Copyright 2003 by Adam Ave-Lallemant


    This is my site, I am Adam Ave-Lallemant, but just call me ForeverChristian. I became a Christian when I was born, although I only just believed it a year ago. I just said that I believed it so I could get the adults to stop bugging me. But anyways, back to the story. Last summer I went to Idaho on my first ever mission trip. I tell you that was the greatest experience I have ever had in my lifetime. On that trip the Holy Spirit opened my heart to Jesus' love and caring. Now-a-days I'm an awesome Christian and even better, I gave my heart to God. Now I want you all to give your heart to God trusting that he has your best interests at mind. Now this is my testimony, so I want you to tell me your testimonies. I would love hearing the Holy Spirit work in everyone. And if you want you can check out my forum and post your testimonies along with everything else you want.


-May God bless you today and always.


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