care what happens to races other than their own but would love to see the other Elf races broken, killed, or enslaved. They can tolerate Trolls and Ogres but view them as simpletons who can be used to enforce their agendas.


The Halflings are a very loyal race and one would easily give his life for a friend. They seem to like everyone with the exception of the Trolls, Ogres, Dark Elves, and evil Humanoids. Halflings especially like to tease Erudites about their lack of humor.



The Dwarves are a fiercely proud and loyal race. They will hold grudges against those who aid their enemies for a very long time. The Dwarves get along well with the Barbarians. They are friendly with Humans, Gnomes, and Halflings. They tolerate the High and Wood Elves. They despise the Dark Elves, Trolls, Ogres, and other evil Humanoid and Giant races.


The Gnomes are a friendly and curious race. They are friendly with High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Humans, and Barbarians. They do not understand the Erudites and tolerate them grudgingly. They hate Trolls, Ogres, Dark Elves and other evil Humaniod races.


Trolls hate everyone. Including other Trolls. Trolls are especially fond of Humans, Erudites, High Elves, Wood Elves, and Halflings. They are delicious.


Ogres have been known to cooperate with each other better than Trolls can. Ogres have a twisted sense of honor that borders on stupidity and often crosses that line. Ogres eat Humans, Erudites and High Elves. They find Wood Elves too stringy and have not developed a taste for Halfling or Gnome. Ogres hate Trolls. They tolerate Dark Elves because they fear them.

2. Class Factions


Warriors generally are accepting of other classes with the exception of the Magic-user classes and Shadowknights whom they distrust.


Shadowknights are elitists who generally will only show respect to other Shadowknights or Clerics and Shamen of evil deities. They hate Paladins, Clerics and Shamen of good deities.


Paladins generally accept most other classes. They show great reverence to Clerics, Druids, and Shamen of good deities. They despise Shadowknights and Necromancers.


Rangers are very accepting of other classes. They show great respect to Druids.


Rogues are very accepting of other classes. They do, however, distrust other Rogues.


Bards are the most accepting of all classes.


A Cleric’s disposition is mostly determined by his or her race and deity. They will not accept anyone who is in direct opposition to their deity.


Druids are very accepting of other classes and are very friendly with Rangers.


Shamen are more accepting than Clerics when they encounter someone who worships a different deity from their own.


Monks are accepting of other classes but prefer the company of other Monks


Necromancers do not get along with the other schools of magic. They also dislike Paladins, Clerics, Shamen, or Druids of good deities.



Wizards are generally accepting of the other classes but some Wizards do not accept members of any other school of magic especially Necromancers.


Magicians are generally accepting of the other classes but some Magicians do not accept members of any other school of magic especially Necromancers.


Enchanters are generally accepting of the other classes but some Enchanters do not accept members of any other school of magic especially Necromancers.

3. Religious Factions


Allied with no one. Enemies with Brell Serilis.


Allied with Rallos Zek and Innoruuk. Enemies with Mithaniel Marr, and Erollisi Marr.


Allied with Tunare and Mithaniel Marr. Enemies with Bertoxxulous.


Allied with Karana, Erollisi Marr and Rodcet Nife. Enemies with Bertoxxulous.

Rodcet Nife

Allied with Karana, Quellious, Erollisi Marr and Prexuz. Enemies with Bertoxxulous.


Bertoxxulous has no allies. Enemies with Tunare, Rodcet Nife, Karana, Mithaniel Marr, and Rallos Zek.


Allied with Rodcet Nife. Enemies with Bertoxxulous.

Rallos Zek

Allied with Innoruuk and Cazic-Thule. Enemies with Quellious and Bertoxxulous.


Allied with Rodcet Nife and Erollisi Marr. Enemies with Rallos Zek and Innoruuk.



Fizzlethorp Bristlebane

Allied with Brell Serilis and Erollisi Marr. Fizzlethorp has no enemies.

The Tribunal

Allied with no one. Enemies with no one.

Solusek Ro

Solusek is allied with no one. Enemies with no one. He has a friendly rivalry with Mithaniel Marr.


Allied with Rallos Zek and Cazic-Thule. Enemies with Quellious, Mithaniel Marr, and Erollisi Marr.

Mithaniel Marr

Allied with Erollisi Marr and Karana. Enemies with Innoruuk, Cazic-Thule, and Bertoxxulous. He has a friendly rivalry with Solusek Ro.

Brell Serilis

Allied with Fizzlethorp Bristlebane. Enemies with Veeshan.

Erollisi Marr

Allied with Mithaniel Marr, Rodcet Nife, Tunare and Quellious. Enemies with Innoruuk, Cazic-Thule, Rallos Zek, and Bertoxxulous.

4. Social, Economic, and Political Factions

Steel Warriors

Warriors operating out of Keynos. Allied with Antonius Bayle.

Antonius Bayle

The ruler of Keynos and the surrounding area. Allied with many. Enemies with Kane Bayle and Kane’s allies.

Kane Bayle

Younger brother of Antonius Bayle and a Sergeant in the City Guard. He is secretly plotting to do away with his brother and assume the throne. Allied with the Bloodsabers and the Corrupt Guards.

The City Guard of Keynos

The policing force of Keynos and the surrounding area. Allied with Antonius Bayle.

Corrupt Guards

The corrupt members of the City Guard, few in number but growing. Allied with Kane Bayle.

Knights of Thunder

Paladins of Karana operating out of Keynos. Allied with Antonius Bayle.


ShadowKnights of Bertoxxulous secretly operating out of Keynos. Allied with Kane Bayle.

The Mercants of Keynos

Merchant guild in Keynos. Allied with Antonius Bayle.

Protectors of the Pine

Human Rangers operating in the Jaggedpine Forest. Allied with Antonius Bayle.

Jaggedpine Treefolk

Human Druids operating in the Jaggedpine Forest. Allied with Antonius Bayle.

Silent Fist Clan

Human Monks operating out of Keynos. Allied with Antonius Bayle.

Circle of the Unseen Hands

Elite commando force of Human Rogues operating out of Keynos. Allied with The Coalition of Tradesfolk (ill.)

Wolves of the North

Barbarian Warriors of Halas.

Rogues of the White Rose

Barbarian Rogues of Halas.

Knights of Truth

Paladins of Mithaniel Marr operating out of Freeport. Allied with the Truthseekers, the Coalition of Tradesfolk (legit) and the Kithicor Rangers. Enemies of Lucan De’Leer, the Coalition of Tradesfolk (ill.), and the Infected.

The Infected

The Human ShadowKnights of Bertoxxulous operating out of Freeport. Allies with no one. Enemies with the Knights of Truth, the Truthseekers, and the Kithicor Rangers.

The Coalition of Tradesfolk (legit)

The legitimate merchants of Freeport.

The Coalition of Tradesfolk (ill)

The Rogues guild of Freeport and Keynos. Allies with Sean McCabe. Enemies of the Ebon Mask.

League of Antonican Bards

The Human Bard guild operating out of Freeport and Keynos. Allied with Antonius Bayle and the Knights of Truth.

Arcane Scientists

Guild of mages in Freeport that accepts Magicians, Enchanters, and Wizards.

Opal Darkbriar

Dark Elf Necromancer who is the librarian at the Academy of Arcane Sciences in Freeport. She magically disguises her race and Necromantic research.

Deepwater Knights

Erudite Paladins of Prexuz. Allied with the Peacekeepers and the High Council.


Erudite Clerics of Quellious. Allied with the Deepwater Knights and the High Council.

The Crimson Hands

Erudite Wizards. Allied with the High Council.

The Gatecallers

Erudite Magicians. Allied with the High Council.

The Craftkeepers

Erudite Enchanters. Allied with the High Council.

The High Council


Governing board of Erudin. Members include the Guildmasters of the three legitimate schools of magic, the Captain of the Deepwater Knights, and the Grand Peacekeeper. The current elected leader of the council is Markus Jaevins, Guildmaster of the Gatecallers. The High Council is enemies with The Heretics.

The High Guard

The city guard and policing force of Erudin. Allied with the High Council.

Merchants of Erudin

The guild of merchants in Erudin.

The Heretics

Evil Erudite Necromancers. Enemies with the High Council.

Faydark’s Champions

Wood Elf Rangers of the Greater and Lesser Faydark. Allied with the Soldiers of Tunare and Tunares’s Martyrs.

Soldiers of Tunare

High Elf and Wood Elf Druids of the Greater and Lesser Faydark. Allied with Faydark’s Champions.


Tunare’s Martyrs

Woof Elf Clerics of Tunare. Allied with the Faydark’s Champions.

Kelethin Merchants Guild

The Wood Elf Merchants of Kelethin.

The Stormguard

Dwarf Warriors Guild. They also are the city guard for Kaladim. Allied with Kazon Stormhammer.

Paladins of Underfoot

Dwarf Paladins of Brell Serilis. Allied with Kazon Stormhammer.

Clerics of Underfoot

Dwarf Clerics of Brell Serilis. Allied with Kazon Stormhammer.

Miner’s Guild 429

Dwarves who operate the Mine of Kaladim.


Merchants of Kaladim

Dwarf Merchants of Kaladim.

Kazon Stormhammer

King of the Dwarves and ruler of Kaladim.

Craknek Warriors

Ogre Warriors Guild. Allies with Clurg. Enemies with the Greenblood Knights.

Greenblood Knights

Ogre Shadowknights Guild. Allies with Clurg. Enemies with the Craknek Warriors.


Ogre Tavern Owner. Anyone who causes trouble for Clurg is beaten and possibly killed by all other Ogres. Clurg and his family are the closest the Ogres have to royalty.


Guardians of the Vale

Halfling Warriors of Rivervale. Allied with Mayor Gubblin.

Priests of Mischief

Halfling Clerics of Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane operating out of Rivervale. Allied with Mayor Gubbin.

The Deepockets

Halfling Rogues Guild operating out of Rivervale. Allied with Mayor Gubbin.

Mayor Gubbin

Leader of the Halflings in Rivervale. Enemies with Clan Runny Eye.

The Merchants of Rivervale.

The Halfling merchants guild.

The Dead

Guild Of Dark Elf Shadowknights and Necromancers. Loyal to Queen Cristanos.

The Ebon Mask

Guild of Dark Elf Rogues. Enemies with The Coalition of Tradesfolk (ill.)


The Indigo Brotherhood

Dark Elf Warriors Guild. Loyal to King Naythox.

The Dark Bargainers

Dark Elf merchants of Neriak.

King Naythox Thex:

Dark Elf King. Enemies of Tearis Thex.

Queen Cristanos Thex:

Dark Elf Queen. Enemies of Tearis Thex and King Naythox Thex.

Clan Runny Eye

Clan of Goblins operating out of the Misty Thicket.

The Frogloks Of Guk

Frogloks of the city of Guk. Enemies of Trolls.

Hoptor Thaggelum

Froglok Zombie Lord who lives beneath Guk. Enemies with the Frogloks.

King Tearis Thex

High Elf King. Enemies with King Naythox Thex and Queen Cristanos Thex.

Clerics of Tunare

High Elf Clerics of Tunare. Allied with King Tearis Thex.

Keepers of the Art

Guild of High Elf magic-users that accepts members of the three legitimate schools of magic. Enemies with all Necromancers.

Mayong Mistmoore

Dark Elf Vampire who controls the Loping Plains.

Sabertooths of Blackburrow

Gnoll tribe in the Jaggedpine.

Crushbone Orcs

Orc Tribe in the Greater Faydark.


Evil Gnome who controls the Steamfont Mountains.

The Gemchoppers

Gnome Warriors Guild and policing force of Ak’Anon. Allied with King Ak’Anon.


Ak’Anon Merchants

Gnome merchants of Ak’Anon.

The Deep Muses

The Deep Muses are a group of Gnome Shamen and Rogues who worship both or either Fizzlethorp Bristlebane and Brell Serilis.

The Eldrich Collective

Gnome guild of Magicians, Wizards and Enchanters. Enemies with all Necromancers.

The Dark Reflection

A secret Guild Of Gnome Necromancers. Enemies of the Eldrich Collective.

The Kerra

The intelligent race of cat people who control Kerra Ridge.

Alliz Tae Ew

Cannibalistic Lizard Men who worship Cazic-Thule and control the Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule. Enemies of the Alliz Evol Ew

Alliz Evol Ew

Lizard Men of the Feerrott. Enemies of the Alliz Tae Ew.

Phinigel Autropos

The last Kedge. Controls the area in and around Dagnor’s Cauldron.

Shadowknights of Knightkeep

Troll Shadowknights. Allies with the Darkones. Enemies of the Broken Skull Clan.

Broken Skull Clan

Ultra violent clan of Trolls. Enemies of the Shadowknights Of Nightkeep.

Da Bashers

The Troll Warriors Guild.

The Darkones

Troll Shamen of Innoruuk. Allied with the Shadowknights of Nightkeep.

Galuuk Korr

Troll Mummy who controls Takish Hiz.



Great Silver Dragon of Permafrost Keep. Allied with the Ring Of Scale.

The Dralfling

Half Halfling Hald Dragon oracle. Allied with the Mayor Gubbin.


Erudite Lich who controls the Frigid Plain.

The Gnarled Fist

Troll gang that controls Krung’s Clubs and Junk in Grobb.

Clan Drippy Can

Hobgoblin Clan of the Barren Coast. Enemies with the Erudites.


Lizard Men of Kunark. Enemies of the Sarnak and Trakanon.


Frogloks Of Kunark

Enemies of the Sarnak.


Iksar/Dragon hybrid. Enemies of the Iksar, the Frogloks of Kunark, and Swamp Giants.


The Ring of Scale

Dragon Council of Kunark. Enemies of Trakanon.

Venril Sathir

Lich Lord of Kunark. Enemies with Konrisk Tomor.


Konrisk Tomor

Werewolf Lord of the Dreadlands. Enemies with Venril Sathir.


Poison Dragon who rules the Emerald Jungle. Enemy of the Ring of Scale.


Mountain Giants of Kunark

Frost Giants of Kunark

Fire Giants of Kunark

Hill Giants of Kunark

Swamp Giants of Kunark

Enemies of the Sarnak


Forest Giants of Kunark

Mountain Death Goblins

Allied with the Bloody Guts and the Cleaving Tooth.


Bloody Guts Goblins

Allied with the Mountain Death and the Cleaving Tooth.


Cleaving Tooth Goblins

Allied with the Bloody Guts and the Mountain Death.

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