sth cover #1 Sonic the Hedgehog #1
Corner Box:  July 1993.  There is also a picture of Sonic standing.
Cover:  The freedom fighters are in the middle with Robotnik and his robots attacking from the outside.

“Meet Me at the Corner of Hedgehog & Vine!”
Writer:  Michael Gallagher
Penciller:  Dave Manak
Inker:  Bill White
Letterer:  Bill Yoshida
Colorist:  Lyrad Namlede
Editor Supreme:  Daryl Edelman
Editor in Chief:  Richard Goldwater
Special thanks to Bob Harris and Susan Reyes at Sega of America

Part I
After Robotnik destroys a piñata of Sonic, a swatbot rushes in to inform Robotnik that a new mechanical plant has been created.  The "Krudzu" plant, resembling a Venus flytrap, will destroy anything it touches.  Pleased with how the Krudzu destroyed Crabmeat, Robotnik sends a Burrobot to sow the seeds in the Great Forest.

Meanwhile, at Knothole, Sonic and Sally are discussing how to frame a map.  Antoine, thinking that they are discussing battle strategy, decides to appeal to Sally by picking her some flowers from the Great Forest.  Sonic and Sally hear a scream, and when they rush outside, they find a plant wrapped around Antoine.

Part II
Sonic uses a Sonic spin to free Antoine and Sally helps bring him into Knothole.  After laying Antoine on a table, Boomer gets out his chainsaw.  Fearing for his life, Antoine shrieks and faints, leaving Boomer to trim the table.  Boomer then proceeds to pull off the Krudzu and puts them into a bucket.  Tails approaches the scene and upon seeing the dry plants, proceeds to water them.  The freedom fighters gasp in horror as they fear the plants taking over Knothole.

Meanwhile, Robotnik watches the Krudzu take over the Great Forest.  He sends his Buzzbombers to attack any freedom fighters that emerge from the forest.

To the surprise of the freedom fighters, the plants do not grow but instead short out.  Under close inspection, Boomer discovers that the plants are mechanical.  Sonic decides that he should save the day, asking for a 5,000-foot garden hose, but Sally assures him that it isn't necessary.  Tails reads the weather report, and soon it begins to rain.

Robotnik, upset with the failure of the plan, disposes of Burrobot.

Sonic the Hedgehog Bumper Stickers - 2 pages

Made out of the comic book paper, these were bumper stickers to tape to the car:
Honk if you (heart) Sonic
Have you hugged your hedgehog today?
I'd rather be playing Sonic the Hedgehog
If you can read this-you should be reading Sonic the Hedgehog comics!

“You Bet My Life!”
Writer:  Michael Gallagher
Penciller:  Dave Manak
Inker:  Bill White
Letterer:  Bill Yoshida
Colorist:  Lyrad Namlede
Editor:  Daryl Edelman
Editor in Chief:  Richard Goldwater

Part I
After Sonic helps the freedom fighters overcome disaster (by correctly folding a map of Mobius), Boomer announces that Robotnik is making a speech in the Casino Night Zone.  Sonic takes off, making his way to the main room.  Robotnik sees Sonic in the audience and decides to make him demonstrate the new machine he has invented.  After stepping out onto the stage, Robotnik introduces Orbinaut, who fires a maceball at Sonic's head.

Part II
Sonic is placed into a "super-thick glass ball" and placed into a pinball machine.  After being bounced off of bumpers and electrocuted, Sonic concludes that he wouldn't live another time through the machine.  Robotnik, pleased, decides to send Sonic through the pinball machine a dozen more times.  Before Sonic is placed into the machine, a swatbot announces that someone had won 50 cents.  Upset, Robotnik leaves to beat the person with a hammer.  Sonic decides to act quickly, and uses his spikes as a glasscutter.  Robotnik returns and Sonic is placed into the machine again.  The glass breaks, allowing Sonic to destroy the machine.  Orbinaut throws a couple of maceballs, but Sonic deflects it with a spin and hits Robotnik and a swatbot.  Later Sonic plants a bomb and runs out of the casino just in time to watch the bomb explode.  He then makes his way to Knothole, where he finds the freedom fighters in more trouble:  Antoine cannot open a bottle with a childproof cap.

“I'd Like to Thank . . .” - 1 page

Boomer and Sally present freedom fighter awards, and Sonic runs away with all of them.

“Keep Looking up!” - 1 page

Sonic gets a letter asking at what speed his legs disappear and turn blurry, so Sonic starts to run and hits a branch of a tree and remarks that now everything is a little blurry.

“Fast Food!” - 1 page

Sonic makes chili dogs and Sally, wanting to add humor to the comic, throws a coconut cream pie in Sonic's face.

And now, here's the recipe found at the beginning of the comic:

Chili Dog A La Sonic
Brown 1 lb. ground beef
Add ½ cup each of chopped onions, peppers and mushrooms (brown lightly)
Add one Tablespoon Worcestershire
Add 1 large can of crushed tomatoes
Add 8 oz. Barbecue sauce
Simmer ½ hour
Add 1 teaspoon each of chili powder, cumin, oregano
Add 1 large can red kidney beans (drained)
Simmer 1 hour
Add hot dogs
Cook 15 minutes in sauce
Put on toasted roll
(melted cheese optional)

Sonic-Gram highlight:
 ~ Sonic the Hedgehog - the cartoon is announced (now referred to as SatAM)

(Summary by Silver Starr)

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