Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)
Episodes 14-26

Game Guy - While removing parts from a hovercraft, Sonic and Sally find a magnetic field generator that can attract metal.  Meanwhile, Tails and Dulcy keep a look out and discover that swatbots are chasing a ram.  Tails informs Sonic and Sally, and Sonic draws the swatbots to Sally per her orders.  As the swatbots approach, Sally activates the generator; the swatbots are pulled toward the generator and are deactivated.  Later, the ram introduces himself as Ari; he was trying to rescue his freedom fighters.  Sally does not trust Ari, but Sonic tells her that he will help Ari while she goes back to Knothole.  Robotnik watches through a spy-orb and is pleased.  When Sally returns to Knothole, Rotor uses a swatbot’s head to discover that the swatbots were ordered to follow Ari and draw Sonic to a fortress.  Sally decides to go warn Sonic.  Meanwhile, Sonic and Ari head toward the fortress.  Ari helps Sonic avoid the traps and then they enter the fortress, the door closing behind them.  Sally and Dulcy arrive too late and try to find a way inside.  Sonic finds Ari’s freedom fighters, but when he touches one, it disappears.  Ari apologizes and traps Sonic in a room.  Robotnik’s face appears and introduces Sonic to his pinball game.  While in a ball, if Sonic hits Robotnik’s bumpers, a portal (to the void) will open; if Sonic hits his own bumpers, the portal will close.  Shortly after the game starts, Sally and Dulcy follow Ari as he confronts Robotnik in Robotropolis and asks for his freedom fighters.  Robotnik summons the freedom fighters—they all have been roboticized.  Ari is upset, and Robotnik orders that the swatbots seize him.  Dulcy breaks through a grate and freezes Robotnik and Snively.  The swatbots see Sally and release Ari to capture her, but Ari knocks them down.  By the time the three make their way back to the fortress, Sonic is exhausted, and the portal is starting to widen.  He tries to use a power ring, but he drops it when he is hit.  Ari takes the magnetic field generator from Sally and quickly enters the fortress, leaving Sally and Dulcy behind.  He uses the generator to draw Sonic away from the portal.  Sonic uses this opportunity to summon the power ring.  Ari turns off the generator, and Sonic speeds around the room, destroying everything.  Robotnik initiates the destruct mode, and the portal begins to suck everything into it.  Ari is knocked into the portal, and Sonic catches him.  Ari tells Sonic about the existence of other freedom fighters and to find Sally’s father’s list before some debris knocks Ari completely into the portal.  Sonic runs out of the fortress, which disappears into the vortex.  Later, Sonic tells Sally about Ari’s final words and says that she should have trusted him.  Sally states that she learns from her mistakes, unlike Sonic.

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