Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)
Episodes 1-13

Sonic Boom - Sally, Sonic, Antoine, and Cat are on a mission in Robotropolis.  While Sally uses Nicole to hack into one of Robotnik’s computers, a message with the word “bean” appears.  Sally’s father used to call her Bean, so she uses Nicole to find out that the message came from the dark swamp.  Elsewhere, Antoine leans on a grate in an air duct.  The grate falls through and reveals his location to the robots.  Sonic creates a distraction while Sally escapes to the air duct.  A robot follows the Sally, Antoine, and Cat as they escape. Cat splits from the group to lead the robot away from Sally.  When Sonic arrives at the meeting place, he realizes that Cat is missing.  Sonic runs off to find Cat while Sally and Antoine explore the dark swamp.  Sonic soon finds Cat in a prison cell.  Cat tells Sonic that Robotnik traced the message and orders Sonic to go help Sally.  Sonic leaves and follows the tracks of Sally and Antoine in the swamp.  Robotnik watches Sonic through a Spy-orb and sends the Stealth-bots.  A Stealth-bot shoots a missile at Sonic, who goes up through a hollow tree trunk.  Sonic jumps in time for the missile to hit the Stealth-bot and resumes his search.  Meanwhile, Sally found Ironlock Prison and crossed the bridge with Antoine as it collapsed.  While she explores the prison, she finds a room that believes her father used.  Sonic appears just in time to see Sally to access an old computer.  A message is dictated, but it is incomplete.  Sally uses the information to access maps of Robotropolis and has Nicole copy the maps.  Suddenly, the floor collapses, and Sally, Sonic, and Antoine are dropped into an underground level.  Sonic leaves to check out a red light in the tunnel and returns as a large creature follows him.  Sonic gives Sally the power ring.  Sally and Antoine grab on to Sonic, and Sally hands him the ring as he begins to run.  Sonic runs into the creature’s mouth and bursts through the tail, revealing that the creature was actually a robot.  Sally then uses Nicole to display a map and leads Sonic and Antoine to the location of the Stealth-bots.  After tampering with the Stealth-bots, Sonic leaves to look for Cat.  By the time Sonic reaches the prison cell, Cat is gone.  Sonic returns to Sally and Antoine.  Robotnik spots them and orders his Stealth-bots to go after them.  When the Stealth-bots do not respond, Robotnik orders Snively to recall the robots.  When Snively presses the button, the Stealth-bots explode.  Sonic uses a Spy-orb to tell Robotnik that that was for Cat.

02.  Sonic and Sally - In Robotropolis, Sonic places canisters to destroy a swatbot factory.  As Sally prepares to activate the canisters, she is captured.  Sonic and Bunnie come back to Knothole and realize that something has happened to Sally.  Before Sonic can leave to rescue, he must get a power ring.  Meanwhile, Robotnik makes a robot that looks exactly like Sally and gives it Sally’s personality.  He then puts the robot in a prison cell and waits for Sonic.  Sonic makes his way past Robotnik’s security and rescues the robot Sally as the real Sally waits in the roboticizer.  There is a power overload, which stops the roboticizer and destroys the robot Sally’s visual transmission to Robotnik.  The audio communication still works, so Robotnik can still listen to the robot’s environment.  After Sonic and Sally return to Knothole, Tails realizes that something is wrong with her.  Tails sees lasers coming from Sally’s eyes and confronts Sonic with his concerns.  Sonic explains that Sally is under a lot of stress and leaves with Sally for a mission to destroy the swatbot factory.  During the mission, Sonic realizes that Robotnik must know what they’re doing.  He tests Sally and discovers that she is a robot.  Rotor makes a few modifications and learns that the real Sally is going to be roboticized.  Sonic takes the robot Sally to find the real Sally as Rotor and Bunnie take care of the swatbot factory.  Sonic places the robot Sally in the roboticizer and escapes with the real Sally.  Snively activates the roboticizer and the robot Sally soon begins shooting lasers in the room.  Back at Knothole, Sally tells Tails that it is really her this time.  Sally also gives Sonic a kiss and Sonic says Sally must be a robot.

03.  Ultra Sonic - After Sonic and Sally disable the main alarm to the roboticizer, a back-up alarm is triggered.  Snively activates the fire extinguishers to stop Sonic and Sally, who jump into the foam and escape.  Eventually Sonic and Sally make their way to the subway station.  Once inside, they see worker-bots going to the Crystal Mine, including Sonic’s Uncle Chuck.  Rotor, Antoine, and Bunnie arrive from the junkyard and the freedom fighters use a transporter to go to the mine.  The transporter stops and Sonic keeps Uncle Chuck from entering an elevator.  Bunnie grabs a hold of Uncle Chuck and takes him back to the others while Sonic deactivates an alarm.  Sally gives Uncle Chuck a power ring (which he invented) and he regains his memory.  Uncle Chuck explains that there is something important in the mine, so the freedom fighters ride down the cables of the elevator and enter the mine.  Inside the mine is a large energy crystal, which will destroy the ecosystem upon removal.  The freedom fighters divide in two groups, and Uncle Chuck, Sonic, and Bunnie make their way to a powerful Dino-bot and jump inside its mouth.  Meanwhile, in the control center, Sally, Rotor, and Antoine stop a robot in order to shut off the power and contact Uncle Chuck.  Uncle Chuck manages to control the Dino-bot and tries to break the tethers holding the crystal in place.  The crystal crashes into the ground and the freedom fighters meet up to escape.  Uncle Chuck falls to the ground and gives back the power ring that no longer has an effect on him.  Sonic tries to help, but Uncle Chuck’s mind is gone.  Bunnie grabs Sonic and the freedom fighters escape.  Sally promises Sonic that they will turn Uncle Chuck back to normal.

04.  Sonic and the Secret Scrolls - After the freedom fighters make an airplane, Sally tells Sonic that they are going to Maga.  Maga is an ancient city that lies hidden in the Great Mountains and holds the secret scrolls.  The plane makes Sonic nervous, so he travels on the ground.  The rest of the freedom fighters fly in the plane and when it comes time to land they nearly fall off of a cliff.  Sonic comes to the rescue and the freedom fighters begin looking for the scrolls.  With the help of Nicole, Sonic figures out that they must sit on a chair that will send them on the next part of their quest.  Now that they have passed the intelligence test, their spirit is tested.  Two statues face the freedom fighters; if the wrong one is selected the room will explode.  Sally chooses the correct statue and obtains the scrolls.  She explains to everyone that their courage must still be tested and Robotnik appears.  Sonic distracts Robotnik while the other freedom fighters escape and develop a plan.  Sonic runs down the tunnel of the Breath of Mobius.  As Robotnik, Snively, and the swatbots look down the tunnel, the strong winds begin to blow and everyone is thrown off the cliff.  Sonic believes that Robotnik is dead and the freedom fighters rejoice.  Sonic is now ready to fly in the plane as the pilot.  As the freedom fighters try not to get sick, Robotnik climbs up the cliff.

05.  Super Sonic - Rotor, Bunnie, and Sally are working on a waterwheel when Sally discovers that Nicole is malfunctioning.  To replace the submicroprocessor chip, Sonic and Sally make a trip to Robotropolis.  Sonic creates a distraction while Sally enters a building to get the chip.  Once she has the chip, Sally is discovered.  As she runs she finds herself outside the Forbidden Zone.  Robotnik watches as a cloaked figure passes by Sally in the Forbidden Zone.  Later Sally explains that the figure is the Guardian, who watches over the sorcerer Lazar.  Lazar has a computer book of spells near his resting place.  Sonic decides that he will go find the computer.  Meanwhile, Robotnik pays a visit to the Forbidden Zone and, immune to the traps due to his evil heart, steals the computer.  Sonic manages to make his way past some traps and Lazar appears to accuse Sonic of stealing the computer.  Lazar then feels that the magic is used and Sonic explains that he can stop Robotnik if Lazar will let him go.  Lazar tells Sonic to retrieve his computer and takes away Sonic’s speed to ensure that he will return.  Sonic makes his way to Robotropolis and appears in front of Robotnik.  Sally and Bunnie have already been teleported to Robotnik and were placed under submission.  Sonic manages to steal the computer and frees Sally and Bunnie from the spell.  They return to the Forbidden Zone and return the computer.  Lazar enters his fortress, which then disappears.  Sonic, Bunnie, and Sally appear in Knothole in time for Rotor to show that the waterwheel works, allowing a light bulb to shine.

06.  Sonic Racer - Sonic, Sally, and Bunnie conduct a mission to Robotropolis and successfully shut down Robotnik’s generator, which powers the entire city.  After they celebrate, Sally realizes that they should have stopped the backup generator.  Suddenly the power comes back on across Robotropolis.  Meanwhile, Robotnik and Snively decide to have a race to lure Sonic into Robotropolis.  Sonic later receives the flyer and decides to go even though Sally insists that it is a trap.  Sonic explains that he can serve as a diversion as Sally conducts her mission to disable the generator.  The next day, Sonic appears at the race and finds Robotnik’s newest robot designed to win the race.  Sally, Bunnie, and Antoine make their way to the generator as the race begins.  During the course of the race, Sonic is faced with several traps designed to defeat him and keep him from winning.  After being thrown many feet in the air by the robot, Sonic uses a power ring to catch up.  Meanwhile, Antoine finds himself trapped on a conveyer belt inside the building that houses the generator.  When Bunnie cannot stop the belt, Sally shoots a flare to signal Sonic.  Sonic rushes over and saves Antoine by putting his power ring into the gears that control the conveyer belt.  As the gears grind the power ring and overload the machinery, the freedom fighters escape.  Later, Sally reports the success of the mission to the other freedom fighters, even though Sonic lost the race.

07.  Hooked on Sonics - A robot called a Shredder absorbs living tissue from life forms.  The power generated will be used for Robotnik’s new device:  the Sonic Radar.  Sonic manages to destroy the robot and a party is later held at Knothole.  Sonic and Sally kiss, which makes Antoine jealous.  Antoine later talks to Rotor, who jokes that Antoine would have to capture Robotnik and bring him back to Knothole to get Sally’s attention.  Antoine decides to make this his mission and grabs the new power ring from the pool.  He soon makes his way to Robotropolis and a spy-orb transmits Antoine’s picture to Robotnik.  Antoine holds up the power ring and tells Robotnik to meet him in an hour if he wants the power ring.  As Sonic discovers that Antoine is missing, Antoine offers Robotnik the power ring.  Robotnik steps forward to get the ring and falls into a trap.  Antoine proudly says that will bring Robotnik to Knothole and win Sally’s heart.  Robotnik uses the rockets inside his boots to launch from the hole and captures Antoine.  Back at Knothole, Rotor remembers his joke.  Sally says that Sonic must get the power ring and Antoine.  As Sonic races to Robotropolis, Robotnik puts the power ring in the Sonic Radar.  Every time sonic speeds are detected, missiles are fired in that direction.  Sonic eventually figures out what is going on and starts walking.  Soon Sonic finds that the Shredder has been rebuilt and that Antoine will be roboticized.  Sonic saves Antoine and they head back to the Great Forest, where Robotnik plans to use his Shredder.  Using his speed, Sonic manages to make Robotnik destroy the shredder.  Antoine finds the power ring and gives it to Sonic, who saves the day.  Later, Antoine exaggerates the story to make it seem like he was the hero.  The freedom fighters leave one by one until only Tails remains.

08.  Harmonic Sonic - Robotnik launches a spy ship called “Sky-Spy” into orbit, and a rocket booster inadvertently crashes near Knothole.  The freedom fighters awake to the sound and soon Sally confirms that something is in the sky.  Sonic and Rotor work on charging the rocket booster for future use.  Meanwhile, Robotnik receives information from Sky-Spy that there is electro magnetic radiation from the Great Forest.  He orders that a Stealth-bot be launched, which soon comes close to Knothole.  Sally intercepts the information on her computer, allowing Sonic and Rotor use a device to draw the robot away from Knothole and crash into the water.  Later, Sonic and Rotor are launched aboard the rocket booster.  Once aboard Sky-Spy, Sonic and Rotor are discovered by a robot that sends a video feed to Robotnik.  The robots are alerted and Sonic and Rotor run away.  Sonic soon disguises himself as a robot and manages to trick a robot into telling him the location of the spy sensors.  Once his identity is revealed, Sonic and Rotor run away to the spy sensors.  Sonic removes the main sensor tube and drops it down a shaft.  This causes a high voltage chain reaction.  Sonic and Rotor find a hovercraft and use it to land back in Knothole.  Sally tells the two that Sky-Spy will fall and suggests that they use Rotor’s super magnet to draw the ship away from Knothole.  The plan works and the ship crashes to the ground.  Back at Knothole, Sally congratulates Sonic and Rotor.  Rotor then unveils his new quill styling machine.  Sonic tries out the machine and screams at the results.

09.  Sonic’s Nightmare - As Sonic runs, he hears Sally yelling at him.  Sally is placed in the roboticizer as Sonic gets stuck in some megamuck.  After freeing himself, Sonic crosses a bridge that collapses as Sally is roboticized.  Sonic wakes up and realizes that he had a bad dream.  He later discusses the dream with Rotor, who says Sonic must have some fear.  Sally appears and discusses Robotnik’s new plan for creating toxic rain over a city.  The plan is for Antoine, Sally, and Bunnie to dress up as swatbots and stop the convoy carrying the cloud seeder as Sonic runs ahead and warns the citizens.  All seems to go well until Antoine trips and his swatbot head falls off.  Before Sally can hack into the system, the swatbots capture everyone.  Meanwhile, Sonic runs to Nimbus Island only to find that it is abandoned.  He races back to the convoy and finds Antoine’s helmet.  Sonic returns to the island and finds himself chased by a missile fired by Snively.  Sonic jumps into the water and reemerges only to find himself surrounded by swatbots and trapped in megamuck.  Sonic manages to get his foot free, destroy the swatbots, and make his way to a portable prison cell that holds his friends.  Sally tells Sonic to stop Robotnik before they all drown in acid rain.  Sonic begins to panic and remembers his nightmare.  After Sally calls his name repeatedly, Sonic wakes up and spins underground towards an oil well.  Sonic runs on the gears, making the oil well shoot oil up at Robotnik’s blimp.  As the blimp crashes, Robotnik and Snively escape using a stealth pod.  Sonic runs back to the cell and has Sally use a power ring to drain the energy from the cell bars.  Sonic then has everyone hang on to each other as he runs them to safety.  Everyone wonders if Robotnik is really dead as the island collapses.  Later, Sally talks to Sonic and explains that his dream was a warning.  Sonic talks happily about something; Sally soon realizes that he is not talking about her, but a chilidog.

10.  Warp Sonic - After disabling Robotnik’s traffic center, Sonic, Sally, and Antoine go through the tunnels to escape.  After taking a few wrong turns, they are trapped.  As the swatbots approach, an arm appears from a panel in the side of the tunnel and grabs Antoine.  Sonic and Sally enter the panel and meet Griff.  As he leads them through a series of secret passages and tunnels, Griff explains that he is from Lower Mobius, an underground city.  Everyone boards a power-sled and they soon arrive in Lower Mobius.  Sonic heads off to find a chili dog stand, but before he can eat, Griff calls Sonic to help fight the rat-bots.  The gearbox in Griff’s power-sled becomes jammed, so Sonic defeats the rat-bots on his own.  Suddenly a larger rat-bot appears.  Sonic uses a power ring to push the power-sled to safety.  Griff is impressed with the power ring.  Later, Griff is told that there is only enough power to keep the underground city sustained for 24 hours.  Griff says he has a plan.  Soon Griff gives Sally a flower and compliments her.  Jealous, Sonic and Antoine give Sally more flowers and recite poems they wrote.  Griff offers to take everyone back to the surface.  Once there, Griff pulls a cable so that the power-sled cannot work.  Sally suggests that Griff spends the night at Knothole and shows Griff the power ring pool.  That night, Griff dives into the pool and steals the power stone.  Antoine wakes up from his post and runs to find Sonic and Sally.  They discover that Griff’s power sled is gone.  Sonic runs to Lower Mobius and finds the citizens fighting against the rat-bots.  Sonic defeats the rat-bots and demands that Griff give him back the power stone.  Griff takes Sonic to the energy chamber and gives Sonic back the stone.  Sonic says they are in the war together and gives Griff part of the stone so that the city will continue to survive.

11.  Sub-Sonic - Robotnik sends snake probes to retrieve oil underground, which pollutes the underground world and causes a purple creature to awake with anger.  Meanwhile, Sally and Rotor are trying to figure out why the trees are dying in the Great Forest.  Sonic returns from his fishing trip and tells everyone about the large fish that got away.  When he knocks water out of his ears, the green water falls onto the trees and comes to life.  Sonic, Sally, Antoine, and Rotor take a boat in search of the water.  The current picks up and soon the four find themselves underground.  Without the motor, Sonic, Rotor, and Antoine paddle through the water.  They hit an object and then discover that Antoine is missing.  Sonic, Rotor, and Sally continue moving and almost fall down a waterfall.  Sonic uses his speed to get the boat to safety, but the water begins to boil.  Sonic manages to grab a vine and carries Sally and Rotor to an area filled with plant life.  One of the flowers snaps at Sally, who disappears while Sonic twirls the flowers together.  Moving on, Sonic and Rotor find a polluted palace.  They hear a noise and Sonic is captured while investigating the sound.  When Rotor sees that Sonic has been captured by the large purple creature, he runs and falls through a hole.  Rotor finds some green water and fills his canteen.  As he continues to travel, Rotor finds oil in the water and Robotnik’s snake probes.  Rotor runs away from the probes and finds Sonic, Sally, and Antoine in a pit filled with polluted water.  Rotor grabs the power ring out of Sonic’s backpack and hands it to him.  As Sonic rescues Sally, Rotor saves Antoine.  The creature returns and confronts the four, claiming that they destroyed his world.  Sally explains that it was actually Robotnik, who is also destroying their world.  Rotor tells Sonic about the snake probes and Sonic runs up to the surface.  He manages to enter one of the control towers, makes the snake probes self destruct, and presses all of the buttons to make the tower explode.  Rotor later empties his canteen into the water, which helps restore the polluted area.  The creature gives Sonic a bottle to help save the Great Forest.  Later Sally drops some water from the bottle and the trees grow.

12.  Sonic Past Cool - The freedom fighters test a set of leg-ladders for Bunnie.  Tails wants to play and leaves the group.  He finds a creature and brings it with him to Knothole.  When the creature becomes upset and runs away, Tails finds Sonic and soon the freedom fighters confront the creature.  Sally identifies the creature as a baby Terra-Pod who should be with his family as they migrate.  She locates a communication device and the freedom fighters accompany the baby Terra-Pod (nicknamed Baby-T) to the surface.  Sally knows the Terra-Pods are heading the wrong way, puts the device on a Terra-Pod (later called Mama-T) and uses Nicole to establish a language link.  The freedom fighters follow the Terra-Pods as they run from Robotnik into the uncharted Great Jungle.  Meanwhile, Snively prepares a trap to capture the Terra-Pods and the freedom fighters.  The freedom fighters and Terra-Pods become trapped in the force field and Mama-T is trapped in a cage.  As the cage is lifted, Bunnie uses her new legs to open the cage and Sonic makes the cage descend.  Mama-T escapes and Sonic creates a temporary hole in the force field so that everyone can escape.  Sonic leads the flying Stealth-bots and the aircraft carrying Robotnik to a field of plants that destroy anything metallic.  The Stealth-bots cut through the plants and crash, while Robotnik takes evasive action.  Sally gathers the seeds of the plants, which are harmless, to plant around Knothole.  She then gives Baby-T the communication device to say good-bye to Tails.  Sally becomes upset when she hears Baby-T talking like Sonic, and Sonic gives Baby-T a high five.

13.  Heads or Tails - While Tails picks flowers, Robotnik orders a Buzzbomber to attack.  Sonic quickly rescues Tails and Robotnik orders the robot to attack Sonic.  The Buzzbomber accidentally shoots a rock, which reflects the laser right back at Buzzbomber.  A camera projects Sonic’s image to Robotnik and Robotnik says that at the end of the day he will have the power rings.  A bored Sonic takes Tails and Rotor back to Knothole.  After the three arrive, Rotor and Sally inspect the catapults and realize that they are breaking because they do not have metal cotter pins.  Sally shows Sonic what a cotter pin looks like, and Sonic agrees to find them.  Meanwhile, Tails is going to Robotropolis.  Sonic finds him and explains that Tails does not want to go to the “big city.”  Tails acts as if he might get captured on the way back to Knothole, so Sonic lets Tails climb in his backpack for the mission.  When Sonic arrives in Robotropolis, Tails sneezes and almost blows his cover.  Sonic happens to run into a pipe and finds some cotter pins.  A robot dog appears, and Sonic recognizes the dog as his pet Muttski.  After Muttski attacks Sonic, Sonic scolds Muttski.  Muttski temporarily regains his memory.  The effect does not last long and soon Sonic runs into an air vent.  While in the air vent, Sonic overhears Robotnik’s plan to give the Buzzbombers a chemical that will be sprayed on the Great Forest.  If the plan is successful, Knothole will be revealed.  Just in case Sonic shows up, Robotnik reveals his hedgehog-seeking missile.  Tails suddenly sneezes, and Sonic falls out of the air vent and in front of Robotnik.  Sonic uses a power ring to run out of the room and back to Knothole.  Sally comes up with a plan and decides to use the short-range catapults against the Buzzbombers.  Sonic uses his speed to trick the Buzzbombers into coming closer to the catapults.  One Buzzbomber fires the missile, which Sonic manages to direct to another Buzzbomber.  The catapults shoot water balloons at the Buzzbombers while the remaining Buzzbombers retreat.  Sonic boasts about how great he was as Sally remains unimpressed.

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