Planetary Pieces
Sonic World Adventure Original Soundtrack

To cover the music from Sonic Unleashed (AKA Sonic World Adventure), this soundtrack consists of three CDs. It includes music from every country and their corresponding stages for both day and night. Also included is the music played when you obtain an E Rank--played by the one and only Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. This soundtrack is a must if you want the entire soundtrack to Sonic Unleashed/Sonic World Adventure.

01. Endless Possibility - Vocal Theme -
02. Cutscene - Opening
03. Cutscene - A New Journey
04. Apotos - Day
05. Windmill Isle - Day
06. Cutscene - The First Night
07. Cutscene - Tails in Trouble!
08. Intro: Windmill Isle - Night
09. Windmill Isle - Night
10. Apotos - Night
11. Cutscene - To Spagonia!
12. Tornado Defense - 1st Battle
13. Mazuri - Night
14. Intro: Savannah Citadel - Night
15. Savannah Citadel - Night
16. Cutscene - Same As Ever
17. Cutscene - Gaia Manuscripts
18. Cutscene - Eggman Again
19. Cutscene - Sonic Appears
20. Mazuri - Day
21. Savannah Citadel - Day
22. Cutscene - The Egg Beetle
23. Boss Battle - Day
24. Boss Stage Clear
25. Cutscene - Temple Activated!
26. Cutscene - Planet Pieces
27. Holoska - Day
28. Cool Edge - Day
29. Spagonia - Night
30. Intro: Rooftop Run - Night
31. Rooftop Run - Night

01. The World Adventure - Orchestral Theme -
02. Gaia Gate
03. Chun-nan - Night
04. Intro: Dragon Road - Night
05. Dragon Road - Night
06. Boss Battle - Night
07. Cutscene - Eggman's Idea
08. Rooftop Run - Day
09. Spagonia - Day
10. Chun-nan - Day
11. Dragon Road - Day
12. Holoska - Night
13. Intro: Cool Edge - Night
14. Cool Edge - Night
15. Cutscene - Project Dark Gaia
16. Shamar - Day
17. Arid Sands - Day
18. Empire City - Night
19. Intro: Skyscraper Scamper - Night
20. Skyscraper Scamper - Night
21. Shamar - Night
22. Intro: Arid Sands - Night
23. Arid Sands - Night
24. vs. Titan & Big Mother
25. Empire City - Day
26. Skyscraper Scamper - Day
27. Stage Clear
28. Result Screen - E Rank
29. The World Adventure - Piano Version
30. The World Adventure - Jingle

01. Werehog Battle Theme
02. Adabat - Night
03. Intro: Jungle Joyride - Night
04. Jungle Joyride - Night
05. Adabat - Day
06. Jungle Joyride - Day
07. Cutscene - Chip's Change
08. Cutscene - Chip's Memories
09. Cutscene - No Reason
10. Tornado Defense - 2nd Battle
11. Cutscene - Eggmanland
12. Eggmanland Entrance
13. Eggmanland - Day
14. Eggmanland - Night
15. Cutscene - The 7th Continent
16. Cutscene - Congratulations
17. Cutscene - The Egg Dragoon
18. vs. Egg Dragoon
19. Cutscene - Dark Gaia Appears
20. Cutscene - Shrines in Flight
21. Cutscene - Hour of Awakening
22. vs. Dark Gaia
23. Cutscene - Dark World ~ Hope and Despair
24. Cutscene - The Final Form
25. Super Sonic vs. Perfect Dark Gaia
26. Cutscene - Annihilation
27. Cutscene - Rekindled Light ~ Save the Speech!
28. Cutscene - To the Surface
29. Cutscene - Always
30. Dear My Friend - Ending Theme -

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