The Forum
   Mount Olympus Consil
If you want to join all you half to do is own the sims and have the capability's of making houses, or other SimRelated ideals.
Yes you can also join if you own your own website.
Joining is basicly a type of affiliation process.
Or you can become a god which is putting your downloads on my site. Just e-mail me info such as if you want to be a god or join and you're in!
                              Head Consil,
                 MAXIMUS AREUS ARELIOS
Members of the Mount Olympus Consil
         Name:                                            Idea's                 Consil Type                       Authorities

Constantine Marcus Angelus                        0                Online Consil                                VII
Codesious Champlai                                     I                 Physical/Remote Consil                 !V  
Justinian Aragorn                                        0                 Physical/Remote Consil                 V
Anna Perenna Angelus                                 0                Online Consil                                VII

If you are part of the Consil please post your ideas  in the temporary forum. Yes they will be thought over and not ignored. Your ideas will count, this will work as a Consil so to speak. We will have votes. And yes I can be out voted:  Motto: Equality and Justice, we will serve! (not
really a motto more like a rule) And I would also appreciate if you own a web site put this emblem on your page as to symbolize you are with the "Consil of Olympus" Thanx,
                                           Maximus Areus Arelios
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