To All The Nice Guys

May 25, 2004

Thanks to many a long and tearful conversation with my friend Wolfie, I know that nice guys really don’t get enough respect. Well, I can’t fix that all by myself, but I would just like to make it clear that I do appreciate nice guys and all of the things they have done for me. So…here goes.

Evan, thank you for turning me down nicely (you‘re one of only two guys who ever did), and for being a good listener.

Shawn, thank you for trying to help me when no one else gave a damn. Yeah, it didn’t quite work, but knowing someone cared about little old me gave me hope at a time when I had nothing.

Chris, thank you for backing me up at work, putting up with my moodiness when I was going through that hellish breakup, and actually doing something about my birthday.

Al, thank you for the advice (even if I didn’t take it), for buying me booze, and especially for all the times you tried to amuse me even if your girlfriend wasn‘t too happy about it. (Email me if you see this. I still have your copy of The Crow but I don’t know how to contact you.)

Bobby, thank you for not freaking out when I puked up all that bourbon halfway through our make-out session, for holding my hair back while I puked, and for getting me a glass of water. Not to mention looking after me when I collapsed at Nicole’s house party. I’m sorry I lost track of you.

Stickboy, thank you for being a friend, all the times you made me laugh, putting up with me, and letting me play with your hair. I know I was asking a lot of you. Please don’t forget that someone loves you just the way you are and misses you.

Wolfie, thank you for everything. You’ve been a great friend. You listened to me when I was sad, angry, drunk, crying - you name it. In fact, you are the only person I have ever called while drunk, and that’s because I knew you cared about me. When I was sick you checked up on me, helped me sit up, and actually got me to eat something. You helped me pull off a prank I’ll probably never be able to top. Then you ran up a huge phone bill checking up on me when you had to move. My own brother wouldn’t do any of that for me. You are the best.

To all of the nice guys out there: I wish there were more of you. Thanks for not being jerks.

Email me if you feel like it.

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