The Progress

The purpose of this page is to keep you up to date with the progress of this website. Having a full time job makes it a bit difficult to update it all the time. I will, however, let you know when I've added new things on this page. I hope you enjoy the site and don't forget to sign the guestbook!

15 February 2002 Have been working on the The Family page adding information to Grant's page and Bob and Helen's page. Included some pictures of Grant on his page as well. Will try and get to Shane's page soon but with so much more information on his page it will take a bit longer.
Added another couple of links on the Links page.
21 December 2001 The Gallery is finished! Woohoo!! Will continue to add pictures as I find them but for now The Gallery is a done deal :)
01 December 2001 BL Label pictures added and pages set up but with many, many "Under Construction" signs placed on them :)
01 December 2001 This website was born! Slow progress will be made from here on in.

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