Sonic Heroes ~ Original Soundtrax cover
Complete Trinity

Sonic Heroes ~ Original Soundtrax

Like the previous Sonic Adventure games, Sonic Heroes also has its own soundtrack.  However, since you play each stage with four teams, listening to the stage songs again is not as satisfying as in Sonic Adventure (where you hear the same song once or twice) or Sonic Adventure 2 (where each character gets its own specialized music).  The good news is that the event and boss music is not as familiar, so it is actually nice to be able to listen to the music without having to worry about defeating enemies.  In addition, there are some bonus tracks which include an extended version of the Emerald Challenge music, the original version of Casino Park, and a remix of Bingo Highway.  The tracks are listed below.  It’s interesting to note that the stages have no titles for their songs, like the previous Sonic Adventure soundtracks did.

01.    Sonic Heroes / Opening ver.
02.    Stage 01:  Seaside Hill
03.    Stage 02:  Ocean Palace
04.    Boss:  Egg Hawk
05.    System Screen:  Select
06.    Stage 03:  Grand Metropolis
07.    Stage 04:  Power Plant
08.    Special Stage:  Bonus Challenge
09.    Event:  Strange Guys
10.    Boss:  vs. Team Battle
11.    Stage 05:  Casino Park
12.    Stage 06:  Bingo Highway
13.    Battle:  Casino Area
14.    Event:  Monkey Business
15.    Event:  My World
16.    Boss:  Robot Carnival / Robot Storm
17.    Stage 07:  Rail Canyon
18.    Stage 08:  Bullet Station
19.    Jingle:  Speed Up
20.    Jingle:  Invincible
21.    Boss:  Egg Albatross
22.    Event:  Disquieting Shadow
23.    System Screen:  Menu
24.    Battle:  City Area
25.    Battle:  Sea Area
26.    System Screen:  2P vs. Menu
27.    Battle:  Quick Race
28.    Battle:  Ring Race

01.    Sonic Heroes / Title ver.
02.    Stage 00:  Sea Gate
03.    Stage 09:  Frog Forest
04.    Stage 10:  Lost Jungle
05.    Event:  Excuse Me?
06.    Event:  Unexpected Encounter
07.    Special Stage:  Emerald Challenge
08.    Event:  No Past to Remember
09.    Stage 11:  Hang Castle
10.    Stage 12:  Mystic Mansion
11.    Event:  My Ambition
12.    Stage 13:  Egg Fleet
13.    Stage 14:  Final Fortress
14.    Boss:  Egg Emperor
15.    Event:  Metal Sonic . . . the Ultimate Overlord
16.    Event:  All Heroes Gather
17.    Last Boss ver. 1:  Metal Badness
18.    What I’m Made Of . . . / Last Boss ver. 2:  Metal Overlord
19.    Event:  Finale . . . Adventure Must Go On

[Bonus Trax]
20.    Special Stage:  Emerald Challenge / Extended ver.
21.    Casino Park / Original ver.
22.    Bingo Highway / Remix ver.

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