Sonic X
Episode Summaries (1-15)

01.  Chaos Control Freaks - Sonic makes his way to Dr. Eggman’s base where Cream and Cheese are held as prisoners (and Rogue watches from above the area).  Eggman sticks the final Chaos Emerald into his Energy Amplifier and commands his robots to attack Sonic.  Sonic jumps in front of the machine, which is soon shot by a robot.  A bright light engulfs the entire room and the surrounding environment where Tails, Amy, and Knuckles watch Chaos Control in action as Big and Froggy fish.

When Sonic wakes up, he finds himself avoiding cars in a place with tall buildings.  A group of policemen try to catch Sonic, but he runs away.  In order to catch him, the Speed Team (S Team for short) is sent after Sonic.  Sam Speed, leader of the S Team, follows Sonic in his formula one racecar.  In order to catch Sonic, Sam uses the racecar’s secret Nitro fuel.  Sonic soon runs faster than the car, creating a sonic boom.  The highway ends, and Sonic flies off the highway.  Sonic lands in a pool, but he cannot swim.  A boy name Christopher comes to Sonic’s rescue and introduces himself to the talking hedgehog.

02.  Sonic to the Rescue - Sonic watches television with Chris.  The news talks about a mysterious hedgehog, which must be a machine.  Chris’ grandpa comes into the room, sees Sonic, and tries to find out if he is a machine.  Suddenly a news report shows two new mysterious creatures:  Cream and Cheese.

Grandpa learns that Cream and Cheese are at Area 99, a top-secret military base.  As they drive toward the base, Sonic complains about how slow they are.  Chris gives Sonic an infrared scope, then Sonic runs toward the base and makes his way inside.  After avoiding the laser surveillance cameras, Sonic tries to figure out how to rescue Cream and Cheese.  Suddenly the electricity goes out, and Sonic uses this time to rescue Cream and Cheese.  While they’re running, the electricity comes back on and the surveillance cameras start shooting lasers.  Sonic destroys the cameras, and they make their way to the top of the dome.  Hearing a noise, Sonic bursts through the dome and grabs onto the Tornado.  Cream realizes that it Tails made the electricity go out earlier.  Back at Chris’ house, Tails realizes that if Cream, Cheese, and Sonic are here, then everyone else must be there—including Eggman.  Meanwhile, Eggman realizes that Chaos Control sent him here and this new world will be the start of his new Eggman Empire.

03.  Missile Wrist Rampage - Eggman uses a machine that randomly selects Missile Wrist.  Soon the robot is at a beach, destroying everything in sight.  Eggman decides to head for the city.  Meanwhile, Amy and Knuckles walk below the city streets.  Knuckles states that he has to get back to his world so he can continue to protect the Master Emerald.  Hearing a noise, the two remove a manhole to find Missile Wrist destroying the city.  The robot goes to the top of a building, and Eggman announces his presence on television.  Eggman demands the surrender of the city, but it is not in the city’s charter to surrender the city.  Tails and Chris fly the Tornado toward Eggman.  Missile Wrist hits part of the Tornado, and Tails converts the plane into its jet mode.

Amy runs to help Tails and Knuckles eventually follows her.  Sonic sees the event on television, and runs toward the city.  Amy tires to stop Missile Wrist, but it captures her.  Sonic appears, and Chris hands him a ring.  Missile Wrist drops Amy (who is caught by Knuckles) and tries to destroy Sonic.  Sonic tricks Missile Wrist into destroying its own wrists and he then destroys the robot.  Eggman escapes, and Tails flies by with a ladder.  Soldiers come to capture them, but they grab onto the ladder and escape.  Knuckles soon lets go of the ladder and glides, refusing to go back to Chris’ house.

04.  Chaos Emerald Chaos - The nature of the Chaos Emeralds is explained to Chris.  Each Chaos Emerald has magical power.  After all seven are gathered together, they scatter and then disappear, so they may not be in the same world as Sonic.  Meanwhile, the president is briefed on the agents that are watching Eggman and “the animals.”  An agent is also sent to watch Chris.  When Chris returns to school, he finds out that he has a new teacher named Mr. Stewart.   Meanwhile, At a construction site, a machine goes out of control when it touches a Chaos Emerald.  A news report appears on television, and Cream and Cheese tell Sonic the news.  Eggman also sees the report and randomly selects the robot Beakon.  Tails and Amy leave in the Tornado, while Sonic searches on the ground.  Chris sees them fly by while in class and excuses himself.  Mr. Stewart follows Chris in his car.

Eggman sees Sonic heading for the Chaos Emerald and sends Beakon to destroy him.  Beakon attacks Sonic, and Amy throws Sonic a ring.  Sonic misses the ring, forcing Tails and Amy to fly closer and hand Sonic the ring.  This time Sonic grabs the ring and he quickly destroys Beakon.  Meanwhile, Eggman finds the Chaos Emerald.  Chris grabs the Chaos Emerald, but Eggman grabs it from him.  Eggman takes off into the sky, and Chris holds onto his ship.  Noticing that Chris is there, Eggman tries to make Chris lose his grip.  Chris grabs onto Eggman’s moustache and manages to grab the Chaos Emerald before help plummets toward the ground.  Mr. Stewart tries to save Chris, but Sonic runs past him and rescues both Chris and the Chaos Emerald.

05.  Cracking Knuckles - After Knuckles remembers how he used to sit in front of the Master Emerald, Eggman appears.  Eggman asks for help, saying the only reason why everybody is here in the first place is Sonic’s fault.  Sonic had brought them all here on purpose and he did it just for thrills.  Sonic will also fight anybody who tries to take the Chaos Emerald.  Knuckles is mad and vows to fight Sonic.  Meanwhile, Chris, his grandpa, and Tails are observing the Chaos Emerald.  Ella, the housecleaner, forces herself into the room.  Tails poses as a stuffed animal so Ella won’t realize that he is real.  Chris grabs Tails and runs outside.  Amy finds them and says that there is something like a Choas Emerald in Silver Valley.  After seeing the news report, Amy tries to get Sonic to go with her on a picnic.  When Sonic declines, Chris, Tails, and Amy take a rail transport.  In order to avoid being spotted, Amy and Tails pretend they are stuffed animals.

While enjoying their picnic, Chris, Amy, and Tails are captured one of Eggman’s robots.  Eggman says that they are going to witness Sonic’s defeat.  Sonic arrives to meet Knuckles after receiving a message and the two begin fighting.  Tails tries to figure out a logical way to escape while Amy uses her hammer to try and break free.  Sonic eventually notices Eggman and tries to free the prisoners.  The robot flies across a lake, so Eggman says there’s no way Sonic can rescue them without going to the water.  Sonic runs around the lake and frees Chris, Tails, and Amy.  Knuckles is mad for being tricked so he punches Eggman and then destroys the robot.  As the robot explodes, Sonic grabs Knuckles’ hand to keep him from being blown away.  Knuckles leaves without saying a word.

06.  Techno-Teacher - Chris is informed that his parents will arrive after school.  He is excited and asks that Amy, Tails, and Sonic stay hidden until after his parents leave.  Chris leaves for school and Chuck tells Amy and Tails how busy Chris’s parents are.  Meanwhile, Eggman decides to brainwash children so he can conquer the world.  He has his computer decide which robot to use, and soon Intellihente is sent to school.  Intellihente throws Mr. Stewart out of the classroom and begins to teach.  Mr. Stewart informs the principal and his headquarters, but neither see Intellihente as a threat.  Finally Mr. Stewart calls the police.  A policeman soon arrives to an empty classroom.  Mr. Stewart is shocked, but the kids are discovered with Intellihente at the baseball diamond.  The policeman sees no threat.  Furious, Mr. Stewart grabs the policeman’s burger.  The policeman becomes angry and chases Mr. Stewart.  When school ends, Eggman appears.  Eggman is furious since the children adore Intellihente and not Eggman.  After Eggman threatens to destroy Intellihente, the children are placed in detention.  Meanwhile, Chris’s parents have already arrived home and are worried that something has happened to Chris.  Sonic leaves his rooftop and runs to the school.  Eggman orders Intellihente to attack Sonic.  Sonic destroys Intellihente and impresses the children.  Eggman leaves in defeat.  Chris runs home to his parents and is able to enjoy dinner Amy and Tails watch from a window.

07.  Party Hardly - After being told by Chris to stay inside while he’s at school, Cream and Cheese venture outside to pick flowers.  Tails remembers how Cream would make flower crowns for her mother.  Sonic notices a poster of a lake and flowers, grabs it, and runs away.  Meanwhile, after Chris’s mom burns all of the food she prepares, she decides they should have a party.  Chris tells his friends at school about the party, and while overhearing the news, Mr. Stewart invites himself over to Chris’s house.  Chris later arrives home, and he notices Cream and Cheese decorating for the party.  He tells Cream and Cheese they need to stay hidden during the party, and Mr. Tanaka agrees.  Mr. Tanaka informs Chris that he has known about them all this time, and Chris makes him promise to keep this a secret.  Cream and Cheese wander away and find Lindsey as she prepares for the party.  The phone rings, and Lindsey is offered a leading role in a movie, but only if she can arrive on the set the next morning.  Lindsey accepts the part and cries since she says she is a terrible mother.  She tries to find Chris before she leaves, but she leaves without saying goodbye since Chris was looking for Cream and Cheese.  Amy, Tails, and Chuck begin a search for Cream and Cheese as Mr. Stewart arrives. 

Chris welcomes his teacher and soon notices Cream’s feet from underneath the curtains.  From the window Cream sees Sonic return with flowers for her.  Cream thanks Sonic aloud and walks into the room.  Mr. Stewart doesn’t notice since he’s observing a painting in the room. Soon Chris’s uncle, Sam Speed, arrives at the home.  Sam comments that the only thing faster than him is a blue hedgehog.  Sonic waves at Sam from a tree outside, and Sam tells everyone to look.  Mr. Stewart pretends to be oblivious to everything by observing the painting. Chris apologizes for his mother’s absence and how it was rude of her to leave.  Cream protests and breaks away from Chris, explaining how sorry his mother was to leave.  Cream rushes out of the room while Amy and Tails rush through the room after her.  Mr. Stewart and Sam decide to leave the party.  Mr. Tanaka suggests that Chris tell Ella everything about Cream and Cheese, so Chris explains the situation to Ella.  Ella is relived that she is not crazy and that she has a new friend in Cream.  Afterwards, Chris tells Sonic that Cream must hate him because he never thought how much Cream misses her mother.  Cream walks in the room and places a flower crown on Chris’s head.  She also gives a flower crown to Ella.  Sonic explains that Cream only gives flower crowns to the ones she likes the most.  Meanwhile, Ella holds Cream and Cheese and everyone laughs.

08. Satellite Swindle - Eggman launches a new robot, which sucks up all of the satellites orbiting in space. This disrupts the programming on television, much to the disappointment of Cream. Bokkun appears and presents a message from Eggman to Sonic. Eggman explains that he is taking all of the space junk to make new robots. After a little encouragement, Tails agrees to fly the Tornado to confront the robot. Sonic and Tails fight the robot, but the Tornado has engine trouble. Tails is able to prevent a crash-landing into the water below. After some discussion about the speed of the plane, Tails rebuilds the Tornado so that it is powered by a Chaos Emerald; a second engine is used to burn off extra energy from the emerald. When the work on the plane is complete, Tails reveals the Tornado-X to everyone. Tails, Sonic, and Chris fly in the plane to confront the robot again. When they enter the stratosphere, the temperature drops to -50 degrees, which starts to freeze the plane and Sonic, who is standing on top of the plane. Tails instructs Chris to attach a power ring to a cable, which allows Sonic to break free from the ice and defeat the robot. Later, Sonic soaks his feet as Amy presents ice cream in honor of Sonic.

09. The Last Resort - Everyone travels to the Emerald Coast, except for Chuck and Sonic, who does not want to be near the water. While Chris attends the opening for the resort, the others stay nearby at the family villa. Eggman attacks the resort and destroys it to build Eggman's Scream Park. Chuck turns on the television after Sonic returns from a trip to the mountains to show Sonic the news footage of the attack. After Sonic receives an explosive message from Bokkun, he leaves for the resort. Meanwhile, at the villa, Amy discovers that Eggman is attacking the resort. Tails and Amy take off in the X-Tornado to save Chris, Ella, and Mr. Tanaka, who are still at the resort. Sonic arrives and fights a robot. When it is defeated, Amy gives Sonic a good luck bracelet made of sea shells. Before Sonic can accept the gift, a new robot appears and crushes the bracelet. Amy becomes furious and attacks the robot, destroying it piece by piece. She then attacks Eggman, which sends both of them into the water. Without hesitating, Sonic dives into the water after an unconscious Amy. Later, Amy regains consciousness, and realizes that the remains of the bracelet that was in her hand is gone. Elsewhere, Sonic tells himself to stay out of the water as he wears the bracelet.

10. Unfair Ball - While flying the X-Tornado, Tails discovers a Chaos Emerald at Diamond Stadium. Tails befriends the groundskeeper, Albert, and finds out that the stadium is closing. Albert shows Tails the Chaos Emerald he found, which causes a bright pillar of light to shoot into the sky. Eggman sees the light and uses Bokkun to contact Sonic. Sonic agrees to play Eggman in a game of baseball for the two emeralds. Everyone heads out to the stadium. Eggman arrives at the stadium first and thinks that Sonic has forfeited. He takes an emerald as his reward, but Knuckles appears to stop him from taking the other emerald. Everyone else arrives at the stadium, and the baseball match begins. The match is soon televised, and fans begin to watch in the stands. After trailing from behind, Sonic's team is able to score the run needed to win the game. Eggman runs off with both emeralds. The owner of the stadium appears and says he will move the turf to the new indoor stadium. Chuck tells everyone that they have all learned a lesson and will be stronger when they face Eggman again.

11. Fly Spy - In a meeting with his staff, the president decides to ask for Sonic's assistance in defeating Eggman. Later, while Chris is at school, Mr. Stewart mentions that a red emerald was found. Chris is shocked at the information, and so is Rouge, who was listening in on the conversation. After school, Chris and his friend Danny join Tails and Amy in the X-Tornado to look for the emerald while Sonic travels on foot. After following a sign pointing toward the factory, the arrow falls off of the sign. Pleased that her trick worked, Rouge heads in the opposite direction and soon finds the factory. When Rouge enters the factory, she is captured by government agents. Rouge soon has a meeting with the president, who tells her she will have immunity from her jewel theft crimes if she works as an undercover agent. Rouge agrees, hoping that this will get her closer to a Chaos Emerald. Meanwhile, after hours of searching, Sonic returns to the sign and finds the fallen arrow. Everyone travels in the opposite direction and they soon find an empty factory. Later, Rouge and the agents infiltrate Eggman's base. Rouge and agent Topaz explore on their own and end up discovering a Chaos Emerald. After battling some robots and losing the emerald, Rouge and Topaz escape in time to avoid the explosion caused by destroying a robot. The next day, Chris and Danny sleep during class. Mr. Stewart tells the boys that they can go on adventures, but they must also get to bed on time.

12. Beating Eggman (Part 1) -Tails, Amy, Chris, and Chris's friend Frances fly in the X-Tornado. While flying around, they discover that a Chaos Emerald is somewhere in a field. They land and Tails transforms the X-Tornado into the X-Cyclone, an "all-purpose" robot, to search for the emerald. Meanwhile, the president and his advisors plan a way to attack Eggman's base. The president's aide goes to the Thorndyke mansion to ask for Sonic's assistance in defeating Eggman. Ella denies knowing Sonic, and throws a bucket of water on the aide. The president decides to move forward without Sonic's help. Soon, while Eggman watches an infomercial, he hears a message revealing that a Chaos Emerald was found. Eggman leaves with a robot and shortly arrives in the same field as Tails. Chris and Frances run away so they can call Sonic, and Tails faces Eggman in the X-Cyclone. Eggman uses his robot's fan to create a gust of wind, blowing Amy away and knocking down the X-Cyclone. As this happens, the president announces to the country by television that they must attack Eggman since he is a threat to peace. The assault begins on Eggman's base by air and by sea; Rouge and her team infiltrate the base to shut down its power. Elsewhere, Mr. Stewart tracks Chris and realizes that something is wrong. He calls Chuck, uses a device to disguise his voice, and reveals Chris's current location. Chuck tells Sonic the news, and Sonic rushes off to help Chris.

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